pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝

pop'n music arcade releases
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 いろは - 13 カーニバル - 14 FEVER!
15 ADVENTURE - 16 PARTY♪ - 17 THE MOVIE - 18 せんごく列伝
19 TUNE STREET - 20 fantasia - Sunny Park - ラピストリア - éclale
うさぎと猫と少年の夢 - peace - 解明リドルズ - UniLab - Jam&Fizz
アニメロ - アニメロ2号 - MICKEY TUNES - HELLO! (North America)

pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝


Release Information

  • Location testing: 8/21/2009 - 8/30/2009
  • Release date: January 20th, 2010.
  • Soundtrack release date:
    • pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 AC ♥ CS ポップンミュージック & portable & うたっち Original Soundtrack: July 21, 2010 (Japan)

General Information / Changes

  • Theme: Japan's Sengoku (Warring States) period
  • Chou-CHALLENGE Mode is now a separate game mode.
  • EXPERT was removed.
  • New songs: 73

Staff Information

Full Song List

Default/Hidden Songs

All hidden songs and EX charts were unlocked by default on March 3rd, 2010.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Licensed Songs
USO ♪♪♪♪♪ 180 Yuli [16-2P] 12 13 25 35 11 21
ITOSHISATO SETSUNASATO KOKOROTSUYOSATO 恋しさと せつなさと 心強さと ♪♪♪♪♪ 130 EN MOEYO [13] 11 15 23 29 11 14
HOTARU NO HIKARI ホタルノヒカリ ♪♪♪♪♪ 119-147 SHOKO [14-1P] 13 15 27 33 14 21
ARUITE KAEROU 歩いて帰ろう ガチャPON 191 Annie [9-2P] 11 16 23 27 12 16
SAMURAI SENTAI SHINKENGER 侍戦隊シンケンジャー ♪♪♪♪♪ 174 SASUGA MOGAMI [12-1P] 13 16 26 35 14 18
DONTEN 曇天 ♪♪♪♪♪ 189 [15-2P] 15 18 29 36 14 21
LOVER SOUL ラバソー ~lover soul~ ♪♪♪♪♪ 156 ERIKA [17-1P] 12 18 25 31 13 18
Butterfly Butterfly ♪♪♪♪♪ 111 Silvia [9-1P] 12 18 25 31 13 15
JAP JAP ♪♪♪♪♪ 200 Timer [16-1P] 14 21 30 36 15 24
KONAMI originals
POSITIVE 2 Heart of dreams 浅井裕子 112 sunny [18] 11 14 24 29 11 17
from pop'n music 12 いろは CS
オヤシロのムスメ 後藤沙緒里 189 みここ [CS12] 12 14 24 28 13 15
from パラボラ
パラボラ パーキッツ 125 mint 15 15 27 31 14 22
ELECTRO ROCK Let it go 阿部靖広 134 MAKOTO [18] 14 16 26 35 14 23
from pop'n music 13 カーニバル CS
女王騎士 猫叉Master 95 Prince of Falena [CS13] 9 16 26 35 15 19
TEA-SY LISTENING Afternoon tea dream ELEKTEL 114 R.Q 12 16 26 32 13 18
from パチスロ悪魔城ドラキュラ
trezire de spirit 倉持武志 134 Ralph Belmondo [18] 13 17 30 38 13 20
GIRLS COUNTRY Twin Trip Mika☆Rika 145 RIE♥chan [18] 13 17 27 34 14 17
CUTIE ELE POP Blow Me Up Sota Fujimori feat. Calin 146 LuLu [18] 16 17 31 38 17 22
MANDOLIN STEP Liebe~望郷~ 劇団レコード feat.さな 100 Kicoro 12 17 26 35 13 18
J-HOUSE POP 2 心のコラージュ よし 135 TSUYOSHI [18] 13 17 25 31 14 22
SYMPHONIC JINRAKU 天の峠 Q-Mex 126 KANENOBU 15 18 29 36 13 21
from pop'n music 12 いろは CS
TIN-DON-DANCE ノーボトム! 145 YANARY [CS12] 17 18 30 36 12 24
黒髪乱れし修羅となりて 村正クオリア 150 SUZUHIME 16 19 36 40 14 26
CHIP'N ROLL 青春ピコピコRock'n Roll ウッチーズZ 160 CHIKING 17 20 30 37 17 29
TRANCE EURO REMIX Foundation of You (DJ Command mix) 水橋舞 154 MZD [17-TRANCE] 13 20 31 38 14 20
HYPER JAPANESQUE 3 天上の星 ~黎明記~ TЁЯRA 170? KIKYO [18] 14 20 34 39 15 23
HIP ROCK 5 一激必翔 Des-ROW·組スペシアルr 213 [18] 16 20 37 42 16 26
NU STYLE ROCKABILLY Electronic or Treat! PON 190 DEXSTOR 18 20 30 37 14 19
TECHNOHOSOMICHI 五七五 V.C.O. 110-220 GOSHICHI 14 22 31 38 16 24
LADIES METAL 麗破唖甦~rebirth~ good-cool ft. AYANO 178 BENI 16 22 33 40 15 24
ORIENTAL FOLKLORE Akino 132 KAGAMI 17 23 34 39 15 26
Hidden Songs
IKKI! Explosion ひので155 250 Scarecrows 14 20 34 40 15 20
from jubeat ripples
隅田川夏恋歌 seiya-murai feat. ALT 180 Alt [18] 15 20 32 37 16 21
くさびかたびら☆下克上! ~ 暗躍の樹海MIX SATOE vs. 上野圭市 transforming into MASAO♡Lovely 165 AYAME 16 21 31 39 14 22

