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= REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア =
= REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア =
The sixth game in the REFLEC BEAT series. It was announced on August 24th, 2016.
[[Image:RB Reflesia logo.png|400px]]

== Release Information ==
== Release Information ==
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* Release date: December 1st, 2016
* Release date: December 1st, 2016
* Soundtrack release:
* Soundtrack release:
** [[REFLEC BEAT Yuukyuu no Reflesia+VOLZZA ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK|REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア+VOLZZA ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK]]: April 12th, 2017 (Physical and Digital)
** Physical and iTunes release: 04/12/2017 (Japanese and U.S.)

== General Information / Changes ==
== General Information / Changes ==
* Sixth full REFLEC BEAT game, as well as the final REFLEC BEAT game.
* According to information given on the 145th ''BEMANI Namahousou (kari)'' (BEMANI生放送(仮)) live stream, the game has been reworked from the ground up:
* According to information given on the 145th ''BEMANI Namahousou (kari)'' (BEMANI生放送(仮)) live stream, the game has been reworked from the ground up:
** Difficulty level has been expanded to Level 15.
** Difficulty level has expanded to Level 15.
** Scoring system has been changed.
** Scoring system has been changed.
*** Clear Rank S introduced.
*** Clear Rank S introduced.
*** New judgement rank introduced for Long Objects: ''KEEP''. KEEP increments the combo just as JUST, GREAT, and GOODs do.
*** New judgement rank introduced for Long Objects: ''KEEP''. KEEP increments the combo just as JUST, GREAT, and GOODs do.
** Object movement speed is no longer different between BASIC, MEDIUM, and HARD charts of the same song, as it now closely follows the song's BPM.
** Object movement speed is no longer different between BASIC, MEDIUM, and HARD charts of the same song; it now closely follows the song's BPM.
** Only Vertical and Big Bang Objects are used in charts rated from Level 1 to 4.  
** Only Vertical and Big Bang Objects are used in charts rated from Level 1 to 4; there are no Gold Objects (and thus no way to perform JUST REFLECS).
* First REFLEC BEAT game to have a Japanese title.
** Similar to the original REFLEC BEAT, BASIC charts no longer contain any Top Objects.
** However, 2-Top judgement points are still shown when playing a BASIC chart.
* Only REFLEC BEAT game to have a Japanese title.
** The title is officially translated to English as ''The Reflesia of Eternity''.
** The title is officially translated to English as ''The Reflesia of Eternity''.
* The main character illustrator is [[Maya Takamura|MAYA]].
* The main character illustrator is [[Maya Takamura|MAYA]].
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** The Slide Object from VOLZZA has been completely removed from the game. Charts featuring it may have the Switch Long Objects as replacements.
** The Slide Object from VOLZZA has been completely removed from the game. Charts featuring it may have the Switch Long Objects as replacements.
** Normal Objects and Vertical Objects now look visually identical.
** Normal Objects and Vertical Objects now look visually identical.
** Note beams (a la [[IIDXIcon|beatmania IIDX]]) have been introduced.  
** Note beams (a la [[beatmania IIDX Information|beatmania IIDX]]) have been introduced.  
* ''WHITE HARD'' (ホワイトハード) charts are introduced. These replace SPECIAL charts as previously seen from [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]] to [[REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]. Like in VOLZZA 2, they are available for all new songs.
* ''WHITE HARD'' (ホワイトハード) charts are introduced. These replace SPECIAL charts as previously seen from [[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]] to REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2. Like in VOLZZA 2, they are available for all new songs.
** Unlike most SPECIAL charts that were simply harder charts, WHITE HARD ones are not necessarily more difficult, focusing instead on unique patterns and new objects that were not present in the other difficulty charts for a specific song.
** Unlike most SPECIAL charts that were simply harder charts, WHITE HARD ones are not necessarily more difficult, focusing instead on unique patterns and new objects that were not present in the other difficulty charts for a specific song.
** Switch Long Objects only appear on the WHITE HARD difficulty.
** Switch Long Objects only appear on the WHITE HARD difficulty.
** For revived songs that previously had SPECIAL charts, their WHITE HARD charts are nearly identical (except for Slide Objects).
* Hi-Speed changes:
* Hi-Speed changes:
** It can now be changed on the online matching screen, not just during song selection.
** It can now be changed on the online matching screen, not just during song selection.
** It is now selectable in CLASS mode.
** It is now selectable in CLASS mode.
** Hi-Speed setting now goes up to 4.0 (0.5 increments).
** Hi-Speed setting now goes up to 4.0 (0.5 increments).
* It is currently unknown if the Dan system might return.
* With the three exceptions of [[FLOWER]], [[Kurokami midareshi shura to narite|黒髪乱れし修羅となりて]], and [[Rin to shite saku hana no gotoku|凛として咲く花の如く]], ''every'' KONAMI original song from previous REFLEC BEAT games was either removed or made hidden at launch.
* Almost every KONAMI original song from previous REFLEC BEAT releases was not available at launch day (licenses were not affected, though), though older songs will be added over time (around 15-20 per month). The only songs at launch are:
** Many of the removed songs were added over time. For more information, please see [[AC RB Reflesia/Returning Songs|this page]].
** [[REFLEC BEAT]]: [[FLOWER]], [[Csikos post -seishun SKA punk mix!-|クシコス☆ポスト -青春SKAパンク ミックス!-]], and [[Rin to shite saku hana no gotoku|凛として咲く花の如く]]
** All revived songs received new charts.
** [[REFLEC BEAT limelight]]: [[Ifuudoudou ~tutorial yori~|威風堂々 ~チュートリアルより~]], and  [[Kurokami midareshi shura to narite|黒髪乱れし修羅となりて]]
** [[REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]: [[Alstroemeria|アルストロメリア]]
** [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]: [[Hungary bukyoku dai 5ban ~Hungarian Dances No.5~|ハンガリー舞曲 第5番 ~Hungarian Dances No.5~]] and [[Radetzky koushinkyoku ~Radetzky March, Op.228~|ラデツキー行進曲 ~Radetzky March, Op.228~]]
* Only the player ID carries from VOLZZA 2.
* Only the player ID carries from VOLZZA 2.
* [[REFLEC BEAT CLASS CHECK Courses|CLASS CHECK MODE]] was not available until February 22nd, 2017.
* [[HinaBitter|ひなビタ♪]] genre was added on March 13th, 2017.
* [[HinaBitter|ひなビタ♪]] genre was added on March 13th, 2017.
* First REFLEC BEAT game to have its soundtrack released on iTunes internationally.
* Only REFLEC BEAT game to have its soundtrack released on iTunes internationally.
* Total songs: 230 (as of April 13th, 2017)
* One of the only two active BEMANI games at the time of announcement that did not appear at [[KONAMI Arcade Championship|The 7th KONAMI Arcade Championship]], along with [[AC MSC 1+1/2|MÚSECA 1+1/2]].
* X linking functionality ended on February 13th, 2023.
* Total songs: 604

== Staff Information ==
== Staff Information ==
* Sound directors: [[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW]], [[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ TOTTO]]
* Sound directors: [[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW]], [[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ TOTTO]]

== Song List ==
= Full Song List =
* [[REFLEC_BEAT Yuukyuu no Reflesia Full Song List|REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア Full Song List]]
* [[REFLEC BEAT Yuukyuu no Reflesia Full Song List|REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア Full Song List]]

= New Songs =
= Default / Hidden Songs =
Songs listed with a grey background have been removed from REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア.
[[LOVE IS BLIND-shiranai machi de Crazy for You-|LOVE IS BLIND-知らない街で Crazy for You-]] can be unlocked by playing [[LOVE IS ORANGE]] and then [[Blind Justice ~Torn souls, Hurt Faiths~|Blind Justice ~Torn souls, Hurt Faiths~]] on the same credit. It will then be available for your next STAGE. Since December 21st, 2017, it is playable by default.

