Sayonara heaven
Song Information
Original Version
Artist: 猫叉Master
Composition/Arrangement: Naoyuki Sato
BPM: 111
Length: 2:05 (pop'n music, beatmania IIDX, DanceDanceRevolution, REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!→Present), 1:40 (REFLEC BEAT→colette)
pop'n music Genre: CONTEMPORARY NATION 2 (コンテンポラリーネイション2)
pop'n music Character: Yima [CS10-2P]
VJ: ackermann a.k.a. akaman
Jacket design: CS pop'n designers
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 11 CS
Other Music Game Appearances:
- BeatStream アニムトライヴ
- beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY CS
- beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS
- DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX
- DanceDanceRevolution A3
- jubeat plus / jubeat plus (Android) pop'n music pack 1
- jubeat saucer
- jukebeat KONAMI music pack 51
- pop'n music 14 FEVER!
- ミライダガッキ FutureTomTom
Artist: 猫叉Master Arranged by red glasses
Composition: Naoyuki Sato
Arrangement: red glasses
Length: 1:59
First Music Game Appearance: ノスタルジア Op.3
Other Music Game Appearances: None.
Song Connections / Remixes
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン is the second song in the CONTEMPORARY NATION series of songs.
- A long version of サヨナラ・ヘヴン appears on the pop'n music 13 カーニバル AC ♥ CS pop'n music 11 original soundtrack, as well as on 猫叉Master's first album, Raindrops.
- REFLEC BEAT uses a shorter version of サヨナラ・ヘヴン, cutting out the beginning and ending parts of the song.
- Despite this, the REFLEC BEAT ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK features the full, uncut version of the song.
- As of REFLEC BEAT groovin', サヨナラ・ヘヴン uses the uncut version of the song as well.
- A bossa nova arrangement of サヨナラ・ヘヴン by 大嶋大輔 appears on the pop'n music Cafe music selection album.
- A remix of サヨナラ・ヘヴン by かめりあ, titled サヨナラ・ヘヴン (かめりあ's NEKOMATAelectroRMX), can be found in SOUND VOLTEX BOOTH.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン appears as part of the PM SUPER BEST すぺしゃるメドレー, a medley by Tsugumi Kataoka that can be found on the pop'n music SUPER BEST BOX compilation album.
- A rock arrangement of サヨナラ・ヘヴン by Mutsuhiko Izumi, titled サヨナラ・ヘヴン -GITADOROCK ver.-, appears in GITADORA Tri-Boost.
- An EDM remix of サヨナラ・ヘヴン by Ryu☆, titled サヨナラ・ヘヴン (Ryu☆Remix SLver), can be found on Ryu☆'s third anthology album, Ryu☆BEST -SUNLiGHT-.
- A chiptune arrangement of サヨナラ・ヘヴン by しのりゅー, titled サヨナラ・ヘヴン-Celtic Chip Dance Mix-, appears on the beatmania IIDX ULTIMATE MOBILE exclusive album BEMANI 8bit collection.
- A short version of サヨナラ・ヘヴン-Celtic Chip Dance Mix-, titled サヨナラ・ヘヴン(Celtic Chip Dance Mix), also appears as a playable song in beatmania IIDX ULTIMATE MOBILE.
- The ノスタルジア series uses a piano arrangement of サヨナラ・ヘヴン.
- A symphonic arrangement of サヨナラ・ヘヴン by Morrigan feat.Lily, titled サヨナラ・ヘヴン (Orchestra Arr.), can be found on the BEMANI SYMPHONY ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK album.
- A short version of サヨナラ・ヘヴン (Orchestra Arr.), titled サヨナラ・ヘヴン (BEMANI SYMPHONY Arr.), appears in jubeat (2021).
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン is unlockable in pop'n music 11 CS as part of the POP'N TOURIST unlock system, obtained in South America.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン is one of the hidden songs of beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY CS. It can be unlocked by completing ARCADE MODE, or any EXPERT or Dani Nintei course, once.
- サヨナラ*ヘヴン is one of the songs part of Episode 4 of the Fever senshi pop'n 14 (フィーバー戦士 ポップン14) event. It could be unlocked from July 26th to August 2nd, 2006.
- From August 9th, 2006, it is available by default.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン is one of the PARALLEL ROTATION HAPPY SKY EXTRA STAGEs in beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS.
- Although サヨナラ・ヘヴン made its arcade debut in beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS, BEYOND THE EARTH, the first CONTEMPORARY NATION song, did not appear in an arcade beatmania IIDX game until beatmania IIDX 22 PENDUAL.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン can be unlocked in REFLEC BEAT by reaching Level 2.
- From REFLEC BEAT limelight to REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2, サヨナラ・ヘヴン was playable by default.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン received a new jacket in HELLO! POP'N MUSIC, featuring Yima.
- Before pop'n music Sunny Park, サヨナラ・ヘヴン's title was stylized as サヨナラ*ヘヴン.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン received an EASY chart on December 12th, 2012 in pop'n music Sunny Park, replacing its old 5-Buttons chart.