Mezase tenka touitsu! pop'n fuuunroku (めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録)

Mezase tenka touitsu! pop'n fuuunroku is pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝's main unlock event. It started on March 31st, 2010. eAMUSEMENT is required to play the event.

In this unlock event, you play as Mimi, and play a mini-game called Yabusame (やぶさめ), in which you shoot arrows at targets while riding a horse. The timing of the targets is directly proportional to your HI-SPEED setting for that round. Hitting more targets will increase a military force gauge. There can be one to five targets.

Once the time limit is up, you then move to a map screen, where you use the gauge you accumulated that round to conquer prefectures. Warlords will appear in specific ones. Your goal is to reduce their gauge to unlock songs. Song unlocks will unlock in this order:

  • Unconquered (未制圧): nothing unlocked
  • Castle siege complete (城の包囲が完了): 5BUTON/NORMAL/BATTLE charts unlocked
  • Entering the castle (城内へ突入): HYPER charts and characters (minus REMIXes) unlocked
  • Complete control (完全制圧): EX chart unlocked

Rebellion can occur after finishing a set of unlocks. When this happens, you can play a hidden song from a different path, but only once in the next play.

Mezase tenka touitsu! pop'n fuuunroku ended on July 14th, 2010. All songs and characters were unlocked for everyone that same day.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Mezase tenka touitsu! pop'n fuuunroku (めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録)
Set 1
白夜幻燈 猫叉Master 128 山吹 16 19 30 40 15 22
Rhythm & Blues & Minyou
from pop'n music 12 いろは CS
ドンパン節} 笛吹二朗とドンパン・リスペクツ 98-124 TECHNO STARS [CS12] 8 15 26 32 6 12
from beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD
GOLD RUSH (pop'n GOLD MOUNTAIN rush) DJ YOSHITAKA-G feat.Michael a la mode 162 MZD [18] 16 23 30 37 14 21
DES-NAWA 夢添うてぃ(desmix2010) Des-ROW 130-170 MZD [9-OKINAWA] 8 18 32 38 12 21
Set 2 (added April 7th, 2010)
from pop'n music 12 いろは CS
突確全回転! マロンちゃん 196 MIYABI san [CS12] 14 20 34 40 13 17
from DDRMAX2 -DanceDanceRevolution 7thMIX-
TSUGARU RevenG VS DE-SIRE 165 内田一門 [CS12] 15 21 33 37 15 20
しまなみ海道 男道 すがはらやすのり 80-150 黒太ちゃん 15 20 29 37 12 18
MOMO VISUAL 紅ノ桃 good-cool ft. Jouei from 閃-4-AIM 165 Kivy 13 17 33 38 14 17
HEAT UP Ignited Night HHH 149 DAI 21 21 32 39 19 24
Set 3 (added April 14th, 2010)
MELODIC SPEED TRINITY ARROW TAG 222? M-M-G☆ 15 19 32 39 16 20
JINKI PROGRESSIVE 風林火山 96 92-162 SHISHITUGU 13 22 35 41 14 19
PSYCHOBILLY 辞世テンプレート ギラギラ眼帯団 220 MASAMUNE 14 20 35 40 15 21
Set 3-2: After obtaining all previous songs' charts
MUHON TRANCE NOBUNAGA 本能寺尊之 150 N.NAGA 16 20 35 42 16 24
TAI-KO HIP-HOP 三日天下モンキー 秀よし君 105 m.c.H.T 14 16 26 31 12 17
FUNKY KOTA AKATSUKI L.E.D.-G vs. GUHROOVY 187 たぬちよ 13 25 32 39 14 21
Set 3-3: After obtaining all above songs' charts
西軍||∴⊂SEKIGAHARA⊃∴||東軍 Yukky+DES 120-210 Mimi/Nyami [18] 16 19 35 42 15 20
Set 4 (added May 26th, 2010)
from GuitarFreaks V6 & DrumMania V6 BLAZING!!!!
情熱 fun! fun! YAMATO組 150 HIKARU [18] 12 16 25 32 13 16
ポップミュージック続論 ギラギラメガネ楽団 feat.MAKI 182 MURASAKI [18] 14 19 30 36 15 19
KUROFUNE FUNK ペリーでぇす! ブタパンチ 160 ぺるりさん 14 21 32 40 15 19
from GuitarFreaks V3 & DrumMania V3
差無来!! Des-ROW・組 168-210 [6-3P] 16 20 34 41 18 27
Set 5-1 (added June 2nd, 2010)
GIN ROCK O・KU・NI seiya-murai feat.楽芭 140 YAYAKO 13 18 30 39 14 22
MONGOL REMIX 怒れる大きな白い馬~S.S.D.の役~ M.B.D Rmx by S.S.D. 110-152 MZD [17-MONGOL] 16 21 32 40 14 28
FLUCH 水面静かに大地の烈日わたらせて あさき 124? 弐ノ丸 17 19 32 38 18 28
防人恋歌 Ax feat.夏川陽子 170 KUNIOSHI 18 24 33 38 17 20
Set 5-2: After obtaining all of 4th and 5th set's charts
DOGU TECHNO Dogu Ditty Dp.Honda feat.まりも 160 コクウ 15 19 30 41 16 26
□○ BEATS 踊る埴輪 響レイ奈 & AKIRA YAMAOKA 140 hanico 14 17 26 33 14 23
ORIENTAL MYTHOROGY 蛇神 Zektbach 170 GIZIRI 12 24 37 41 13 21
Set 5-3: After obtaining all other songs' charts
かむがたりべ 175-195 HITORI 13 19 34 42 16 20
Set 5-4: After obtaining all charts of 序
NENGO ROCK すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 すわひでお 156 Mimi&Nyami [18] 13 21 32 39 14 21

Other Unlocks

Internet Ranking Unlocks

The following songs were playable through Internet Ranking from the following dates. Following the end of their Internet Ranking period, they became default songs in the SECRET category.