== Default Songs ==
{{RB Songlist Header2|
{{RB Songlist Header2|
{{RB Songlist Category|Licenses|color=#000}}
{{RB Songlist Category|{{span style color|#fde3c6|Licenses}}|bg=linear-gradient(transparent 50%, #4cbb17, green, #4b371c, #4b371c), linear-gradient(90deg, white 20%, darkblue 30%, darkblue, #ededed 90%)}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Default|bg=#aaaaee|color=#000}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Launch|bg=grey|color=#000}}
{{RB Song2|[[Paradisus-Paradoxum]]|[[Tomohiro Oshima|MYTH & ROID]]|201|4|9|11|12}}
{{RB SongR|[[Paradisus-Paradoxum]]|[[Tomohiro Oshima|MYTH & ROID]]|201|4|9|11|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Orarion|オラリオン]]|やなぎなぎ|108-149|2|7|11|10}}
{{RB SongR|[[Orarion|オラリオン]]|やなぎなぎ|108-149|2|7|11|10}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Added on February 13th, 2017|bg=#aaaaee|color=#000}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Added on February 13th, 2017|bg=#fde3c6|color=green}}
{{RB Song2|[[Hoshi utau tami|星謳う民]]|[[Tomomi Teratani|can]][[Haruka Shimotsuki|oue]]|119|3|7|11|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Hoshi utau tami|星謳う民]]|[[Tomomi Teratani|can]][[Haruka Shimotsuki|oue]]|119|3|7|11|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Isshun no qualia|一瞬のクオリア]]|[[Chata|茶太]]・[[Haruka Shimotsuki|霜月はるか]]|95|2|7|10|11}}
{{RB Song2|[[Isshun no qualia|一瞬のクオリア]]|[[Chata|茶太]]・[[Haruka Shimotsuki|霜月はるか]]|95|2|7|10|11}}
{{RB Song2|[[Nejimaku tokei ga tsuki no michi kake wo kizamu|捻子巻く時計が月の満ち欠けを刻む]]|[[Haruka Shimotsuki|霜月はるか]](tieLeaf)|84|4|8|11|11}}
{{RB Song2|[[Nejimaku tokei ga tsuki no michi kake wo kizamu|捻子巻く時計が月の満ち欠けを刻む]]|[[Haruka Shimotsuki|霜月はるか]](tieLeaf)|84|4|8|11|11}}
{{RB Songlist Category|KONAMI originals|color=#000}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Added on July 14th, 2017|bg=grey|color=#000}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Default|bg=#aaaaee|color=#000}}
{{RB SongR|[[STEP by STEP UP|STEP by STEP UP↑↑↑↑]]|[[Ayato Homma|four]][[Hige Driver|folium]]|175|3|8|11|11}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Added on July 20th, 2017|bg=grey|color=#000}}
{{RB SongR|[[JUMPin'JUMP UP!!!!]]|fourfolium|168|4|9|11|12}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Added on September 20th, 2017|bg=#fde3c6|color=green}}
{{RB Song2|[[Himawari sunset|向日葵サンセット]]|[[Youhei Kimura|ARM]]・[[MARON|まろん]] (IOSYS) × [[ranko|ランコ]]・[[paprika|パプリカ]] ([[Butaotome|豚乙女]])|135|3|8|11|12}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Added on October 3rd, 2017|bg=#fde3c6|color=green}}
{{RB Song2|[[Kunshi ayauku mo chikou yore|君氏危うくも近うよれ]]|[[AOP|A応P]]|162|4|8|11|12}}
{{RB Songlist Category|{{span style color|white|KONAMI originals}}|bg=linear-gradient(transparent 70%, #4cbb17, green), linear-gradient(90deg, white 20%, darkblue 30%, darkblue, #ededed 90%)}}
{{RB Song2|[[Agony for Glory]]|[[Shohei Uno|RoughSketch]]|175|6|10|14|14}}
{{RB Song2|[[Agony for Glory]]|[[Shohei Uno|RoughSketch]]|175|6|10|14|14}}
{{RB Song2|[[Apocalypse]]|[[Tadahiro Tsuchiya|Morrigan]] feat. リリィ|165|7|10|14|14}}
{{RB Song2|[[Apocalypse]]|[[Tadahiro Tsuchiya|Morrigan]] feat. リリィ|165|7|10|14|14}}
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{{RB Song2|[[FANTASTIC NxxD BABY|【×▽×】FANTASTIC NxxD BABY【×_×】]]|[[P*Light]] feat. mow*2|145|5|9|12|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[FANTASTIC NxxD BABY|【×▽×】FANTASTIC NxxD BABY【×_×】]]|[[P*Light]] feat. mow*2|145|5|9|12|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[know]]|[[Kouta Tsujiyama|emon(Tes.)]] feat.conoqa|128|3|7|10|11}}
{{RB Song2|[[know]]|[[Kouta Tsujiyama|emon(Tes.)]] feat.conoqa|128|3|7|10|11}}
{{RB Song2|[[Night Clock]]|[[Chie Fukami|kidlit/深水チエ]]|134-191|5|8|11|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Night Clock]]|[[kidlit|kidlit/深水チエ]]|134-191|5|8|11|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Nostalgic Magica]]|[[cosMoBousouP|cosMo@暴走P]]|63|5|9|12|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Nostalgic Magica]]|[[cosMo@BousouP|cosMo@暴走P]]|63|5|9|12|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Requiem of Lament]]|[[Powerless]] feat. Shoohey|160|5|8|13|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Requiem of Lament]]|[[Satoshi Igarashi|Powerless]] feat. Shoohey|160|5|8|13|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Strange Flow]]|[[Sota Fujimori]]|140|4|7|11|11}}
{{RB Song2|[[Strange Flow]]|[[Sota Fujimori]]|140|4|7|11|11}}
{{RB Song2|[[Towards The Horizon]]|[[Masaya Oya|かめりあ]]|154|6|9|14|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Towards The Horizon]]|[[Masaya Oya|かめりあ]]|154|6|9|14|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Anemoitierai|アネモイティエライ]]|[[Koichi Murakami|bermei.inazawa]] feat.[[Mari Yura|結良まり]]|164|6|9|13|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Anemoi Thyellai|アネモイティエライ]]|[[Koichi Murakami|bermei.inazawa]] feat.[[Mari Yura|結良まり]]|164|6|9|13|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Daoine Sidhe no odori|ディーナ・シーの踊り]]|[[Hiroyuki Oshima|大嶋啓之]]|90-120|5|9|13|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Daoine Sidhe no odori|ディーナ・シーの踊り]]|[[Hiroyuki Oshima|大嶋啓之]]|90-120|5|9|13|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Houkou Orpheus|彷徨オルフェウス]]|[[Tomoaki Hirono|劇団レコード]]feat.[[Naoyuki Sato|猫叉Master]]|150|5|8|12|11}}
{{RB Song2|[[Houkou Orpheus|彷徨オルフェウス]]|[[Tomoaki Hirono|劇団レコード]]feat.[[Naoyuki Sato|猫叉Master]]|150|5|8|12|11}}
{{RB Song2|[[Kanata no Reflesia|彼方のリフレシア]]|[[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ TOTTO]] feat.Annabel & 日山尚|180|4|8|13|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Kanata no Reflesia|彼方のリフレシア]]|[[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ TOTTO]] feat.Annabel & 日山尚|180|4|8|12|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Kazeyomi no mai|風詠之舞~カゼヨミノマイ]]|[[Seiya Murai|world sequence]]|110|2|7|10|10}}
{{RB Song2|[[Kazeyomi no mai|風詠之舞~カゼヨミノマイ]]|[[Kiyoshi Murai|world sequence]]|110|2|7|10|10}}
{{RB Song2|[[Kurobeni sukui|黒紅掬い]]|[[Naoyuki Sato|猫叉Master]] feat.[[Haruka Shimotsuki|霜月はるか]]|104|3|7|10|11}}
{{RB Song2|[[Kurobeni sukui|黒紅掬い]]|[[Naoyuki Sato|猫叉Master]] feat.[[Haruka Shimotsuki|霜月はるか]]|104|3|7|10|11}}
{{RB Song2|[[Kuraki koutetsu no Verga|昏き鋼鉄のヴェルガ]]|[[Tomomi Teratani|arcane]] feat.rionos|174|4|7|11|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Kuraki koutetsu no Verga|昏き甲鉄のヴェルガ]]|[[Tomomi Teratani|arcane]] feat.[[Rio Okano|rionos]]|174|4|7|11|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Mizutamari|瀦]]|[[Takahiro Fukase|PHQUASE]]|108|6|9|13|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Mizutamari|瀦]]|[[Takahiro Fukase|PHQUASE]]|108|6|9|13|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Tsuisou brocante|追想ブロカント]]|[[Kennosuke Ono|onoken]] feat. Rin|92|4|8|11|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Tsuisou brocante|追想ブロカント]]|[[Kennosuke Ono|onoken]] feat. Rin|92|4|8|11|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Yoizuki no utahime|宵月の歌姫]]|[[OSTER project]] feat. りぼんぬ|210|6|8|12|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Yoizuki no utahime|宵月の歌姫]]|[[OSTER project]] feat. りぼんぬ|210|6|8|12|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Yuuki no pendant|勇気のペンダント]]|[[Tatsuya Iyama|Qrispy Joybox]] feat.[[Chata|茶太]]|109|5|8|11|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Yuuki no pendant|勇気のペンダント]]|[[Tatsuya Iyama|Qrispy Joybox]] feat.[[Chata|茶太]]|109|5|8|11|12}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Added on February 13th, 2017|bg=#aaaaee|color=#000}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Added on February 13th, 2017|bg=#fde3c6|color=green}}
{{RB Song2|[[The 6th KAC DJ TOTTO's SELECTION]]|remixed by [[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ TOTTO]] Gt.[[Tatsuya Iyama|TATSUYA]]|179-234|7|10|15|14}}
{{RB Song2|[[The 6th KAC DJ TOTTO's SELECTION]]|remixed by [[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ TOTTO]] Gt.[[Tatsuya Iyama|TATSUYA]]|179-234|7|10|15|14}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Added on March 13th, 2017|bg=#aaaaee|color=#000}}
{{RB Songlist Category|{{font style|hotpink|white|Autumn [[HinaBitter|{{font style|hotpink|white|HinaBitter♪}}]] festival (秋のひなビタ♪フェスティバル)}}<br>(Added on March 13th, 2017)|bg=linear-gradient(pink 50%, white 50% 100%)|color=#B71453}}
{{RB Song2|[[Meumeupettantan!! (Breakcore Remix)|めうめうぺったんたん!! (割印[Breakcore] Remix)]]|[[Masaya Oya|日向美ビタースイーツ♪]]|194|6|10|12|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Meumeupettantan!! (Breakcore Remix)|めうめうぺったんたん!! (割印[Breakcore] Remix)]]|[[Masaya Oya|日向美ビタースイーツ♪]]|194|6|10|12|13}}
{{RB Songlist Category|BEMANI crossover|color=#000}}
{{RB Songlist Category|{{span style color|gold|HAPPY☆PARADISE campaign (HAPPY☆PARADISEキャンペーン)}}<br>{{font style|white|#df00fe|(Added on April 27th, 2017)}}|bg=linear-gradient(transparent 50%, #4cbb17, green, #4b371c, #4b371c), linear-gradient(90deg, white 20%, darkblue 30%, darkblue, #ededed 90%)}}
{{RB Songlist Category|NOSTALGIA launch memorial song crossover campaign (ノスタルジア稼働記念 楽曲交換キャンペーン) (added on March 15th, 2017)|bg=lightgreen|color=darkgreen}}
{{RB Song2|[[HAPPY PARADISE GALAXY|HAPPY☆PARADISE☆GALAXY]]|DJ([[Osamu Migitera|GW]]+[[Yoshihiro Tagawa|ミラクル☆ストーン]])÷2|182|6|9|12|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[nostos]]{{from|[[AC NST|ノスタルジア]]}}|Setaria Virtuoso|86-144|4|8|12|13}}
{{RB Songlist Category|{{span style color|gold|The Treasure of Reflesia}} {{span style color|#ff6961|(added on July 27th, 2017)}}|bg=linear-gradient(transparent 70%, #4cbb17, green, #4b371c, #4b371c), linear-gradient(90deg, white 20%, darkblue 30%, darkblue, #ededed 90%)}}
{{RB Song2|[[Kyougetsu no maneki|狂月の招き]]{{from|Akumajo Dracula Gallery of Labyrinth}}|[[Yuzo Koshiro|古代祐三]]|128|5|8|11|11}}
{{RB Songlist Category|[ {{span style color|#960e42|ときめきアイドル}}{{span style color|black|×}}{{span style color|#3a3b3c|BEMANI}}] (added on October 19th, 2017)|bg=white|color=#960e42}}
{{RB Song2|[[DREAMING-ING!!]]|ときめきアイドル project|180|4|8|11|11}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Added on December 28th, 2017|bg=white|color=#960e42}}
{{RB Song2|[[Strawberry Chu Chu|Strawberry Chu♡Chu♡]]|[[Toshiyuki Kakuta|ときめきアイドル project]] クッキーパラダイス|137|4|9|12|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Koi no puzzle magic|恋のパズルマジック]]|[[Sota Fujimori|ときめきアイドル project]] Rhythmixxx|140|3|8|11|12}}
{{RB Songlist Category|[ {{span style color|white|KONAMI 50th Anniversary Memorial Songs}}]|bg=linear-gradient(135deg, red 25%, #8b0000 25% 75%, red 75% 100%)}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Added on March 21st, 2019|bg=linear-gradient(135deg, white 30%, #f8dcac 30% 70%, #c2b280 70% 100%)|color=red}}
{{RB Song2|[[50th Memorial Songs -Beginning Story-]]|[[Yoshihiko Koezuka|BEMANI Sound Team]]|135|6|9|13|12}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Added on April 25th, 2019|bg=linear-gradient(135deg, white 30%, #f8dcac 30% 70%, #c2b280 70% 100%)|color=red}}
{{RB Song2|[[50th Memorial Songs -futari no toki ~under the cherry blossoms~-|50th Memorial Songs -二人の時 ~under the cherry blossoms~-]]|[[Takayuki Ishikawa|BEMANI Sound Team]]|160|6|9|14|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[50th Memorial Songs -Flagship medley-]]|[[Tomoaki Hirono|BEMANI Sound Team]]|135-175|5|8|11|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[50th Memorial Songs -The BEMANI History-]]|[[Yoshihiro Tagawa|BEMANI Sound Team]]|136|7|10|15|14}}
{{RB Songlist Category|{{span style color|#fde3c6|BEMANI crossovers}}|bg=linear-gradient(transparent 50%, #4cbb17, green, #4b371c, #4b371c), linear-gradient(90deg, white 20%, darkblue 30%, darkblue, #ededed 90%)}}
{{RB Songlist Category|{{font style|black|white|NOSTALGIA}} launch memorial song crossover campaign ({{font style|black|white|ノスタルジア}}稼働記念 楽曲交換キャンペーン)<br>(Added on March 15th, 2017)|bg=linear-gradient(#fde3c6, lightgreen)|color=darkgreen}}
{{RB Song2|[[nostos]]{{from|[[AC NST|ノスタルジア]]}}|[[Jun Wakita|Setaria Virtuoso]]|86-144|4|8|12|13}}
{{RB Songlist Category|{{span style color|gold|The Treasure of Reflesia}} {{span style color|#ff6961|(added on July 27th, 2017)}}|bg=linear-gradient(transparent 70%, #4cbb17, green, #4b371c, #4b371c), linear-gradient(90deg, white 20%, darkblue 30%, darkblue, #ededed 90%)}}
{{RB Song2|[[Hard distance]]{{from|[[AC GFDM XG3|GuitarFreaksXG3 & DrumManiaXG3]]}}|[[Motoi Sakuraba|桜庭 統]]|146|7|10|13|14}}
{{RB Song2|[[Majestic Fire]]{{from|[[AC pnm 13|pop'n music 13 カーニバル]]}}|[[Yoko Shimomura|下村陽子]]|180|3|8|11|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Battle XIII|バトル XIII]]{{from|[[AC pnm 13|pop'n music 13 カーニバル]]}}|[[Kenji Ito|伊藤賢治]]|140-143|2|7|10|11}}
{{RB Songlist Category|{{span style color|white|Hidden}}|bg=linear-gradient(transparent 70%, #4cbb17, green), linear-gradient(90deg, white 20%, darkblue 30%, darkblue, #ededed 90%)}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Unlockable from April 27th to December 21st, 2017|bg=linear-gradient(green, #4b371c, #4b371c)|color=#fde3c6}}
{{RB Song2|[[LOVE IS BLIND-shiranai machi de Crazy for You-|LOVE IS BLIND-知らない街で Crazy for You-]]|[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|VE]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]]|156|5|8|11|12}}

== EXTRA ROUND Song ==
= Reflesia Mode =
{{RB Songlist Header2|
Reflesia Mode (リフレシアモード) is the main unlocking event of REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア. Players can unlock new and returning songs, as well as WHITE HARD charts for old KONAMI original songs by clearing Quests: Normal Quests (ノーマルクエスト) for new/returning songs, and Subjugation Quests (討伐クエスト) for limited time songs and WHITE HARD charts. Each Quest is a course of three songs. By clearing them, you can unlock songs, charts, Pastel-kun accessories, or character cards.
{{RB Songlist Category|EXTRA ROUND Song|bg=#aaaaee|color=#000}}
{{RB Song2|[[Dracophobia]]|上ノ瀬つかさ|108-178|8|11|14|14}}
The difficulty for each Quest can be freely selected between BASIC, MEDIUM, HARD or WHITE HARD. The songs for each Quest are typically randomly selected from a certain genre/level from the player's available songs, though in some Quest's cases certain songs are fixed.
== Normal Quests ==
By clearing a Quest dungeon, the next dungeon will appear in the same Quest. Initially, players are shown three Quests, and by clearing all dungeons of each quest, a "middle boss" Quest is added. After clearing it, three new Quests will appear, continuing the above until the end of the Chapter.

== Reflesia Mode unlocks ==
* Chapter One: The Beginning Story (第一章 物語の始まり): added at launch.
Reflesia Mode (リフレシアモード) is the main unlocking method of REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア. Players can unlock new and returning songs, as well as WHITE HARD charts for old KONAMI original songs by clearing quests: Normal Quests (ノーマルクエスト) for new/returning songs, and Subjugation Quests (討伐クエスト) for limited time songs and WHITE HARD charts. Further information to be updated.
* Chapter Two: A Light of Hope (第二章 希望の光): part one added on March 30th, 2017, and part two on April 13th. Pastel-kun ''must'' be at level 20 or higher to begin.
* Chapter Three: The Demon Lord (第三章 魔王): added on August 10th, 2017. ''All'' quests in previous chapters must be completed first.
* The final Quest of the third chapter is the only song that is an EXTRA ROUND song, which must be cleared to unlock; [[The Reflesia of Eternity]]. Each chart must be individually unlocked.