- On the iTunes page for Raindrops, サヨナラ・ヘヴン's title and artist are romanized as SAYONARA Heaven and NEKOMATA-Master, respectively.
- In REFLEC BEAT +, they are romanized as Sayonara・Heaven and Nekomata_Master, respectively.
- In jukebeat, they are romanized as SAYONARA HEAVEN and Nekomata-Master, respectively.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン is one of the songs part of the Mimi, Nyami & Kotaro no flying catch! (ミミニャミ・コタローのフライングキャッチ!) event. It can be unlocked in jubeat saucer since June 3rd, 2013.
- In jubeat saucer fulfill, it can be unlocked as part of saucer macchiato's Side Menu from May 1st, 2014.
- In jubeat prop, it can be unlocked by playing it as a BONUS TUNE from May 28th, 2015.
- In jubeat Qubell, it is one of the Garnet unlocks of the dig dig Qubell unlocking system.
- In jubeat clan, it can be unlocked in the jubeat SHOP.
- In jubeat festo, it can be purchased at the emo MART.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン's jubeat charts were made by RAG [1].
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン received a brand-new set of charts in REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!, to match its new audio.
- It also received a SPECIAL chart in REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!, which could be purchased at the REFLEC Shop for 1000 Refle.
- In REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA, it could be purchased from the Garage for 8 VOLZZA KEYs.
- In REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2, it could be unlocked by clearing its HARD chart a specific number of times, depending on the grade obtained on it (AAA+: 1 time, AAA: 2 times, AA: 3 times, A or lower: 5 times).
- It also received a SPECIAL chart in REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!, which could be purchased at the REFLEC Shop for 1000 Refle.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン can be unlocked in beatmania IIDX INFINITAS for 200 DJ POINTs.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン can be unlocked in BeatStream アニムトライヴ from December 7th, 2016 as part of the Kotoshimo!? Flying Christmas! Santakahashi-san (今年も!? フライングクリスマス! サンタカハシサン) event.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン's SPECIAL chart can be purchased in REFLEC BEAT plus since March 6th, 2017.
- Despite that REFLEC BEAT plus still uses the old cut for サヨナラ・ヘヴン, its SPECIAL chart uses the uncut version of the song.
- This makes サヨナラ・ヘヴン the first song in REFLEC BEAT plus to have multiple different audio tracks for its charts.
- Despite that REFLEC BEAT plus still uses the old cut for サヨナラ・ヘヴン, its SPECIAL chart uses the uncut version of the song.
- After being removed from the initial release of REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア, サヨナラ・ヘヴン was revived on June 8th, 2017.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン received a BEGINNER chart in beatmania IIDX 26 Rootage.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン [ 2 ] can be unlocked in jubeat festo from November 27th, 2018, as part of the TUNE RUN unlocking system.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン appears on KONAMI's mobile rhythm game ダンキラ!!! - Boys, be DANCING! -.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン is part of the Maishuu! Ichika no chou BEMANI rush 2020 (毎週!いちかの超BEMANIラッシュ2020) event. It could be unlocked in DANCERUSH STARDOM from September 2nd, 2020 until October 29th, 2020.
- From October 6th, 2021, it can be purchased with ★s.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン is one of the unlocks of ノスタルジア Op.3's Toki wo meguru ongaku-sai Vol.I (時を巡る音楽祭 Vol.I) event. It could be unlocked from January 7th to April 1st, 2021.
- It could be unlocked again from June 3rd to July 22nd, 2021.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン is available in コナステ ノスタルジア as part of the コナステ ノスタルジア 楽曲パック vol.1.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン also appears as one of the background music selectable to play during Accel Rave Time (アクセルレイブタイム) in SEVEN'S BEAT (セブンスビート), a KONAMI medal redemption game.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン's jubeat (2021) ratings were adjusted to its jubeat clan ratings on March 7th, 2022.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン is available in DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX from August 10th, 2022, by pre-ordering the DanceDanceRevolution Dedicated Controller (DanceDanceRevolution 専用コントローラ).
- By pre-ordering the controller while having an active subscription, サヨナラ・ヘヴン is automatically unlocked in DanceDanceRevolution A3.
- サヨナラ・ヘヴン uses its beatmania IIDX video in DanceDanceRevolution, which is displayed full-screen and removes any on-screen dancers.
Music Comment
Song Production Information
Video Production Information
Character Information
Difficulty & Notecounts
beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 12.
BeatStream difficulty rated from 1 to Kami (神) in アニムトライヴ.
DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from X onwards.
DANCERUSH difficulty rated from 1 to 10.
jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards.
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards.
REFLEC BEAT to groovin'!! Upper difficulty rated from 1 to 10+, 1 to 13 in VOLZZA/VOLZZA 2, and 1 to 15 in 悠久のリフレシア.