  • 月風魔伝: January 27th to February 10th, 2010
  • ボクをさがしに: February 3rd to 17th, 2010
  • starmine -swallowtail mix-: February 10th to 24th, 2010
  • Ge-Ko-Ku-Jo: February 17th to March 3rd, 2010
Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Internet Ranking Unlocks
GETSUFUMA-DEN 月風魔伝 コナミ矩形波動剣 147-162 月風魔 15 22 34 38 17 21
from ボクをさがしに
ボクをさがしに Sana 124 SANAE♥chan [18] 12 15 24 30 13 17
from starmine
starmine -swallowtail mix- ピンクターボ 187 TRAN [18] 15 21 32 37 16 20
Ge-Ko-Ku-Jo kors k feat. MC RALLY 175 蔵ノ助 16 21 32 41 15 18

pop'n music portable Unlocks

The following songs can be unlocked by inserting a code (0147896325), obtained from pop'n music portable's ADVENTURE MODE, on the numeric keypad during the clear mark screen after introducing the e-AMUSEMENT PASS. Cloudy Skies was added to the game on February 4th, 2010, while Ensamble Forecast 3/28 was added on March 17th, 2010. You must play the songs once to also unlock the characters as well.

These songs were never time unlocked, and wouldn't be playable by default until the following game.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
pop'n music portable Unlocks
SYMPATHY 4 Cloudy Skies EGOISTIC LEMONTEA 149 SUMIRE [CSp] 13 20 31 36 14 20
PORTABLE POP Ensamble Forecast 3/28 LekSak 212 NINON [CSp] 11 19 35 40 15 20

New Charts

The following songs have received new charts since their last arcade/console appearance:

Song Title Folder Normal Mode Battle Mode
777★★★ pop'n music 8 - - - 39 - -
Cloudy Skies pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 / CS (pop'n music portable) - - - - - 20
Ensamble Forecast 3/28 pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 / CS (pop'n music portable) - - - - - 20
The Least 100sec BEMANI (ee'MALL) - - - 42 - -

Difficulty Changes

The following songs have received difficulty changes since their last arcade/console appearance:

Song Title Folder Normal Mode Battle Mode
ostin-art pop'n music 4 - - - 31→32 - -
LA LA LA LA YO-DEL pop'n music 5 - - - 29→31 - -
西新宿清掃曲 pop'n music 5 - - - 36→37 - -
GET THE CHANCE! pop'n music 7 - - 28→29 - - -
321 STARS pop'n music 8 - - 31→32 - - -
RADICAL RAGTIME TOUR pop'n music 8 - - - 37→38 - -
2tone pop'n music 9 - - 35→36 - - -
Missing Cat pop'n music 10 - - 29→28 - - -
murmur twins(guitar pop ver.) pop'n music 10 - - 28→30 - - -
ブタパンチのテーマ pop'n music 9 - - - 42→43 - -
男々道 pop'n music 9 - - 35→36 - - -
絡繰男爵奇譚 pop'n music 10 - - - 28→30 - -
ラブ・アコーディオン pop'n music 10 - - 28→29 - - -
MY GIFTS pop'n music 11 - 25→24 - - - -
でんがなマンガナ pop'n music 11 - - 33→34 - - -
最強おばちゃん伝説 pop'n music 11 - - 34→35 - - -
テンプラ揚三 pop'n music 11 - - 36→38 - - -
CURUS pop'n music 12 いろは - 24→23 - - - -
Into The Light pop'n music 12 いろは - - 28→29 - - -
Klungkung 1655 pop'n music 12 いろは - - - 38→39 - -
KOUYOU pop'n music 12 いろは - - - 28→27 - -
Looking for... pop'n music 12 いろは - - 32→33 - - -
MY pop'n music 12 いろは - - 29→30 - - -
鳳凰 pop'n music 12 いろは - - - 38→39 - -
pop'n music 12 いろは - - - 41→42 - -
DAWN pop'n music 13 カーニバル - - - 38→37 - -
Der Wald pop'n music 13 カーニバル - - 27→26 32→31 - -
GADARINA pop'n music 13 カーニバル - - - 39→38 - -
masquerade pop'n music 13 カーニバル - - - 38→37 - -
MOON pop'n music 13 カーニバル - 23→22 - 39→40 - -
Violently Car pop'n music 13 カーニバル - - - 40→41 - -
ラスベガスドリーム pop'n music 13 カーニバル - - - 34→33 - -
空への扉 pop'n music 13 カーニバル - - 27→25 - - -
桃源絵巻 pop'n music 13 カーニバル - 23→22 - - - -
BBLLAASSTT!! pop'n music 14 FEVER! - - - 42→41 - -
Übertreffen pop'n music 14 FEVER! - - - 42→43 - -
いつか王子さまがぁ! pop'n music 14 FEVER! - - - 25→23 - -
猿の経 pop'n music 14 FEVER! - - - 42→41 - -
セレクトショップに横たわるネコ pop'n music 14 FEVER! - - - 38→39 - -
Aqua pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - - - 40→39 - -
Caring Dance pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - - - 39→38 - -
neu pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - - - 42→43 - -
One Phrase Blues pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - - - 33→34 - -
Votum stellarum -forest #25 RMX- pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - - 37→36 - - -
恋のミラクル☆ pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - - - 35→33 - -
緑の風 pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - - - 26→24 - -
西麻布水道曲 pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - 21→23 - 38→39 - -
ロクブテ pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - - - 38→37 - -
路男 pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - - - 41→40 - -
3・2・1→Smile! pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - - 36→37 - -
BI-BUN-SEKI-BUn pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - - 38→37 - -
Dance to Blue pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - 28→29 - - -
Desire pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - 34→35 39→40 - -
LOVE☆BA☆ZOOKA! pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - - 35→36 - -
SPICY PIECE (Ryu☆Remix) pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - - 39→40 - -
pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - - 38→37 - -
大見解の新見解 pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - - 40→38 - -
華爛漫 -Flowers- pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - - 37→38 - -
純愛ホスト☆午前5時 pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - - 34→33 - -