=== Normal Quests ===
{{RB Songlist Header2|
{{RB Songlist Header2|
{{RB Songlist Category|第一章 物語の始まり|color=white|bg=#008000}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Normal Quest (ノーマルクエスト)|bg=linear-gradient(#a0ffa0 10%, #03c03c 40%, darkgreen 90%)|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Songlist Category|New Songs|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB Songlist Category|第一章 {{font style|brown|#fde3c6|物語の始まり}}|bg=linear-gradient(white, hotpink, #700124, hotpink, white)|color=white}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【月の紋章】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Song2|[[Emblem of the Moon]]|[[Takayuki Ishikawa|dj TAKA]]|150|7|10|14|14}}
{{RB Song2|[[Emblem of the Moon]]|[[Takayuki Ishikawa|dj TAKA]]|150|7|10|14|14}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【最初の試練】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Song2|[[Myth Collapse]]|[[Aritomo Hamada|HuΣeR]]|222|7|9|14|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Myth Collapse]]|[[Aritomo Hamada|HuΣeR]]|222|7|9|14|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Oh My Jam]]|[[Hommarju]]|170|6|10|13|14}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【お尋ね者】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Returning Songs|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB Song2|[[Oh My Jam]]|[[Masaya Nakamura|Hommarju]]|170|6|10|13|14}}
{{RB Song2|[[DRAGON KILLER]]{{from|[[REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}|[[Daisuke Kurosawa|96]] vs. [[Mutsuhiko Izumi]]|210|7|10|13|14}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【秘境の獣】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Song2|[[Kokuten|黒点]]{{from|[[REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]}}|[[Asaki|あさき]]|154|7|10|14|14}}
{{RB Song2|[[DRAGON KILLER]]{{from|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}|[[Daisuke Kurosawa|96]] vs. [[Mutsuhiko Izumi]]|210|7|10|13|14}}
{{RB Song2|[[Toumeina emotion|透明なエモーション]]{{from|[[REFLEC BEAT]]}}|[[Tatsuya Shimizu|Tatsh]] feat. RUNA|155|6|9|11|12}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【絆】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Songlist Category|第二章 希望の光 (unlockable from March 30th, 2017)|color=white|bg=#008000}}
{{RB Song2|[[Kokuten|黒点]]{{from|[[AC RB colette Spring|REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]}}|[[Asaki|あさき]]|154|7|10|14|14}}
{{RB Songlist Category|BEMANI crossovers|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【旅の祈願】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Song2|[[glacia]]{{from|[[jubeat prop]]}}|[[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ TOTTO]]|186|7|10|15|15}}
{{RB Song2|[[Toumeina emotion|透明なエモーション]]{{from|[[AC RB|REFLEC BEAT]]}}|[[Tatsuya Shimizu|Tatsh]] feat. RUNA|155|6|9|11|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[LEAD Gravity]]{{from|[[PnM CS rhythmin|ポップンリズミン]]}}|[[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW]]|188|6|9|12|13}}
{{RB Songlist Category|第二章 {{font style|brown|#fde3c6|希望の光}} 前編|bg=linear-gradient(white, hotpink, #700124, hotpink, white)|color=white}}
{{RB Songlist Category|第二章後編 (unlockable from April 13th, 2017)|color=white|bg=#008000}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Unlockable from March 30th, 2017|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 15%, transparent 15% 85%, #675041 85% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #fde3c6|color=green}}
{{RB Songlist Category|New Songs|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【極凍の魔獣】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Song2|[[glacia]]{{from|[[AC jb prop|jubeat prop]]}}|[[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ TOTTO]]|186|7|10|15|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【重力の儀式】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Song2|[[LEAD Gravity]]{{from|[[CS pnm rhythmin|ポップンリズミン]]}}|[[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW]]|188|6|9|12|13}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Unlockable from April 13th, 2017|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 15%, transparent 15% 85%, #675041 85% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #fde3c6|color=green}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【大樹の戦い】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Song2|[[Deadman falling]]|[[Naoyuki Sato|猫叉Master]]|165|7|10|15|14}}
{{RB Song2|[[Deadman falling]]|[[Naoyuki Sato|猫叉Master]]|165|7|10|15|14}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【炎獄の死闘】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Song2|[[Laevateinn -mukyou shuken-|Laevateinn -無響鐘剣-]]|[[Tadahiro Tsuchiya|Morrigan]] feat. リリィ|175|6|9|14|15}}
{{RB Song2|[[Laevateinn -mukyou shuken-|Laevateinn -無響鐘剣-]]|[[Tadahiro Tsuchiya|Morrigan]] feat. リリィ|175|6|9|14|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【希望】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Song2|[[Tortura]]|[[Tatsuya Iyama|MAX MAXIMIZER]]|206|8|11|15|15}}
{{RB Song2|[[Tortura]]|[[Tatsuya Iyama|MAX MAXIMIZER]]|206|8|11|15|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【湖上の決戦】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Song2|[[with Uisce]]|[[Koichi Murakami|bermei.inazawa]]|220-240|7|10|15|14}}
{{RB Song2|[[with Uisce]]|[[Koichi Murakami|bermei.inazawa]]|220-240|7|10|15|14}}
{{RB Songlist Category|第三章 {{font style|brown|#fde3c6|魔王}}|bg=linear-gradient(white, hotpink, #700124, hotpink, white)|color=white}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Unlockable from August 10th, 2017|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 15%, transparent 15% 85%, #675041 85% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #fde3c6|color=green}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【悠久のリフレシア】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Song2|[[The Reflesia of Eternity]]|Mephius|48-174|9|12|15|15}}

=== Subjugation Quests ===
== Subjugation Quests ==
==== Songs ====
Subjugation Quests are available for certain time periods. Usually, most of these Quests have only one dungeon.
{{RB Songlist Header2|
{{RB Songlist Header2|
{{RB Songlist Category|New Songs|color=white|bg=#008000}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Subjugation Quest (討伐クエスト)|bg=linear-gradient(pink, orangered 70%)|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Songlist Category|船上の乙女 (available from December 8th to 21st, 2016, and January 5th to 18th, 2017)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB Songlist Category|New Songs|bg=linear-gradient(orangered, #800000 70%)|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【船上の乙女】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Unlockable from December 8th to 21st, 2016, and from January 5th to 18th, 2017 through the 船上の乙女 quest.<br>Available by default since January 4th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB Song2|[[Enkan no valkyria -lopulla tragedia-|円環のヴァルキュリア -lopulla tragedia-]]|[[Youhei Kimura|ARM]]×[[Komso|狐夢想]] feat.[[Sayuri Anpo|anporin]]|200|7|10|14|14}}
{{RB Song2|[[Enkan no valkyria -lopulla tragedia-|円環のヴァルキュリア -lopulla tragedia-]]|[[Youhei Kimura|ARM]]×[[Komso|狐夢想]] feat.[[Sayuri Anpo|anporin]]|200|7|10|14|14}}
{{RB Songlist Category|戻りたい場所 (available from December 22nd, 2016 to January 4th, 2017, and January 19th to February 1st, 2017)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【戻りたい場所】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Unlockable from December 22nd, 2016 to January 4th, 2017, and from January 19th to February 1st, 2017 through the 戻りたい場所 quest.<br>Available by default since January 4th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB Song2|[[Point of No Return (kors k)|Point of No Return]]|[[Kosuke Saito|kors k]]|145|6|10|14|14}}
{{RB Song2|[[Point of No Return (kors k)|Point of No Return]]|[[Kosuke Saito|kors k]]|145|6|10|14|14}}
{{RB Songlist Category|謹賀新年 (available from January 1st to 18th, 2017)<br>最期の望み (available from March 23rd to April 5th, 2017)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【謹賀新年】/【最期の望み】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Song2|[[Zero|零]]|[[Akhuta|Akhuta Works]] feat.[[Butaotome|ランコ(豚乙女)]]|184|6|9|13|13}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Unlockable from January 1st to 18th, 2017 through the 謹賀新年 quest, and from March 23rd to April 5th, 2017 through the 最期の望み quest.<br>Available by default since January 4th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB Songlist Category|[[KONAMI Arcade Championship|The 6th KAC]] グループ D (available from January 5th to 25th, 2017)<br>第三の頂 (available from April 6th to 19th, 2017)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB Song2|[[Zero|零]]|[[Akhuta|Akhuta Works]] feat.[[ranko|ランコ]]([[Butaotome|豚乙女]])|184|6|9|13|13}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【[[KONAMI Arcade Championship|{{span style color|gold|The 6th}} {{span style color|red|K}}{{span style color|white|AC}}]] グループ D】/ 【第三の頂】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Unlockable from January 5th to 25th, 2017 through The 6th KAC グループ D quest, and from April 6th to 19th, 2017 through the 第三の頂 quest.<br>Available by default since January 4th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB Song2|[[Eira]]|[[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ TOTTO]]|186|8|11|15|15}}
{{RB Song2|[[Eira]]|[[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ TOTTO]]|186|8|11|15|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|セトリオスの6の赦罪 (available from January 19th to February 1st, 2017, and March 2nd to 12th, 2017)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【セトリオスの6の赦罪】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Song2|[[Setsuna no Carrigid ~Sethrios no 6 no shazai yori~|刹那のカーリギッド ~セトリオスの6の赦罪より~]]|UNVEIL et 葉月ゆら|161|6|10|13|14}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Unlockable from January 19th to February 1st, 2017, and from March 2nd to 12th, 2017.<br>Available by default since January 4th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB Songlist Category|白銀の竪琴 (available from February 13th to March 1st, 2017)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB Song2|[[Setsuna no Carrigid ~Sethrios no 6 no shazai yori~|刹那のカーリギッド ~セトリオスの6の赦罪より~]]|UNVEIL et [[Yura Hatsuki|葉月ゆら]]|161|6|10|13|14}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【白銀の竪琴】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Unlockable from February 13th to March 1st, 2017.<br>Available by default since April 27th, 2017|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB Song2|[[Catastrophic Dance]]|[[Tomosuke Funaki|the wandering bard]] feat. [[Akiko Shikata|志方あきこ]]|145|8|11|15|15}}
{{RB Song2|[[Catastrophic Dance]]|[[Tomosuke Funaki|the wandering bard]] feat. [[Akiko Shikata|志方あきこ]]|145|8|11|15|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Returning Song|color=white|bg=#008000}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Returning Song|bg=linear-gradient(pink 10%, orangered 40%, #800000 90%)|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Merry Christmas (available from December 15th to 28th, 2016)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【Merry Christmas】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB Song2|[[Thank You Merry Christmas]]{{from|[[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}|[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|VE]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]]|220|3|8|11|11}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Unlockable from December 15th to 28th, 2016.<br>Available by default since December 21st, 2017|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB Song2|[[Thank You Merry Christmas]]{{from|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}|[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|VE]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]]|220|3|8|11|11}}