ノスタルジア difficulty rated from 1 to 12 for Normal to Expert charts. Real charts rated from 1 to 3 diamonds (◆). (Ratings obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)
beatmania IIDX
Game | SP Difficulty | DP Difficulty | |||||||
Notecounts | 190 | 476 | 709 | 855 | - | 644 | 815 | 957 | - |
beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY CS | - | 4 | 6 | 8 | - | 5 | 6 | 8 | - |
beatmania IIDX INFINITAS | - | 4 | 6 | 8 | - | 6 | 7 | 8 | - |
beatmania IIDX ULTIMATE MOBILE | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | - | - | - | - | - |
beatmania IIDX INFINITAS (2020) | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | - | 6 | 7 | 8 | - |
beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS→25 CANNON BALLERS | - | 4 | 6 | 8 | - | ↑6 | ↑7 | 8 | - |
beatmania IIDX 26 Rootage→Present | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | - | 6 | 7 | 8 | - |
Game | Level | |||
Light | Medium | Beast | Nightmare | |
Notecounts | 84 | 242 | 524 | - |
BeatStream アニムトライヴ | 2 | 6 | 9+ | - |
Game | Single | Double | |||||||
Beginner | Basic | Difficult | Expert | Challenge | Basic | Difficult | Expert | Challenge | |
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows | 38 / 4 | 91 / 7 | 278 / 25 | 459 / 14 | - / - / - | 106 / 4 | 277 / 22 | 455 / 10 | - / - / - |
DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX | 1 | 3 | 9 | 13 | - | 3 | 9 | 13 | - |
DanceDanceRevolution A3→Present | 1 | 3 | 9 | 13 | - | 3 | 9 | 13 | - |
Game | 1 Player | 2 Players | ||
Easy | Normal | Easy | Normal | |
Max Combo | 279 | 376 | ? (? / ?) |
? (? / ?) |
DANCERUSH STARDOM | 5 | 8 | 5 | 8 |
Regular Charts
Game | Level | ||
Basic | Advanced | Extreme | |
Notecounts | 193 | 466 | 686 |
jubeat saucer→Qubell | 3 | 6 | 9 |
jubeat clan→Present | 3 | 6 | ↓8 |
jubeat plus | 3 | 6 | 9 |
jubeat plus (Android) | 3 | 6 | 9 |
jukebeat | 3 | 6 | 9 |
jubeat (2021) | 3 | 6 | 8 |
[ 2 ] Charts
Game | Level | ||
Basic | Advanced | Extreme | |
Notecounts / Holds | 241 / 56 | 566 / 90 | 911 / 93 |
jubeat festo→Present | 3 | 8 | 10.4 |
jubeat (2021) | 3 | 8 | 10..4 |
pop'n music
Game | Normal Mode | Battle Mode | ||||
Notecounts | 361 | 572 | 954 | 1270 | 441 | 737 |
pop'n music 11 CS | 12 | 23 | 34 | 39 | 16 | 24 |
pop'n music 12 いろは CS | 12 | 23 | 34 | 39 | 16 | 24 |
pop'n music 14 FEVER!→18 せんごく列伝 | 12 | ↑25 | ↑35 | ↑40 | 16 | 24 |
pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET→20 fantasia | ↑17 | 25 | 35 | 40 | 16 | 24 |
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present | ※13 | 31 | 41 | 46 | 16 | 24 |
※ The notecount of this chart is different from the old 5-Buttons chart (total notes: 232).
Old Charts
Game | Level | |||
Basic | Medium | Hard | Special | |
Notecounts | 77 | 144 | 234 | 576 |
REFLEC BEAT→colette -All Seasons- | 1 | 3 | 5 | - |
REFLEC BEAT plus | 1 | 3 | 5 | 9 |
REFLEC BEAT + | 1 | 3 | 5 | - |
Updated Charts
Game | Level | |||
Basic | Medium | Hard | Special | |
Notecounts | 89 | 167 | 337 | 576 |
REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!→VOLZZA 2 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 9 |
New Charts
Game | Level | |||
Basic | Medium | Hard | White Hard | |
Notecounts | 110 | 198 | 422 | 678 |
REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア | 2 | 6 | 8 | 11 |
Game | Level | |||
Normal | Hard | Expert | Real | |
Notecounts | 275 | 670 | 1047 | 1317 |
ノスタルジア Op.3→Present | 3 | 6 | 10 | ◆2 |
コナステ ノスタルジア | 3 | 6 | 10 | ◆2 |
Expand猫叉Master's CONTEMPORARY NATION song series |
Expandフィーバー戦士 ポップン14 |
Expandミミニャミ・コタローのフライングキャッチ! |
Expand毎週!いちかの超BEMANIラッシュ2020 |
- This article is a stub. You can help complete this page by filling in missing information and/or by correcting any errors.
- Songs
- BeatStream Songs
- Beatmania IIDX Songs
- Beatmania IIDX Songs with Unique Videos
- Beatmania IIDX Songs Never Removed
- DDR Songs
- DDR Songs with Unique Videos
- DANCERUSH Songs with Unique Videos
- Jubeat Songs
- Jubeat Songs Never Removed
- Jubeat plus Songs
- Jubeat plus (Android) Songs
- Pop'n music Songs
- Pop'n music CS Songs
- Pop'n music BEMANI Songs
- REFLEC BEAT plus Songs
- Songs in 5 or more BEMANI games
- Songs in 10 or more BEMANI games