無限軌道ゲームミックス pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - 29→30 - - -
ポルターガイスト pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - 32→33 - - -
タンバリンビーツ pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - - 32→34 - -
CURUS-M(ditty) pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 34→33 - - -
Fantasia pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - 22→24 - - - -
GEO SONG pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - 17→13 - 30→29 - -
Make my way pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - - 40→38 - -
moon dance pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 32→34 - - -
Polaris pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - - 40→38 - -
Second Heaven pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - - 38→39 - -
Stories pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 30→31 - - -
Treasure Hoard pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 32→33 - - -
Tree in Lake ~消えたチチカカの木~ pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - - 37→38 - -
will pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - - 39→40 - -
暗黒サイケデリック pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 30→31 - - -
音楽 pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - - 42→43 - -
最期の決断 pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 33→30 39→38 - -
わたしのパパはのうむだいじん pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 29→28 - - -
踊るフィーバーロボ Eu-Robot mix pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - - 40→41 - -
Cloudy Skies pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 / CS (pop'n music portable) - - - - 22→14 -
Ensamble Forecast 3/28 pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 / CS (pop'n music portable) - - 33→35 - 12→15 -
ドンパン節 pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 / CS (pop'n music 12 いろは CS) - 14→15 24→23 - - -
Con te sabi 2119 CS (pop'n music CS) - - 20→23 - - -
Concertare CS (pop'n music 4 APPEND DISC) - - 41→42 - - -
Sweaty Guys CS (pop'n music 5 CS) - - - 28→31 - -
Girl from the Portrait CS (pop'n music 6 CS) - 10→13 23→25 - - -
The tyro's reverie CS (pop'n music 7 CS) - - 35→36 - - -
キミに届け CS (pop'n music 7 CS) - 9→12 - - - -
ステテコ捨てて行こう CS (pop'n music 7 CS) - - 30→32 - - -
A change of probability CS (pop'n music 8 CS) - - - 39→38 - -
Line Times CS (pop'n music 8 CS) - - 31→32 - - -
Hell? or Heaven? CS (pop'n music 9 CS) - - 37→38 - - -
Ping Pong Boogie CS (pop'n music 9 CS) - - - 34→36 - -
redraw lots CS (pop'n music 9 CS) - - - 35→36 - -
うぐいす CS (pop'n music 9 CS) - - - 35→36 - -
Rapunzel CS (pop'n music 11 CS) - - - 29→30 - -
すいみん不足 TV/ANIME (pop'n music 6) - - 28→29 - - -
そばかす TV/ANIME (pop'n music 16 PARTY♪) - - - 33→34 - -
創聖のアクエリオン TV/ANIME (pop'n music 16 PARTY♪) - - - 29→28 - -
BATTLE WITHOUT HONOR OR HUMANITY TV/ANIME (pop'n music 13 カーニバル CS) - 15→19 - - - -
ポリリズム TV/ANIME (pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE) - 10→7 30→26 - - -
The Least 100sec BEMANI (ee'MALL) - - 35→34 - - -
そっと。 BEMANI (ee'MALL) - - 32→31 - - -
A SHOOTING STAR BEMANI (ee'MALL 2nd avenue) - - - 38→37 - -
LOVE D RIVE BEMANI (ee'MALL 2nd avenue) - - 32→30 - - -
mind BEMANI (ee'MALL 2nd avenue) - - - 38→37 - -
螺子之人 BEMANI (ee'MALL 2nd avenue) - - - 40→41 - -
子供の落書き帳 BEMANI (ee'MALL 2nd avenue) - - - 36→37 - -
さんぽのうた BEMANI (ee'MALL 2nd avenue) - - - 27→26 - -