==== WHITE HARD Charts ====
== WHITE HARD Charts ==
{{RB WH Header|
{{RB WH Header|
{{RB WH Category|WHITE HARD Charts|color=white|bg=#008000}}
{{RB WH Category|WHITE HARD Charts|bg=linear-gradient(pink 10%, orangered 40%, #800000 90%)|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|時を越えて… (available from December 1st to 28th, 2016, and February 2nd to 15th, 2017)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【時を越えて...】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from December 1st to 28th, 2016, and from February 2nd to 15th, 2017.<br>Available by default since March 23rd, 2017|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH Category|未来への憧れ (available from December 1st to 28th, 2016, and February 2nd to 15th, 2017)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB WH|[[Alstroemeria|アルストロメリア]]|[[REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]|14}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【未来への憧れ】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|[[KONAMI Arcade Championship|The 6th KAC]] グループ A (available from December 15th, 2016 to January 25th, 2017)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from December 1st to 28th, 2016, and from February 2nd to 15th, 2017.<br>Available by default since March 23rd, 2017|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[Daily Lunch Special]]|[[REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]|14}}
{{RB WH|[[Alstroemeria|アルストロメリア]]|[[AC RB colette Spring|REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]|14}}
{{RB WH Category|Merry Christmas (available from December 15th to 28th, 2016)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【[[KONAMI Arcade Championship|{{span style color|gold|The 6th}} {{span style color|red|K}}{{span style color|white|AC}}]] グループ A】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH|[[December Breeze]]|[[REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]|14}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from December 15th, 2016 to January 25th, 2017.<br>Available by default since March 23rd, 2017|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH Category|[[KONAMI Arcade Championship|The 6th KAC]] グループ B (available from December 22nd, 2016 to January 25th, 2017)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB WH|[[Daily Lunch Special]]|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]|14}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【Merry Christmas】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|[[KONAMI Arcade Championship|The 6th KAC]] グループ C (available from December 29th, 2016 to January 25th, 2017)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from December 15th to 28th, 2016.<br>Available by default since March 23rd, 2017|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[fallen leaves]]|[[REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]]|14}}
{{RB WH|[[December Breeze]]|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]|14}}
{{RB WH Category|本能を呼び醒ます (available from January 19th to February 1st, 2017, and March 9th to 22nd, 2017)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【[[KONAMI Arcade Championship|{{span style color|gold|The 6th}} {{span style color|red|K}}{{span style color|white|AC}}]] グループ B】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH|[[VALLIS-NERIA]]|[[REFLEC BEAT limelight]]|15}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from December 22nd, 2016 to January 25th, 2017.<br>Available by default since March 23rd, 2017|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH Category|翼龍の目覚め (available from February 23rd to March 8th, 2017)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB WH|[[Ryoushi no umi no Lindwurm|量子の海のリントヴルム]]|[[REFLEC BEAT limelight]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【[[KONAMI Arcade Championship|{{span style color|gold|The 6th}} {{span style color|red|K}}{{span style color|white|AC}}]] グループ C】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|絶望の始まり (available from March 9th to 22nd, 2017)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from December 29th, 2016 to January 25th, 2017.<br>Available by default since March 23rd, 2017|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[DEADLOCK]]|[[Tatsuya Iyama|MAX MAXIMIZER]]|15}}
{{RB WH|[[fallen leaves]]|[[AC RB colette Autumn|REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]]|14}}
{{RB WH Category|原初の頂 (available from April 6th to 19th, 2017)|bg=#a0ffa0}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【本能を呼び醒ます】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH|[[Valanga]]|[[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ TOTTO]]|15}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from January 19th to February 1st, 2017, and from March 9th to 22nd, 2017.<br>Available by default since March 23rd, 2017|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[VALLIS-NERIA]]|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【翼龍の目覚め】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from February 23rd to March 8th, 2017.<br>Available by default since January 25th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[Ryoushi no umi no Lindwurm|量子の海のリントヴルム]]|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【絶望の始まり】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from March 9th to 22nd, 2017.<br>Available by default since January 25th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【原初の頂】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from April 6th to 19th, 2017.<br>Available by default since January 25th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[Valanga]]|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【コレットフィッシング】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from May 11th to 24th, 2017.<br>Available by default since January 25th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[EMPEROR OF THE AVALON]]|[[AC RB colette Summer|REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【堕ちた天使】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from May 25th to June 7th, 2017.<br>Available by default since January 25th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[JOMANDA]]|[[AC RB colette Autumn|REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【叶わぬ思い】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from June 15th to 28th, 2017.<br>Available by default since January 25th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[Broken]]|[[AC RB|REFLEC BEAT]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【砂浜のレコード】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from July 6th to 19th, 2017.<br>Available by default since January 25th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[Shakunetsu Beach Side Bunny|灼熱Beach Side Bunny]]|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【I only Divide Me】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from July 20th to August 2nd, 2017.<br>Available by default since March 8th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[ZETA~sosuu no sekai to chouetsusha~|ZETA~素数の世界と超越者~]]|[[AC RB colette Summer|REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【守るべき大地】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from August 17th to 30th, 2017.<br>Available by default since March 8th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[GAIA]]|[[AC RB colette Spring|REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【1分40秒】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from September 7th to 20th, 2017.<br>Available by default since March 8th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[The Least 100sec]]|[[AC RB colette Spring|REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【秘めたるBeat】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from October 19th to November 1st, 2017.<br>Available by default since March 8th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[Stand Alone Beat Masta]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【make it clear】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from November 9th to 22nd, 2017.<br>Available by default since March 8th, 2018|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[Lisa-RICCIA]]|[[AC RB colette Autumn|REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【百獣の女王】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from November 30th to December 13th, 2017.|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[Tenkuu no yoake|天空の夜明け]]|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【花冠の記憶】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from December 21st, 2017 to January 3rd, 2018.|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[chaplet]]|[[AC RB colette Spring|REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【太陽の陰影】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from January 4th to 17th, 2018.|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[Sonne]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【漆黒の魔皇帝】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from February 15th to 28th, 2018.|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
{{RB WH|[[WICKeD CROSS|WICKeD CRφSS]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]|15}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Quest【C6H6】|bg=#3a3b3c|color=#fefe95}}
{{RB WH Category|Unlockable from March 29th to April 11th, 2018.|bg=linear-gradient(#675041 10%, transparent 10% 90%, #675041 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, #675041 2%, transparent 2% 98%, #675041 98% 100%), #d0bb94|color=#675041}}
= Other Unlocks =
The following song can ''only'' be played as an EXTRA ROUND song, and only be played with [[PASELI]] during Normal Mode. To access it, players had to EXCELLENT clear the WHITE HARD chart of the chosen FINAL ROUND song, but it had to be a Level 13 or higher rated chart.
Since February 2nd, 2017, players now have to FULL COMBO clear the MEDIUM or higher chart of the chosen FINAL ROUND song, but it has to be a Level 12 or higher rated chart.
Since December 21st, 2017, Dracophobia is playable by default.
{{RB Songlist Header2|
{{RB Songlist Category|EXTRA ROUND|bg=black|color=white}}
{{RB Song2|[[Dracophobia]]|上ノ瀬つかさ|108-178|8|11|14|14}}
== HAPPY☆PARADISE campaign (HAPPY☆PARADISEキャンペーン) ==
The following songs could be unlocked from April 27th, 2017 after playing [[HAPPY PARADISE GALAXY|HAPPY☆PARADISE☆GALAXY]]. Once per credit, players can choose from any of the three initial songs to unlock it permanently, and once all three have been unlocked, [[Lagrangian Point 0|Lagrangian Point Ø]] can be selected for unlock.
Since July 20th, 2017, these songs are playable by default.
{{RB Songlist Header2|
{{RB Songlist Category|{{span style color|gold|HAPPY☆PARADISE campaign (HAPPY☆PARADISEキャンペーン)}}<br>{{font style|white|#df00fe|(Unlockable from April 27th, 2017 to July 20th, 2017)}}|bg=linear-gradient(transparent 50%, #4cbb17, green, #4b371c, #4b371c), linear-gradient(90deg, white 20%, darkblue 30%, darkblue, #ededed 90%)}}
{{RB Song2|[[Brazilian Anthem]]{{from|[[AC GF6DM5|GUITARFREAKS 6thMIX & drummania 5thMIX]]}}|[[Tomosuke Funaki|Berimbau '66]]|260|6|9|13|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Iluzio De Lunlumo]]|[[m@sumi]] feat.[[*spiLa*]]|128-185|4|10|12|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Tokimeki stream|トキメキストリーム]]{{from|[[AC BST AnimTribe|BeatStream アニムトライヴ]]}}|[[Tatsuya Iyama|Qrispy Joybox]]|164|3|8|11|12}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Unlockable after the previous songs are unlocked|bg=#fde3c6|color=green}}
{{RB Song2|[[Lagrangian Point 0|Lagrangian Point Ø]]|[[Ryutaro Nakahara|tūmahaB]]|212|7|10|15|14}}
The following songs could be unlocked from July 20th, 2017. Once per credit, players can choose from any of the three initial songs to unlock it permanently, and once all three have been unlocked, [[LOTUS]] can be selected for unlock.
Since September 21st, 2017, these songs are playable by default.
{{RB Songlist Header2|
{{RB Songlist Category|HAPPY SUMMER CAMPAIGN<br>(Unlockable from July 20th to September 21st, 2017)|bg=radial-gradient(circle, red, black 24%, red 25%, orangered 26%, black 27%, black, red, transparent 60%), linear-gradient(black, red)|color=gold}}
{{RB Song2|[[Wolf 424]]|[[Yusuke Seo|Xceon]]|188|5|9|12|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Kegarete tonau wa yomi no uta|穢レテ唱ウハ黄泉ノ呪詛]]|片霧烈火 ト [[Jun Wakita|少年]][[Yoshihiro Tagawa|トトリオット]]|156|4|8|12|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Mary bokujou no ichinichi|メアリー牧場の一日]]|[[Mutsuhiko Izumi]]|150-158|4|9|12|12}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Unlockable after the previous songs are unlocked|bg=linear-gradient(black 60%, red)|color=gold}}
{{RB Song2|[[LOTUS]]|[[Takayuki Ishikawa|dj TAKA]] feat. [[Nana Takahashi]]|160|7|10|15|14}}
== HAPPY☆AUTUMN campaign (HAPPY☆AUTUMNキャンペーン) ==
The following songs can be unlocked from October 26th, 2017. Once per credit, players can choose from any of the three initial songs to unlock it permanently, and once all three have been unlocked, [[CHERNOBOG]] can be selected for unlock.
Since December 21st, 2017, these songs are playable by default.
{{RB Songlist Header2|
{{RB Songlist Category|HAPPY☆AUTUMNキャンペーン<br>{{span style color|#3eb489|(Unlockable from October 26th to December 1st, 2017)}}|bg=linear-gradient(darkcyan, navy, transparent 60%), repeating-linear-gradient(135deg, #f3ff89, #f3ff89 5px, white 5px, white 10px, #f3ff89 10px)|color=gold}}
{{RB Song2|[[Meteor drive|ミーティアドライブ]]|[[OSTER project]]|182|6|9|13|14}}
{{RB Song2|[[Idea (canoue)|イデア]]|[[Tomomi Teratani|can]][[Haruka Shimotsuki|oue]]|126|4|8|11|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Karasu (L.E.D.-G)|鴉]]{{from|[[AC SINOBUZ|beatmania IIDX 24 SINOBUZ]]}}|[[Toshiyuki Kakuta|L.E.D.-G]]|190|7|10|14|13}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Unlockable after the previous songs are unlocked|bg=linear-gradient(darkcyan, navy, transparent 80%), repeating-linear-gradient(135deg, #f3ff89, #f3ff89 5px, white 5px, white 10px, #f3ff89 10px)|color=gold}}
{{RB Song2|[[CHERNOBOG]]{{from|[[AC BST AnimTribe|BeatStream アニムトライヴ]]}}|[[Tatsuya Iyama|漆黒のEBONY]]|200|8|11|15|15}}
== Thank You, 1st Anniversary campaign!! (ありがとう1周年記念キャンペーン!!) ==
The following songs can be unlocked from December 1st, 2017. Once per credit, players can choose from any of the three initial songs to unlock it permanently, and once all three have been unlocked, [[Sore wa ongaku ga michibiku towa no monogatari|それは音楽が導く永遠の物語]] can be selected for unlock.
{{RB Songlist Header2|
{{RB Songlist Category|ありがとう1周年記念キャンペーン&#33;&#33;<br>{{span style color|white|(Unlockable from December 1st, 2017)}}|bg=radial-gradient(circle, #27c662, #27c662 26%, white, #27c662, transparent 60%), linear-gradient(navy, deepskyblue, white, #27c662)|color=gold}}
{{RB Song2|[[Mynarco]]{{from|[[AC pnm Sunny Park|pop'n music Sunny Park]]}}|[[Osamu Migitera|positive MAD-crew]]|181|6|9|12|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[POSSESSION]]{{from|[[AC DDR X2|DanceDanceRevolution X2]]}}|[[Yasuhiro Taguchi|TAG underground]]|185-370|7|10|15|14}}
{{RB Song2|[[Aeru|アエル]]|[[Arata Iiyoshi|S.S.D.FANTASICA]]|126|6|9|12|13}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Unlockable after the previous songs are unlocked|bg=linear-gradient(#27c662, #27c662, #27c662, white 90%)|color=white}}
{{RB Song2|[[Sore wa ongaku ga michibiku towa no monogatari|それは音楽が導く永遠の物語]]|[[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ Totoriott]]|80-152|5|8|12|13}}
== The Treasure of Reflesia ==
The following songs can be unlocked from July 27th, 2017. On the total results screen, players will obtain an Orb, and then photos of the featured artists ([[Kenji Ito]], [[Yuzo Koshiro]], [[Motoi Sakuraba]], and [[Yoko Shimomura]]) will appear. By giving three Orbs to an artist, players can unlock its respective song.
Since December 21st, 2017, these songs are playable by default.
{{RB Songlist Header2|
{{RB Songlist Category|{{span style color|gold|The Treasure of Reflesia}}<br>{{span style color|white|(Unlockable from July 27th to December 21st, 2017)}}|bg=linear-gradient(transparent 50%, #4cbb17, green, #4b371c, #4b371c), linear-gradient(90deg, white 20%, darkblue 30%, darkblue, #ededed 90%)}}
{{RB Song2|[[Maximum Beatissimo!!!!]]|[[Kenji Ito|ITOKEN]] vs. [[Tatsuya Iyama|TATSUYA]]|179|6|9|12|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Now's the Time]]|[[Yuzo Koshiro|古代祐三]]|148|3|8|11|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Step forward]]|[[Motoi Sakuraba|桜庭 統]]|145|8|11|15|15}}
{{RB Song2|[[Wasurerareta piano no kioku|忘れられたピアノの記憶]]|[[Yoko Shimomura|下村陽子]]|164|7|10|14|13}}
== Yuukyuu no toubatsusen (悠久の討伐戦) ==
The ''Yuukyuu no toubatsusen'' (悠久の討伐戦) event began on August 17th, 2017. To access it, press the 悠久の討伐戦 option at the song selection screen.
Once accessed, players can play certain challenges by [[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW]] (EASY) or [[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ TOTTO]] (HARD). These challenges involve obtaining better scores in certain songs/charts than those obtained by Des-ROW/DJ TOTTO. For a complete list of the songs and scores to beat, see [ this BEMANIWiki article].
[[SERVI]]'s WHITE HARD chart can be unlocked by either clearing 6 challenges in EASY or 5 in HARD, while a new song, [[Gensou suisei tansa ryodan|幻蒼彗星探査旅団]], can be unlocked by clearing all 12 challenges in EASY or all 9 in HARD.
Since around October 9th, 2017, 悠久の討伐戦 can no longer be accessed, making SERVI's WHITE HARD chart unobtainable. 幻蒼彗星探査旅団 is available by default since November 1st, 2017.
{{RB Songlist Header2|
{{RB Songlist Category|悠久の討伐戦<br>(Unlockable from August 17th to October 8th, 2017)|bg=linear-gradient(blue, black)|color=#C7E7FF}}
{{RB SongR|[[SERVI]]<br><small>from ''[[AC RB VOLZZA|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA]]''</small>|[[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW]] vibes [[Akihiro Honda|Dr.Honda]]|191|-|-|-|'''15'''}}
{{RB Song2|[[Gensou suisei tansa ryodan|幻蒼彗星探査旅団]]|上ノ瀬つかさ|333|7|11|15|15}}
== Autumn HinaBitter♪ festival (秋のひなビタ♪フェスティバル) ==
The ''Autumn HinaBitter♪ festival'' (秋のひなビタ♪フェスティバル) unlocking system started on September 28th, 2017. It allows players to unlock songs from the [[SWEET SMILE HEROES Bitter de sweet na nanari no yuusha|SWEET SMILE HEROES ビターでスイートな七人の勇者]] event by playing [[HinaBitter|ひなビタ♪]] songs in Normal Mode and obtaining hearts for each member.
Once a player obtains 10 hearts for a ひなビタ♪ character, its respective song will be unlocked.
This event ended on March 13th, 2019. However, it was revived on December 11th, 2019, with no ending date.
{{RB Songlist Header2|
{{RB Songlist Category|{{font style|hotpink|white|秋のひなビタ♪フェスティバル}}<br>([[SWEET SMILE HEROES Bitter de sweet na nanari no yuusha|{{font style|pink|#B71453|SWEET}} {{font style|#fdfd96|chocolate|SMILE}} {{font style|#dcfffb|navy|HEROES}} {{font style|brown|wheat|ビターでスイートな七人の勇者}}]])|bg=linear-gradient(pink 50%, white 50% 100%)|color=#B71453}}
{{RB Song2|[[Kemono no ouja Meumeu|けもののおうじゃ★めうめう]]|[[Youhei Kimura|日向美ビタースイーツ♪]]|162|5|9|12|11}}
{{RB Song2|[[Miracle sweet sweets magic!!|ミラクル・スイート・スイーツ・マジック!!]]|[[cosMo@BousouP|日向美ビタースイーツ♪]]|88-206|6|10|13|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Knight of rondo|ナイト・オブ・ロンド]]|[[Masato Nakayama|日向美ビタースイーツ♪]]|169|3|8|11|11}}
{{RB Song2|[[Drizzly Venom]]|[[Asaki|日向美ビタースイーツ♪]]|147-168|6|9|12|13}}
{{RB Song2|[[Juudan wa kai wo uchinuite|銃弾は解を撃ち抜いて]]|[[Akhuta|日向美ビタースイーツ♪]]|171|4|9|12|12}}
{{RB Song2|[[Kirisute gomen|キリステゴメン]]|[[Harunaba|東雲夏陽]]|156|7|10|13|15}}
{{RB Song2|[[Shinobi Shinonome|シノビシノノメ]]|[[Tatsuya Iyama|東雲心菜]]|174|7|10|14|14}}

Line 185: Line 411:

For more information on the event, see [[FLOOR INFECTION|its own page]].
For more information on the event, see [[FLOOR INFECTION|its own page]].
Only songs new to 悠久のリフレシア are listed below.

{{RB Songlist Header2|
{{RB Songlist Header2|
Line 191: Line 419:
{{RB Song2|[[Everlasting Message]]|[[Keita Miyoshi|ぺのれり]]|230|8|11|15|15}}
{{RB Song2|[[Everlasting Message]]|[[Keita Miyoshi|ぺのれり]]|230|8|11|15|15}}
= New Charts =
Every returning song received an updated set of charts. Please refer to each song page for details.