Removed Songs

The following songs from previous pop'n music releases have been removed from this game:

Song Title Artist Folder
時代を変えてくTeenage 馬場一嘉 pop'n music 4
WE TWO ARE ONE Lala Moore pop'n music 4
妖怪Zの唄 ナヤ~ン・ブラザーズ・バンド pop'n music 4
In a Grow Noriko Fukushima pop'n music 5
ビーマニ戦隊 ポップンファイブ うた:石原慎一 さくし:RYO pop'n music 5
昇りつめるの ASAKO pop'n music 5
Foundation of our love dj TAKA feat.ASAKO pop'n music 6
blue moon sea N.A.R.D. feat. Lala Moore pop'n music 9
This way HIROMI pop'n music 10
ワルドック船長のブルース ナヤ~ン・ブラザーズ・バンド pop'n music 11
惚れたぜ Harajuku アルファ&スチャダラパー pop'n music 14 FEVER!
フリフリハワイワン! YUU&NAHO from Cawaii! pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE
サザエさん一家 千沢祐子 TV/ANIME (pop'n music 6)
宇宙戦艦ヤマト ささき いさお TV/ANIME (pop'n music 7)
宇宙刑事ギャバン 串田アキラ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 8)
CAT'S EYE ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 9)
キューティーハニー 西科かおり TV/ANIME (pop'n music 10)
デビルマンの歌 石原慎一 TV/ANIME (pop'n music 10)
魔女っ子メグちゃん ASAKO TV/ANIME (pop'n music 10)
にんげんっていいな ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 10)
バビル2世 水木一郎森の木児童合唱団 TV/ANIME (pop'n music 11)
おれはジャイアンさまだ! たてかべ和也 TV/ANIME (pop'n music 11)
CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA 影山ヒロノブ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 12 いろは)
オラはにんきもの のはらしんのすけ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 12 いろは)
ルージュの伝言 ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE)

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