= Revived Songs =
= Revived Songs =
Line 207: Line 432:
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="3"|Launch
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="3"|Launch
| [[Toumeina emotion|透明なエモーション]] || [[Tatsuya Shimizu|Tatsh]] feat. RUNA || [[REFLEC BEAT]]
| [[Toumeina emotion|透明なエモーション]] || [[Tatsuya Shimizu|Tatsh]] feat. RUNA || [[AC RB|REFLEC BEAT]]
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="3"|December 15th, 2016
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="3"|Revived on December 15th, 2016
| [[777]] || [[EeL]] || [[REFLEC BEAT]]
| [[777|<ruby>777<rt>★★★</rt></ruby>]] || [[EeL]] || [[AC RB|REFLEC BEAT]]
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="3"|Available from December 15th to 28th, 2016
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="3"|Available from December 15th to 28th, 2016, and from December 21st, 2017
| [[Thank You Merry Christmas]] || [[Yoshitaka Nishimura|VE]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]] || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]
| [[Thank You Merry Christmas]] || [[Yoshitaka Nishimura|VE]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]] || [[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="3"|February 23rd, 2017
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="3"|Revived on February 23rd, 2017
| [[OVER THE LIMIT!]] || [[Kenji Ito|伊藤賢治]] || [[REFLEC BEAT limelight]]
| [[OVER THE LIMIT!|OVER THE LIMIT!]] || [[Kenji Ito|伊藤賢治]] || [[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]

For a complete list of the returning songs, their respective revival dates, and their unlocking conditions (if any), please see [[REFLEC BEAT Yuukyuu no Reflesia/Returning Songs|this page]].
For a complete list of the returning songs, their respective revival dates, and their unlocking conditions (if any), please see [[AC RB Reflesia/Returning Songs|this page]].

= Difficulty Changes =
= Difficulty Changes =
The following songs have received difficulty changes:
= Removed Songs =
The following licenses have been removed from REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア:

{|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto"
{|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto"
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" width="250px"|Song Title
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" rowspan="2" width="250px"|Song
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" width="225px"|Artist
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" rowspan="2" width="225px"|Game
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" width="200px"|Game
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="4"|Level
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="3"|Launch
| [[Joyful|じょいふる]] || (いきものがかり) || [[REFLEC BEAT]]
| [[STARS (Ryu Remix RRver.)|STARS (Ryu☆Remix RRver.)]] || [[Yusuke Ceo|Another]] [[Ryutaro Nakahara| Infinity]] feat. [[Mayumi Morinaga]] || [[REFLEC BEAT limelight]]
| [[Sakura Luminance]] || [[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu☆]] || [[REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]
| [[Mikazuki|三日月]] || [[Yoshitaka Nishimura|VE]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]] || [[REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]
| [[Blade]] || [[Ryutaro Nakahara|青龍]] || [[REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]]
| [[BLUE DRAGON]] || [[Ryutaro Nakahara|青龍]] || [[REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-]]
| [[Water Horizon|Water Horizon (BD MIX)]] || [[Ryutaro Nakahara|青龍]] || [[REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-]]
| [[Aoi]] || サカナクション || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[Challenge the GAME]] || REDMAN || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[Don't stop the music]] || Dream Girls || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[Force of mind]] || The 4th([[Kosuke Saito|kors k]] vs [[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu☆]]) || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[My VOICE]] || ファンキー加藤 || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[On My Wings]] || [[Kosuke Saito|kors k]] || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[The Reluctant Heroes]] || 澤野 弘之 || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[W.W.D]] || でんぱ組.inc || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[BambooSword Girl|バンブーソード・ガール]] || [[cosMoBousouP|cosMo@暴走P]] || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[Bi Bi Bi|嗶嗶嗶 -Bi Bi Bi-]] || 謝金燕 -Jeannie Hsieh- || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[Dayishujia -The Great Artist-|大藝術家 -The Great Artist-]] || 蔡依林 -Jolin Tsai- || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[Diansi -DANCE-|電司 -DANCE-]] || LOLLIPOP F || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[Gensoukei sekaishuufuku shoujo|幻想系世界修復少女]] || [[Last Note.]] || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
!style="background:#9999ee;" width="50px"|Basic
!style="background:#9999ee;" width="50px"|Medium
!style="background:#9999ee;" width="50px"|Hard
!style="background:#9999ee;" width="50px"|White<br>Hard
!style="background:#9999ee; color:black; text-align: center;" colspan="7"|Re-rated on April 12th, 2017
| [[Love gigahertz|ラブギガヘルツ]] || 末広アンテナ || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[Onigo]] || [[AC RB colette Summer|REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]] || style="background:#ceffce;"|4&rarr;6 || style="background:#ffffce;"|- || style="background:#ffcece;"|- || style="background:#ffe4e1;"|-
| [[Quanchengreai -Feel the Love-|全城熱愛 -Feel the Love-]] || 羅志祥 -Show Lo- || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[PANIC HOLIC]] || [[AC RB colette Summer|REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]] || style="background:#ceffce;"|4&rarr;6 || style="background:#ffffce;"|- || style="background:#ffcece;"|- || style="background:#ffe4e1;"|-
| [[TV eiga "Yoshimune hyoubanki Abarenbo shogun" BGM|テレビ映画「吉宗評判記暴れん坊将軍」BGM]] || (菊池俊輔) || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[Zensokuryoku kyousoukyoku|全速力協奏曲]] || Omoi || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[contrail tail]] || movies([[Mayumi Morinaga|moimoi]]×[[Yusuke Ceo|Xceon]]×[[Dai.]]) || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]
| [[FUJIMORI -matsuri- FESTIVAL (EDP Live Mix)|FUJIMORI -祭- FESTIVAL (EDP Live Mix)]] || [[Yoshitaka Nishimura|VE]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]] || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]
| [[I'm On Fire]] || [[Kosuke Saito|kors k]] || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]
| [[M.A.Y.U.]] || [[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu☆]] feat.MAYU || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]
| [[Russian Caravan Rhapsody]] || [[Daichi Watanabe|Power Of Nature]] || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]
| [[Seventh Heaven (song)|Seventh Heaven]] || [[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu☆]] || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]
| [[Asairo no kamihikouki|朝色の紙飛行機]] || [[Masaya Oya|かめりあ]] || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]
| [[Ayakashi kakushi|妖隠し -あやかしかくし-]] || [[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ TOTTO]] feat.[[Sayuri Anpo|3L]] || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]
| [[Hikari to genei (Xceon album ver.)|光と幻影 (Xceon album ver.)]] || [[Yusuke Ceo|Xceon]] feat. [[Mayumi Morinaga]] || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]
| [[Homeneko sensation|ホメ猫☆センセーション]] || [[P*Light]] feat. mow*2 || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]
| [[Hoozukiteido ni wa akai touhatsu|ほおずき程度には赤い頭髪]] || [[Akhuta]] || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]
| [[Plain Asia -PHQ remix-|プレインエイジア -PHQ remix-]] || [[Takahiro Fukase|PHQUASE]] || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]
| [[Sennen no kotowari|千年ノ理]] || [[Naoyuki Sato|猫叉Master]] || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]
| [[Infinity=Inftrumental=|∞=Inftrumental=]] || [[cosMoBousouP|cosMo@暴走P]] || [[REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA]]
| [[Brightness (Camellia's "Vividness" Remix)]] || [[Kosuke Saito|kors k]] feat. [[kradness]] remixed by [[Masaya Oya|Camellia]] || [[REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]
| [[Dualive]] || Quarks([[kradness]]×[[Masaya Oya|Camellia]]) || [[REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]
| [[Help me, ERINNNNNN!! -VENUS mix-]] || [[Sota Fujimori|VE]][[Yoshitaka Nishimura|NUS]] || [[REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]
| [[Infinity Rise (Camellia's "Inf+1" Remix)]] || [[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu*]] feat. [[kradness]] remixed by [[Masaya Oya|Camellia]] || [[REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]
| [[MOONLiGHT]] || [[Ryutaro Nakahara|月龍]] || [[REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]
| [[You and me]] || Quarks([[kradness]]×[[Masaya Oya|Camellia]]) || [[REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]
| [[Zero no isou|零の位相]] || [[kradness]] || [[REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="3"|To be removed on April 26th, 2017
| [[Vitalization]] || 水樹奈々 || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[Colorful|カラフル]] || ClariS || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
| [[Guren no yumiya|紅蓮の弓矢]] || Linked Horizon || [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]
= Removed Songs =
The following songs from previous REFLEC BEAT titles have been removed:
{{RS Songlist Header|
{{RB Songlist Category|Removed on release date}}
{{RS Song|[[Gymnopedie-kors k mix-]]|[[Kosuke Saito|kors k]]|[[AC RB|REFLEC BEAT]]}}
{{RS Song|[[He is my only star]]|[[Yasuhiro Taguchi|SUPER HEROINE 彩香-AYAKA-]]|[[AC RB|REFLEC BEAT]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Juicy (kors k Lovers DJ Yoshitaka)|Juicy]]|[[Kosuke Saito|kors k]] Lovers [[Yoshitaka Nishimura|DJ Yoshitaka]]|[[AC RB|REFLEC BEAT]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Need Your Love]]|[[Sota Fujimori]]|[[AC RB|REFLEC BEAT]]}}
{{RS Song|[[NoN-Fiction Story!]]|[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|Creative Life]]|[[AC RB|REFLEC BEAT]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Joyful|じょいふる]]|(いきものがかり)|[[AC RB|REFLEC BEAT]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Colorful Days ~NEW LovePlus main theme~|Colorful Days ~NEWラブプラスメインテーマ~]]|高嶺愛花 & 小早川凛子 & 姉ヶ崎寧々|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[EVOLUTION|ЁVOLUTIΦN]]|[[TERRA|TЁЯRA]]|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Express Emotion]]|[[Yoshikazu Nagai|REDALiCE]] feat. Shihori|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[FRONTIER GATE]]|[[Naoyuki Sato|佐藤直之]]|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[HEAVENLY MOON]]|[[Tatsuya Shimizu|Tatsh]]|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[IMAGE-MATERIAL- (REFLEC BEAT Edition)|IMAGE-MATERIAL- <REFLEC BEAT Edition>]]|[[Tatsuya Shimizu|Tatsh]]|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[KIMONO PRINCESS|KIMONO♥PRINCESS]]|[[Junko Karashima|jun]]|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Mermaid girl (Ryu Remix)|Mermaid girl (Ryu☆Remix)]]|[[Ryutaro Nakahara|Cream puff]]|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Mind Mapping (kors k mix)]]|[[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu☆]]|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Pharaoh Love|Pharaoh★Love]]|[[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW]] ft.中島愛|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[QUIZ MAGIC ACADEMY VIII ~Kesshousen yori~|QUIZ MAGIC ACADEMY VIII ~決勝戦より~]]|[[Akihiro Honda|マジックアカデミー管弦楽部]]|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[STARS (Ryu Remix RRver.)|STARS (Ryu☆Remix RRver.)]]|[[Yusuke Seo|Another]] [[Ryutaro Nakahara|Infinity]] feat. [[Mayumi Morinaga]]|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Hana ranman -Flowers- (2nd EDITION)|華爛漫 -Flowers- (2nd EDITION)]]|[[TERRA|TЁЯRA]]|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Kirakira station|キラキラ☆ステーション]]|[[Tatsuya Shimizu|Tatsh]] feat. Prico|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Mr.Freedom|Mr.フリーダム]]|[[Daichi Watanabe|PON]]|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Opening theme ~QUIZ MAGIC ACADEMY Kenja no tobira yori~|オープニングテーマ ~クイズマジックアカデミー賢者の扉より~]]|[[Tomoaki Hirono|マジックアカデミー管弦楽部]]|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Fantasia]]|[[TERRA|TЁЯRA]]|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Going My Way]]|[[Kosuke Saito|BO]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]]|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[guerre a outrance|guerre à outrance]]|[[Yasunori Nishiki|Vivian]]|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[In Heaven]]|[[Sota Fujimori]]|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[TAKE THE FUN]]|[[Arata Iiyoshi|Anemo=Aspel by MLREC.]]|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[VOLTEXES]]|[[Sota Fujimori]]|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Gensou raijinki|幻想雷神記]]|[[Yoshihiko Koezuka|9]][[Daisuke Kurosawa|8]]|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Rensen ryouran|恋閃繚乱]]|[[Daisuke Kurosawa|2B-Waves]]|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Tentei otoko no ko hen|天庭]]|[[Asaki|あさき]]|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Tsubame (Tentei)|つばめ]]|[[Asaki|あさき]]|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Sakura Luminance]]|[[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu☆]]|[[AC RB colette Spring|REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[SILVER DREAM|SILVER☆DREAM]]|[[Junko Karashima|jun]]|[[AC RB colette Spring|REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Mikazuki|三日月]]|[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|VE]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]]|[[AC RB colette Spring|REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Nijiiro no hana|虹色の花]]|[[Akhuta]] y [[Yoshihiko Koezuka|OJ]]|[[AC RB colette Spring|REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Okome no oishii takikata, soshite okome wo taberu koto ni yoru sono kouka.|お米の美味しい炊き方、そしてお米を食べることによるその効果。]]|大日本鉄倶楽部 【[[Asaki|あさき]]&[[Daisuke Kurosawa|96]]】|[[AC RB colette Spring|REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Sakura|桜]]|[[Naoki Maeda|RevenG]]|[[AC RB colette Spring|REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Blade]]|[[Ryutaro Nakahara|青龍]]|[[AC RB colette Summer|REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Legendary Dragon]]|[[Yasunori Nishiki|Vivian]]|[[AC RB colette Summer|REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Qubism]]|[[IDEA+RHYTHM|Hate]] vs [[Kaoru|Brilliance]]|[[AC RB colette Summer|REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Sakura Reflection (P*Light Slayer Remix)]]|[[P*Light]]|[[AC RB colette Summer|REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[serendipity]]|[[Hideyuki Ono|小野秀幸]]|[[AC RB colette Summer|REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Smile (Hommarju feat. Nana Mitani)|Smile]]|[[Masaya Nakamura|Hommarju]] feat. [[Nana Mitani|実谷なな]]|[[AC RB colette Summer|REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Awaodori|阿波おどり -Awaodori-]]|[[Yuichi Asami|U1ミライダガッキ連]]|[[AC RB colette Summer|REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Beautiful Dream]]|[[Yoshikazu Nagai|REDALiCE]] feat. [[Sayuri Anpo|anporin]]|[[AC RB colette Autumn|REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Brand New World]]|[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|VE]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]]|[[AC RB colette Autumn|REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Candy Drop]]|[[Sayaka Okamoto|SAYA]]|[[AC RB colette Autumn|REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Intersect Platinum]]|[[Ayumi Suzuki|ZUKI]] featuring [[Daisuke Kurosawa|96]]|[[AC RB colette Autumn|REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[polygon]]|[[Sota Fujimori]]|[[AC RB colette Autumn|REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Qipchaq|Qipchãq]]|[[Kiyoshi Murai|world sequence]]|[[AC RB colette Autumn|REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[RAGNAROK]]|[[Daisuke Kurosawa|96]]|[[AC RB colette Autumn|REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[START]]|[[Tomoaki Hirono|瀬下千晶]]|[[AC RB colette Autumn|REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Survival Games -ZEUS Mix-]]|[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|VE]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]]|[[AC RB colette Autumn|REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Hishou-opening theme-|飛翔-オープニングテーマ-]]|マジックアカデミー管弦楽団×[[Tomoaki Hirono|劇団レコード]]|[[AC RB colette Autumn|REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Mikeneko JIVE&Jive|三毛猫JIVE&ジャイブ]]|[[Hideyuki Ono|小野秀幸]]|[[AC RB colette Autumn|REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[BLUE DRAGON]]|[[Ryutaro Nakahara|青龍]]|[[AC RB colette All Seasons|REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Cosmic Hurricane-Try to Sing Ver.-]]|[[Yasuhiro Taguchi|TAG]] rejected by [[Yoshitaka Nishimura|DJ YOSHITAKA]]|[[AC RB colette All Seasons|REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Dispersion Star]]|[[Ayumi Suzuki|ZUKI]]|[[AC RB colette All Seasons|REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[FIRE (REFLEC Version)]]|[[Mutsuhiko Izumi]]|[[AC RB colette All Seasons|REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[REVOLUTIONARY ADDICT]]|[[Yasuhiro Taguchi|TAG]]|[[AC RB colette All Seasons|REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[THE SAFARI -DJ TOTTO mix-]]|[[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ TOTTO]]|[[AC RB colette All Seasons|REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Water Horizon|Water Horizon (BD MIX)]]|[[Ryutaro Nakahara|青龍]]|[[AC RB colette All Seasons|REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Hoshikuzu no kiroku|星屑のキロク]]|[[Hideyuki Ono|小野秀幸]]|[[AC RB colette All Seasons|REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Mind game|マインド・ゲーム]]|[[Daisuke Kurosawa|96]] with [[Shigeharu Saeki|メカショッチョー]]|[[AC RB colette All Seasons|REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[|ソ.レ.ミ.ファ.ソーダ]]|[[Atsuhiro Ishizuna|AKOCHIP ft. nc]]|[[AC RB colette All Seasons|REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Yakyuu no asobikata soshite sono rekishi ~ketteiban~|野球の遊び方 そしてその歴史 ~決定版~]]|[[Asaki|あさき大監督]]|[[AC RB colette All Seasons|REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[7 Colors (DJ NAGAI Remix)]]|[[Yoshikazu Nagai|DJ NAGAI]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Aoi]]|サカナクション|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[ARACHNE(DJ Noriken Remix)]]|[[Kento Oizumi|DJ Noriken]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Challenge the GAME]]|REDMAN|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[City Edge]]|[[Maoki Yamamoto|winddrums]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Don't stop the music]]|Dream Girls|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Force of mind]]|The 4th([[Kosuke Saito|kors k]] vs [[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu☆]])|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Gimme a Big Beat (Hommarju Remix)]]|[[Masaya Nakamura|Hommarju]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Golden Cross (extended remix)]]|[[Tetsuya Tamura|REMO-CON]] vs [[Takayuki Ishikawa|dj TAKA]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Idola]]|[[Takayuki Ishikawa|icono]][[Jun Wakita|clasm]] feat.GUMI|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[I LOVE SUNFLOWER]]|CHERRY BLOSSOMS ([[Asaki|ASAKI]] & [[Jun Wakita|wac]])|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[My VOICE]]|ファンキー加藤|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[On My Wings]]|[[Kosuke Saito|kors k]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Playing With Fire (Sota Fujimori Remix)]]|[[Sota Fujimori]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Smooooch (Ryu Remix)|Smooooch・∀・ (Ryu☆ Remix)]]|[[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu☆]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Strobe Girl|Strobe♡Girl]]|colate|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[The Reluctant Heroes]]|澤野 弘之|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[TSAR BOMBA]]|[[Toshiyuki Kakuta|L.E.D.]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[ulexite]]|[[Ayumi Suzuki|ZUKI]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[VOLTEXES II]]|[[Sota Fujimori]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[W.W.D]]|でんぱ組.inc|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[YELLOW SPLASH!!]]|[[P*Light]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[BambooSword Girl|バンブーソード・ガール]]|[[cosMo@BousouP|cosMo@暴走P]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Bi Bi Bi|嗶嗶嗶 -Bi Bi Bi-]]|謝金燕 -Jeannie Hsieh-|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Dayishujia -The Great Artist-|大藝術家 -The Great Artist-]]|蔡依林 -Jolin Tsai-|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Diansi -DANCE-|電司 -DANCE-]]|LOLLIPOP F|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Gensoukei sekaishuufuku shoujo|幻想系世界修復少女]]|Last Note.|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Jousou dystopia|情操ディストピア]]|[[mami]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Kyouki muramasa|狂鬼村正]]|[[Daisuke Kurosawa|九六]]VS[[Tatsuya Iyama|栗須承之介]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Love gigahertz|ラブギガヘルツ]]|末広アンテナ|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Matsuyoigusa|待宵草]]|CULTVOICE by [[Arata Iiyoshi|S.S.D.PRODUCTS]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Mikeneko DANCE|三毛猫DANCE]]|[[Hideyuki Ono|小野秀幸]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Quanchengreai -Feel the Love-|全城熱愛 -Feel the Love-]]|羅志祥 -Show Lo-|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Rakurin paradise|らくりん☆パラダイス♪]]|三章 登|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Senritsu no dogma~Miserables~|旋律のドグマ~Misérables~]]|[[Mayumi Morinaga|楓璃夢=]][[Toshiyuki Kakuta|ジークフリード=ファイエルローゼン]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Tenchidou densetsu|天地動伝説]]|[[Daisuke Kurosawa|9]][[Yoshihiko Koezuka|8]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[TV eiga "Yoshimune hyoubanki Abarenbo shogun" BGM|テレビ映画「吉宗評判記暴れん坊将軍」BGM]]|(菊池俊輔)|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Urekoi activation|憂恋☆アクティベーション]]|[[u-z]]|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Zensokuryoku kyousoukyoku|全速力協奏曲]]|Omoi|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[AXIS]]|[[Jin Senbonmatsu|千本松 仁]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[contrail tail]]|movies([[Mayumi Morinaga|moimoi]]×[[Yusuke Seo|Xceon]]×[[Dai.]])|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[COSMIC COWGIRL]]|[[Toshio Sakurai]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[DROP THE BOMB]]|[[Scott Dolph|Scotty D.]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[fellows]]|[[Takayuki Ishikawa|dj TAKA]] feat. [[Sanae Shintani|Sana]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Flash Back 90's]]|[[Kosuke Saito|kors k as disconation]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Freedom -DEUS Mix-]]|[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|VE]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[FUJIMORI -matsuri- FESTIVAL(EDP Live Mix)|FUJIMORI -祭- FESTIVAL(EDP Live Mix)]]|[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|VE]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Funky sonic World]]|[[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW]] feat.[[Shigeki Morimoto|SHIGE]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Go Go Girls&Boys!|Go↓Go↑Girls&Boys!]]|[[Matsushita|松下]]feat.[[Sota Fujimori|Sota]] & [[Jun Wakita|wac]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Hello Happiness]]|[[P*Light]] feat. mow*2|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[HELL SCAPER(kors k Remix)]]|[[Toshiyuki Kakuta|L.E.D.LIGHT-G]] Remixed by [[Kosuke Saito|kors k]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[I LOVE COSMOS]]|CHERRY BLOSSOMS ([[Asaki|ASAKI]] & [[Jun Wakita|wac]])|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[I'M GONNA GET YOU!]]|[[Kazuhiro Senoo|Kelly Cosmo]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[I'm On Fire]]|[[Kosuke Saito|kors k]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[In The Breeze]]|[[Daisuke Kurosawa|96]] & [[Sota Fujimori|Sota]] ft. [[Mayumi Morinaga]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[JET WORLD (Ryu Remix)|JET WORLD (Ryu☆Remix)]]|[[Mutsuhiko Izumi|泉 陸奥彦]] Remixed by [[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu☆]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[M.A.Y.U.]]|[[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu☆]] feat.MAYU|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[MAKE A JAM!]]|[[Yuichi Asami|U1]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Material Factor]]|[[Seima Iwahashi|岩橋星実]](Elements Garden) feat.μ|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Nova emocao|Nova emoção]]|[[Tomosuke Funaki|Berimbau '66]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Ping Pong Dash|Ping×Pong×Dash]]|[[Parquets|パーキッツ]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Seventh Heaven (song)|Seventh Heaven]]|[[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu☆]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[White Eve]]|[[Sanae Shintani|さな]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Asairo no kamihikouki|朝色の紙飛行機]]|[[Masaya Oya|かめりあ]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Dandandou -otoko PHQ remix-|男々道 -otoko PHQ remix-]]|[[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW]]・[[ALPHA|組]] Remixed by [[Takahiro Fukase|PHQUASE]] (Gt.[[Masaya Oya|かめりあ]])|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Hikari to genei (Xceon album ver.)|光と幻影 (Xceon album ver.)]]|[[Yusuke Seo|Xceon]] feat. [[Mayumi Morinaga]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Onnakotoba no shoushitsu|女言葉の消失]]|[[Sota Fujimori]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[F/E/D/R(I Don't Care)]]|[[Kento Oizumi|DJ Noriken]]|[[AC RB VOLZZA|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Get Future]]|[[Genki Hikota|DJ Genki]] feat. [[yukacco]] With Gt [[Takashi Ito|三代]]|[[AC RB VOLZZA|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Ghost Hunters]]|[[Daisuke Kurosawa|96]]|[[AC RB VOLZZA|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA]]}}
{{RS Song|[[MOON DUST]]|[[Kazumasa Teramoto|源屋]] feat.[[Kuroa*]]|[[AC RB VOLZZA|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Kyun kyun bakkyun LOVE|きゅん×きゅんばっきゅん☆LOVE]]|[[Matsushita|松下]]feat.[[Sota Fujimori|Sota]] & [[Jun Wakita|wac]]|[[AC RB VOLZZA|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Infinity=Inftrumental=|∞=Inftrumental=]]|[[cosMo@BousouP|cosMo@暴走P]]|[[AC RB VOLZZA|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Brightness (Camellia's "Vividness" Remix)]]|[[Kosuke Saito|kors k]] feat. [[kradness]] remixed by [[Masaya Oya|Camellia]]|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Dualive]]|Quarks([[kradness]]×[[Masaya Oya|Camellia]])|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Good bye, Summer~sayonara wa iwanai~|Good bye, Summer~さよならは言わない~]]|[[Daisuke Kurosawa|私立BEMANI学園]][[Daichi Watanabe|軽音部 OB]]|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Infinity Rise (Camellia's "Inf+1" Remix)]]|[[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu*]] feat. [[kradness]] remixed by [[Masaya Oya|Camellia]]|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RS Song|[[MOONLiGHT]]|[[Ryutaro Nakahara|月龍]]|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RS Song|[[You and me]]|Quarks([[kradness]]×[[Masaya Oya|Camellia]])|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Ikari to tomo ni sarinu!!|怒りと共に去りぬ!!]]|[[Daisuke Kurosawa|96]] feat.[[Hideo Suwa|すわひでお]]|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Zero no isou|零の位相]]|[[kradness]]|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Removed on April 26th, 2017}}
{{RS Song|[[Vitalization]]|水樹奈々|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Colorful|カラフル]]|ClariS|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Guren no yumiya|紅蓮の弓矢]]|Linked Horizon|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Removed on September 18th, 2017}}
{{RS Song|[[EZ DO DANCE]]|[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|VE]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]]|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[FLAT adding Yuuki Ozaki(from Galileo Galilei)]]|livetune|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[IGNITE]]|藍井エイル|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Honoo to mori no carnival|炎と森のカーニバル]]|SEKAI NO OWARI|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Let it go ~ari no mamade~|レット・イット・ゴー〜ありのままで〜]]|(松たか子)|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Removed on May 7th, 2018}}
{{RS Song|[[Luka Luka night fever|ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー]]|実谷なな|[[AC RB colette Summer|REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]]}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Removed on June 25th, 2018}}
{{RS Song|[[Now Loading!!!!]]|fourfolium|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RS Song|[[SAKURA skip|SAKURAスキップ]]|fourfolium|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Removed on September 12th, 2018}}
{{RS Song|[[LEVEL5-judgelight-]]|fripSide|[[AC RB|REFLEC BEAT]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Shichiten hakki shijoushugi!|七転八起☆至上主義!]]|KOTOKO|[[AC RB|REFLEC BEAT]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Butter-FLY|Butter-Fly]]|(和田光司)|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[WHITE BREATH]]|[[Kosuke Saito|BO]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]]|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Natsumatsuri|夏祭り]]|([[Chie Nakamaru|JITTERIN'JINN]])|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Orange|オレンジ]]|([[Daichi Watanabe|GReeeeN]])|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Shinryaku no susume|侵略ノススメ☆]]|ULTRA-PRISM|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Unfinished|→unfinished→]]|KOTOKO|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Uso|嘘]]|シド|[[AC RB colette Winter|REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Maware! Setsugetsuka|回レ!雪月花]]|[[Hige Driver|歌組雪月花]]|[[AC RB colette All Seasons|REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[MURASAKI]]|蒼井翔太|[[AC RB groovin'!! Upper|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Sugar song to bitter step|シュガーソングとビターステップ]]|UNISON SQUARE GARDEN|[[AC RB VOLZZA|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Watashi igai watashi janai no|私以外私じゃないの]]|ゲスの極み乙女。|[[AC RB VOLZZA|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Paradisus-Paradoxum]]|[[Tomohiro Oshima|MYTH & ROID]]|REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア}}
{{RB Songlist Category|Removed on February 13th, 2019}}
{{RS Song|[[Hacking to the Gate]]|いとうかなこ|[[AC RB limelight|REFLEC BEAT limelight]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Get Off of My Way]]|MAN WITH A MISSION|[[AC RB colette Spring|REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Sousei no Aquarion|創聖のアクエリオン]]|(AKINO)|[[AC RB colette Spring|REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[sister's noise]]|fripSide|[[AC RB colette Summer|REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Eine kleine|アイネクライネ]]|→Pia-no-jaC←|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Houkago stride|放課後ストライド]]|Last Note.|[[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Zenryoku batankyuu|全力バタンキュー]]|A応P|[[AC RB VOLZZA|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Preserved Roses]]|[[Daisuke Asakura|T.M.Revolution]]×水樹奈々|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Ashita no hikari|アシタノヒカリ]]|AAA|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Friend shitai|ふ・れ・ん・ど・し・た・い]]|学園生活部|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Gimme chocolate!!|ギミチョコ!!]]|BABYMETAL|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Mazeruna kiken|混ぜるな危険]]|筋肉少女帯|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Pride kakumei|プライド革命]]|CHICO with HoneyWorks|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RS Song|[[Reclimb|リクライム]]|ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D|[[AC RB VOLZZA 2|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2]]}}
{{RS Song|[[JUMPin'JUMP UP!!!!]]|fourfolium|REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア}}
{{RS Song|[[STEP by STEP UP|STEP by STEP UP↑↑↑↑]]|[[Ayato Homma|four]][[Hige Driver|folium]]|REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア}}
{{RS Song|[[Orarion|オラリオン]]|やなぎなぎ|REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア}}

= External Link =
= External Link =
* [ REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア official site]
* [ REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア official site]

[[Category:REFLEC BEAT]]
[[Category:REFLEC BEAT]]

Latest revision as of 15:30, 17 February 2025

Arcade Releases
REFLEC BEAT - limelight
colette (Winter / Spring / Summer
Autumn / All Seasons)
groovin'!! (Upper) - VOLZZA (2)
Consumer Releases

REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア

RB Reflesia logo.png

Release Information

General Information / Changes

  • Sixth full REFLEC BEAT game, as well as the final REFLEC BEAT game.
  • According to information given on the 145th BEMANI Namahousou (kari) (BEMANI生放送(仮)) live stream, the game has been reworked from the ground up:
    • Difficulty level has expanded to Level 15.
    • Scoring system has been changed.
      • Clear Rank S introduced.
      • New judgement rank introduced for Long Objects: KEEP. KEEP increments the combo just as JUST, GREAT, and GOODs do.
    • Object movement speed is no longer different between BASIC, MEDIUM, and HARD charts of the same song; it now closely follows the song's BPM.
    • Only Vertical and Big Bang Objects are used in charts rated from Level 1 to 4; there are no Gold Objects (and thus no way to perform JUST REFLECS).
    • Similar to the original REFLEC BEAT, BASIC charts no longer contain any Top Objects.
    • However, 2-Top judgement points are still shown when playing a BASIC chart.
  • Only REFLEC BEAT game to have a Japanese title.
    • The title is officially translated to English as The Reflesia of Eternity.
  • The main character illustrator is MAYA.
  • Game is split into two modes:
    • Normal Mode: a mode akin to previous entries in the REFLEC BEAT series. Songs can be freely selected.
    • Reflesia Mode: a new mode that introduces RPG-like elements to the game. The player will choose quests to go on and dungeons to explore with a party to unlock new songs and charts. Songs are predetermined in this mode, and cannot be changed between rounds.
  • Objects changes:
    • Big Bang Objects and Switch Long Objects are introduced.
      • Big Bang Objects are shaped as long, horizontal bars and any part of it can be touched. When playing the game in Reflesia Mode, Big Bang Objects cause a screen-shaking effect.
      • Switch Long Objects have an "ON" yellow bar that must be held down and an "OFF" purple bar that the player must avoid contact with; both can repeat one after another until the end of the whole object.
    • The Slide Object from VOLZZA has been completely removed from the game. Charts featuring it may have the Switch Long Objects as replacements.
    • Normal Objects and Vertical Objects now look visually identical.
    • Note beams (a la beatmania IIDX) have been introduced.
  • WHITE HARD (ホワイトハード) charts are introduced. These replace SPECIAL charts as previously seen from REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! to REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2. Like in VOLZZA 2, they are available for all new songs.
    • Unlike most SPECIAL charts that were simply harder charts, WHITE HARD ones are not necessarily more difficult, focusing instead on unique patterns and new objects that were not present in the other difficulty charts for a specific song.
    • Switch Long Objects only appear on the WHITE HARD difficulty.
    • For revived songs that previously had SPECIAL charts, their WHITE HARD charts are nearly identical (except for Slide Objects).
  • Hi-Speed changes:
    • It can now be changed on the online matching screen, not just during song selection.
    • It is now selectable in CLASS mode.
    • Hi-Speed setting now goes up to 4.0 (0.5 increments).
  • With the three exceptions of FLOWER, 黒髪乱れし修羅となりて, and 凛として咲く花の如く, every KONAMI original song from previous REFLEC BEAT games was either removed or made hidden at launch.
    • Many of the removed songs were added over time. For more information, please see this page.
    • All revived songs received new charts.
  • Only the player ID carries from VOLZZA 2.
  • CLASS CHECK MODE was not available until February 22nd, 2017.
  • ひなビタ♪ genre was added on March 13th, 2017.
  • Only REFLEC BEAT game to have its soundtrack released on iTunes internationally.
  • One of the only two active BEMANI games at the time of announcement that did not appear at The 7th KONAMI Arcade Championship, along with MÚSECA 1+1/2.
  • X linking functionality ended on February 13th, 2023.
  • Total songs: 604

Staff Information

Full Song List

Default / Hidden Songs

Songs listed with a grey background have been removed from REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア.

LOVE IS BLIND-知らない街で Crazy for You- can be unlocked by playing LOVE IS ORANGE and then Blind Justice ~Torn souls, Hurt Faiths~ on the same credit. It will then be available for your next STAGE. Since December 21st, 2017, it is playable by default.

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Medium Hard White
Paradisus-Paradoxum MYTH & ROID 201 4 9 11 12
オラリオン やなぎなぎ 108-149 2 7 11 10
Added on February 13th, 2017
星謳う民 canoue 119 3 7 11 12
一瞬のクオリア 茶太霜月はるか 95 2 7 10 11
捻子巻く時計が月の満ち欠けを刻む 霜月はるか(tieLeaf) 84 4 8 11 11
Added on July 14th, 2017
STEP by STEP UP↑↑↑↑ fourfolium 175 3 8 11 11
Added on July 20th, 2017
JUMPin'JUMP UP!!!! fourfolium 168 4 9 11 12
Added on September 20th, 2017
向日葵サンセット ARMまろん (IOSYS) × ランコパプリカ (豚乙女) 135 3 8 11 12
Added on October 3rd, 2017
君氏危うくも近うよれ A応P 162 4 8 11 12
KONAMI originals
Agony for Glory RoughSketch 175 6 10 14 14
Apocalypse Morrigan feat. リリィ 165 7 10 14 14
DAWN OF FALCON L.E.D.-G 155 7 10 14 14
Dragon's Tears 96 & keiichi 256 6 9 12 12
DREAMER SOUND HOLIC feat. 709sec. 186 4 8 11 12
【×▽×】FANTASTIC NxxD BABY【×_×】 P*Light feat. mow*2 145 5 9 12 13
know emon(Tes.) feat.conoqa 128 3 7 10 11
Night Clock kidlit/深水チエ 134-191 5 8 11 12
Nostalgic Magica cosMo@暴走P 63 5 9 12 13
Requiem of Lament Powerless feat. Shoohey 160 5 8 13 13
Strange Flow Sota Fujimori 140 4 7 11 11
Towards The Horizon かめりあ 154 6 9 14 13
アネモイティエライ bermei.inazawa feat.結良まり 164 6 9 13 13
ディーナ・シーの踊り 大嶋啓之 90-120 5 9 13 13
彷徨オルフェウス 劇団レコードfeat.猫叉Master 150 5 8 12 11
彼方のリフレシア DJ TOTTO feat.Annabel & 日山尚 180 4 8 12 13
風詠之舞~カゼヨミノマイ world sequence 110 2 7 10 10
黒紅掬い 猫叉Master feat.霜月はるか 104 3 7 10 11
昏き甲鉄のヴェルガ arcane feat.rionos 174 4 7 11 12
PHQUASE 108 6 9 13 13
追想ブロカント onoken feat. Rin 92 4 8 11 12
宵月の歌姫 OSTER project feat. りぼんぬ 210 6 8 12 12
勇気のペンダント Qrispy Joybox feat.茶太 109 5 8 11 12
Added on February 13th, 2017
The 6th KAC DJ TOTTO's SELECTION remixed by DJ TOTTO Gt.TATSUYA 179-234 7 10 15 14
Autumn HinaBitter♪ festival (秋のひなビタ♪フェスティバル)
(Added on March 13th, 2017)
めうめうぺったんたん!! (割印[Breakcore] Remix) 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 194 6 10 12 13
(Added on April 27th, 2017)
HAPPY☆PARADISE☆GALAXY DJ(GW+ミラクル☆ストーン)÷2 182 6 9 12 13
The Treasure of Reflesia (added on July 27th, 2017)
from Akumajo Dracula Gallery of Labyrinth
古代祐三 128 5 8 11 11
ときめきアイドル×BEMANI (added on October 19th, 2017)
DREAMING-ING!! ときめきアイドル project 180 4 8 11 11
Added on December 28th, 2017
Strawberry Chu♡Chu♡ ときめきアイドル project クッキーパラダイス 137 4 9 12 13
恋のパズルマジック ときめきアイドル project Rhythmixxx 140 3 8 11 12
KONAMI 50th Anniversary Memorial Songs
Added on March 21st, 2019
50th Memorial Songs -Beginning Story- BEMANI Sound Team 135 6 9 13 12
Added on April 25th, 2019
50th Memorial Songs -二人の時 ~under the cherry blossoms~- BEMANI Sound Team 160 6 9 14 13
50th Memorial Songs -Flagship medley- BEMANI Sound Team 135-175 5 8 11 12
50th Memorial Songs -The BEMANI History- BEMANI Sound Team 136 7 10 15 14
BEMANI crossovers
NOSTALGIA launch memorial song crossover campaign (ノスタルジア稼働記念 楽曲交換キャンペーン)
(Added on March 15th, 2017)
from ノスタルジア
Setaria Virtuoso 86-144 4 8 12 13
The Treasure of Reflesia (added on July 27th, 2017)
Hard distance
from GuitarFreaksXG3 & DrumManiaXG3
桜庭 統 146 7 10 13 14
Majestic Fire
from pop'n music 13 カーニバル
下村陽子 180 3 8 11 12
バトル XIII
from pop'n music 13 カーニバル
伊藤賢治 140-143 2 7 10 11
Unlockable from April 27th to December 21st, 2017
LOVE IS BLIND-知らない街で Crazy for You- VENUS 156 5 8 11 12

Reflesia Mode

Reflesia Mode (リフレシアモード) is the main unlocking event of REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア. Players can unlock new and returning songs, as well as WHITE HARD charts for old KONAMI original songs by clearing Quests: Normal Quests (ノーマルクエスト) for new/returning songs, and Subjugation Quests (討伐クエスト) for limited time songs and WHITE HARD charts. Each Quest is a course of three songs. By clearing them, you can unlock songs, charts, Pastel-kun accessories, or character cards.

The difficulty for each Quest can be freely selected between BASIC, MEDIUM, HARD or WHITE HARD. The songs for each Quest are typically randomly selected from a certain genre/level from the player's available songs, though in some Quest's cases certain songs are fixed.

Normal Quests

By clearing a Quest dungeon, the next dungeon will appear in the same Quest. Initially, players are shown three Quests, and by clearing all dungeons of each quest, a "middle boss" Quest is added. After clearing it, three new Quests will appear, continuing the above until the end of the Chapter.

  • Chapter One: The Beginning Story (第一章 物語の始まり): added at launch.
  • Chapter Two: A Light of Hope (第二章 希望の光): part one added on March 30th, 2017, and part two on April 13th. Pastel-kun must be at level 20 or higher to begin.
  • Chapter Three: The Demon Lord (第三章 魔王): added on August 10th, 2017. All quests in previous chapters must be completed first.
  • The final Quest of the third chapter is the only song that is an EXTRA ROUND song, which must be cleared to unlock; The Reflesia of Eternity. Each chart must be individually unlocked.

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Medium Hard White
Normal Quest (ノーマルクエスト)
第一章 物語の始まり
Emblem of the Moon dj TAKA 150 7 10 14 14
Myth Collapse HuΣeR 222 7 9 14 13
Oh My Jam Hommarju 170 6 10 13 14
from REFLEC BEAT limelight
96 vs. Mutsuhiko Izumi 210 7 10 13 14
from REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-
あさき 154 7 10 14 14
Tatsh feat. RUNA 155 6 9 11 12
第二章 希望の光 前編
Unlockable from March 30th, 2017
from jubeat prop
DJ TOTTO 186 7 10 15 15
LEAD Gravity
from ポップンリズミン
Des-ROW 188 6 9 12 13
Unlockable from April 13th, 2017
Deadman falling 猫叉Master 165 7 10 15 14
Laevateinn -無響鐘剣- Morrigan feat. リリィ 175 6 9 14 15
Tortura MAX MAXIMIZER 206 8 11 15 15
with Uisce bermei.inazawa 220-240 7 10 15 14
第三章 魔王
Unlockable from August 10th, 2017
The Reflesia of Eternity Mephius 48-174 9 12 15 15

Subjugation Quests

Subjugation Quests are available for certain time periods. Usually, most of these Quests have only one dungeon.

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Medium Hard White
Subjugation Quest (討伐クエスト)
New Songs
Unlockable from December 8th to 21st, 2016, and from January 5th to 18th, 2017 through the 船上の乙女 quest.
Available by default since January 4th, 2018
円環のヴァルキュリア -lopulla tragedia- ARM×狐夢想 feat.anporin 200 7 10 14 14
Unlockable from December 22nd, 2016 to January 4th, 2017, and from January 19th to February 1st, 2017 through the 戻りたい場所 quest.
Available by default since January 4th, 2018
Point of No Return kors k 145 6 10 14 14
Unlockable from January 1st to 18th, 2017 through the 謹賀新年 quest, and from March 23rd to April 5th, 2017 through the 最期の望み quest.
Available by default since January 4th, 2018
Akhuta Works feat.ランコ(豚乙女) 184 6 9 13 13
Quest【The 6th KAC グループ D】/ 【第三の頂】
Unlockable from January 5th to 25th, 2017 through The 6th KAC グループ D quest, and from April 6th to 19th, 2017 through the 第三の頂 quest.
Available by default since January 4th, 2018
Eira DJ TOTTO 186 8 11 15 15
Unlockable from January 19th to February 1st, 2017, and from March 2nd to 12th, 2017.
Available by default since January 4th, 2018
刹那のカーリギッド ~セトリオスの6の赦罪より~ UNVEIL et 葉月ゆら 161 6 10 13 14
Unlockable from February 13th to March 1st, 2017.
Available by default since April 27th, 2017
Catastrophic Dance the wandering bard feat. 志方あきこ 145 8 11 15 15
Returning Song
Quest【Merry Christmas】
Unlockable from December 15th to 28th, 2016.
Available by default since December 21st, 2017
Thank You Merry Christmas
from REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
VENUS 220 3 8 11 11


Song Game White
Unlockable from December 1st to 28th, 2016, and from February 2nd to 15th, 2017.
Available by default since March 23rd, 2017
Unlockable from December 1st to 28th, 2016, and from February 2nd to 15th, 2017.
Available by default since March 23rd, 2017
アルストロメリア REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring- 14
Quest【The 6th KAC グループ A】
Unlockable from December 15th, 2016 to January 25th, 2017.
Available by default since March 23rd, 2017
Daily Lunch Special REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter- 14
Quest【Merry Christmas】
Unlockable from December 15th to 28th, 2016.
Available by default since March 23rd, 2017
December Breeze REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter- 14
Quest【The 6th KAC グループ B】
Unlockable from December 22nd, 2016 to January 25th, 2017.
Available by default since March 23rd, 2017
Quest【The 6th KAC グループ C】
Unlockable from December 29th, 2016 to January 25th, 2017.
Available by default since March 23rd, 2017
fallen leaves REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn- 14
Unlockable from January 19th to February 1st, 2017, and from March 9th to 22nd, 2017.
Available by default since March 23rd, 2017
Unlockable from February 23rd to March 8th, 2017.
Available by default since January 25th, 2018
量子の海のリントヴルム REFLEC BEAT limelight 15
Unlockable from March 9th to 22nd, 2017.
Available by default since January 25th, 2018
Unlockable from April 6th to 19th, 2017.
Available by default since January 25th, 2018
Valanga REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter- 15
Unlockable from May 11th to 24th, 2017.
Available by default since January 25th, 2018
Unlockable from May 25th to June 7th, 2017.
Available by default since January 25th, 2018
JOMANDA REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn- 15
Unlockable from June 15th to 28th, 2017.
Available by default since January 25th, 2018
Unlockable from July 6th to 19th, 2017.
Available by default since January 25th, 2018
灼熱Beach Side Bunny REFLEC BEAT limelight 15
Quest【I only Divide Me】
Unlockable from July 20th to August 2nd, 2017.
Available by default since March 8th, 2018
ZETA~素数の世界と超越者~ REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer- 15
Unlockable from August 17th to 30th, 2017.
Available by default since March 8th, 2018
GAIA REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring- 15
Unlockable from September 7th to 20th, 2017.
Available by default since March 8th, 2018
The Least 100sec REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring- 15
Unlockable from October 19th to November 1st, 2017.
Available by default since March 8th, 2018
Stand Alone Beat Masta REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! 15
Quest【make it clear】
Unlockable from November 9th to 22nd, 2017.
Available by default since March 8th, 2018
Lisa-RICCIA REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn- 15
Unlockable from November 30th to December 13th, 2017.
天空の夜明け REFLEC BEAT limelight 15
Unlockable from December 21st, 2017 to January 3rd, 2018.
chaplet REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring- 15
Unlockable from January 4th to 17th, 2018.
Sonne REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper 15
Unlockable from February 15th to 28th, 2018.
WICKeD CRφSS REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! 15
Unlockable from March 29th to April 11th, 2018.

Other Unlocks


The following song can only be played as an EXTRA ROUND song, and only be played with PASELI during Normal Mode. To access it, players had to EXCELLENT clear the WHITE HARD chart of the chosen FINAL ROUND song, but it had to be a Level 13 or higher rated chart.

Since February 2nd, 2017, players now have to FULL COMBO clear the MEDIUM or higher chart of the chosen FINAL ROUND song, but it has to be a Level 12 or higher rated chart.

Since December 21st, 2017, Dracophobia is playable by default.

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Medium Hard White
Dracophobia 上ノ瀬つかさ 108-178 8 11 14 14


The following songs could be unlocked from April 27th, 2017 after playing HAPPY☆PARADISE☆GALAXY. Once per credit, players can choose from any of the three initial songs to unlock it permanently, and once all three have been unlocked, Lagrangian Point Ø can be selected for unlock.

Since July 20th, 2017, these songs are playable by default.

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Medium Hard White
(Unlockable from April 27th, 2017 to July 20th, 2017)
Brazilian Anthem
from GUITARFREAKS 6thMIX & drummania 5thMIX
Berimbau '66 260 6 9 13 12
Iluzio De Lunlumo m@sumi feat.*spiLa* 128-185 4 10 12 13
from BeatStream アニムトライヴ
Qrispy Joybox 164 3 8 11 12
Unlockable after the previous songs are unlocked
Lagrangian Point Ø tūmahaB 212 7 10 15 14


The following songs could be unlocked from July 20th, 2017. Once per credit, players can choose from any of the three initial songs to unlock it permanently, and once all three have been unlocked, LOTUS can be selected for unlock.

Since September 21st, 2017, these songs are playable by default.

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Medium Hard White
(Unlockable from July 20th to September 21st, 2017)
Wolf 424 Xceon 188 5 9 12 12
穢レテ唱ウハ黄泉ノ呪詛 片霧烈火 ト 少年トトリオット 156 4 8 12 13
メアリー牧場の一日 Mutsuhiko Izumi 150-158 4 9 12 12
Unlockable after the previous songs are unlocked
LOTUS dj TAKA feat. Nana Takahashi 160 7 10 15 14


The following songs can be unlocked from October 26th, 2017. Once per credit, players can choose from any of the three initial songs to unlock it permanently, and once all three have been unlocked, CHERNOBOG can be selected for unlock.

Since December 21st, 2017, these songs are playable by default.

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Medium Hard White
(Unlockable from October 26th to December 1st, 2017)
ミーティアドライブ OSTER project 182 6 9 13 14
イデア canoue 126 4 8 11 13

from beatmania IIDX 24 SINOBUZ
L.E.D.-G 190 7 10 14 13
Unlockable after the previous songs are unlocked
from BeatStream アニムトライヴ
漆黒のEBONY 200 8 11 15 15

Thank You, 1st Anniversary campaign!! (ありがとう1周年記念キャンペーン!!)

The following songs can be unlocked from December 1st, 2017. Once per credit, players can choose from any of the three initial songs to unlock it permanently, and once all three have been unlocked, それは音楽が導く永遠の物語 can be selected for unlock.

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Medium Hard White
(Unlockable from December 1st, 2017)
from pop'n music Sunny Park
positive MAD-crew 181 6 9 12 13
from DanceDanceRevolution X2
TAG underground 185-370 7 10 15 14
アエル S.S.D.FANTASICA 126 6 9 12 13
Unlockable after the previous songs are unlocked
それは音楽が導く永遠の物語 DJ Totoriott 80-152 5 8 12 13

The Treasure of Reflesia

The following songs can be unlocked from July 27th, 2017. On the total results screen, players will obtain an Orb, and then photos of the featured artists (Kenji Ito, Yuzo Koshiro, Motoi Sakuraba, and Yoko Shimomura) will appear. By giving three Orbs to an artist, players can unlock its respective song.

Since December 21st, 2017, these songs are playable by default.

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Medium Hard White
The Treasure of Reflesia
(Unlockable from July 27th to December 21st, 2017)
Maximum Beatissimo!!!! ITOKEN vs. TATSUYA 179 6 9 12 13
Now's the Time 古代祐三 148 3 8 11 12
Step forward 桜庭 統 145 8 11 15 15
忘れられたピアノの記憶 下村陽子 164 7 10 14 13

Yuukyuu no toubatsusen (悠久の討伐戦)

The Yuukyuu no toubatsusen (悠久の討伐戦) event began on August 17th, 2017. To access it, press the 悠久の討伐戦 option at the song selection screen.

Once accessed, players can play certain challenges by Des-ROW (EASY) or DJ TOTTO (HARD). These challenges involve obtaining better scores in certain songs/charts than those obtained by Des-ROW/DJ TOTTO. For a complete list of the songs and scores to beat, see this BEMANIWiki article.

SERVI's WHITE HARD chart can be unlocked by either clearing 6 challenges in EASY or 5 in HARD, while a new song, 幻蒼彗星探査旅団, can be unlocked by clearing all 12 challenges in EASY or all 9 in HARD.

Since around October 9th, 2017, 悠久の討伐戦 can no longer be accessed, making SERVI's WHITE HARD chart unobtainable. 幻蒼彗星探査旅団 is available by default since November 1st, 2017.

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Medium Hard White
(Unlockable from August 17th to October 8th, 2017)
Des-ROW vibes Dr.Honda 191 - - - 15
幻蒼彗星探査旅団 上ノ瀬つかさ 333 7 11 15 15

Autumn HinaBitter♪ festival (秋のひなビタ♪フェスティバル)

The Autumn HinaBitter♪ festival (秋のひなビタ♪フェスティバル) unlocking system started on September 28th, 2017. It allows players to unlock songs from the SWEET SMILE HEROES ビターでスイートな七人の勇者 event by playing ひなビタ♪ songs in Normal Mode and obtaining hearts for each member.

Once a player obtains 10 hearts for a ひなビタ♪ character, its respective song will be unlocked.

This event ended on March 13th, 2019. However, it was revived on December 11th, 2019, with no ending date.

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Medium Hard White
(SWEET SMILE HEROES ビターでスイートな七人の勇者)
けもののおうじゃ★めうめう 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 162 5 9 12 11
ミラクル・スイート・スイーツ・マジック!! 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 88-206 6 10 13 13
ナイト・オブ・ロンド 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 169 3 8 11 11
Drizzly Venom 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 147-168 6 9 12 13
銃弾は解を撃ち抜いて 日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 171 4 9 12 12
キリステゴメン 東雲夏陽 156 7 10 13 15
シノビシノノメ 東雲心菜 174 7 10 14 14


By playing SOUND VOLTEX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN, the player will raise the infection level and unlock the following songs from the SOUND VOLTEX series during the respective periods.

For more information on the event, see its own page.

Only songs new to 悠久のリフレシア are listed below.

Song Artist BPM Level
Basic Medium Hard White
Part 27 (March 17th to April 3rd, 2017)
Everlasting Message ぺのれり 230 8 11 15 15

Revived Songs

The following previously removed REFLEC BEAT songs have been revived (not including old songs removed at launch):

Song Title Artist Game
透明なエモーション Tatsh feat. RUNA REFLEC BEAT
Revived on December 15th, 2016
Available from December 15th to 28th, 2016, and from December 21st, 2017
Thank You Merry Christmas VENUS REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
Revived on February 23rd, 2017

For a complete list of the returning songs, their respective revival dates, and their unlocking conditions (if any), please see this page.

Difficulty Changes

The following songs have received difficulty changes:

Song Game Level
Basic Medium Hard White
Re-rated on April 12th, 2017
Onigo REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer- 4→6 - - -
PANIC HOLIC REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer- 4→6 - - -

Removed Songs

The following songs from previous REFLEC BEAT titles have been removed:

Song Title Artist Game
Removed on release date
Gymnopedie-kors k mix- kors k REFLEC BEAT
Juicy kors k Lovers DJ Yoshitaka REFLEC BEAT
Need Your Love Sota Fujimori REFLEC BEAT
NoN-Fiction Story! Creative Life REFLEC BEAT
じょいふる (いきものがかり) REFLEC BEAT
Colorful Days ~NEWラブプラスメインテーマ~ 高嶺愛花 & 小早川凛子 & 姉ヶ崎寧々 REFLEC BEAT limelight
Express Emotion REDALiCE feat. Shihori REFLEC BEAT limelight
Mermaid girl (Ryu☆Remix) Cream puff REFLEC BEAT limelight
Mind Mapping (kors k mix) Ryu☆ REFLEC BEAT limelight
Pharaoh★Love Des-ROW ft.中島愛 REFLEC BEAT limelight
QUIZ MAGIC ACADEMY VIII ~決勝戦より~ マジックアカデミー管弦楽部 REFLEC BEAT limelight
STARS (Ryu☆Remix RRver.) Another Infinity feat. Mayumi Morinaga REFLEC BEAT limelight
華爛漫 -Flowers- (2nd EDITION) TЁЯRA REFLEC BEAT limelight
キラキラ☆ステーション Tatsh feat. Prico REFLEC BEAT limelight
Mr.フリーダム PON REFLEC BEAT limelight
オープニングテーマ ~クイズマジックアカデミー賢者の扉より~ マジックアカデミー管弦楽部 REFLEC BEAT limelight
Fantasia TЁЯRA REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
Going My Way BONUS REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
guerre à outrance Vivian REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
In Heaven Sota Fujimori REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
TAKE THE FUN Anemo=Aspel by MLREC. REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
VOLTEXES Sota Fujimori REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
幻想雷神記 98 REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
恋閃繚乱 2B-Waves REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
天庭 あさき REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
つばめ あさき REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
Sakura Luminance Ryu☆ REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-
SILVER☆DREAM jun REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-
三日月 VENUS REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-
虹色の花 Akhuta y OJ REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-
お米の美味しい炊き方、そしてお米を食べることによるその効果。 大日本鉄倶楽部 【あさき&96 REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-
RevenG REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-
Blade 青龍 REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-
Legendary Dragon Vivian REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-
Qubism Hate vs Brilliance REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-
Sakura Reflection (P*Light Slayer Remix) P*Light REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-
serendipity 小野秀幸 REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-
Smile Hommarju feat. 実谷なな REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-
阿波おどり -Awaodori- U1ミライダガッキ連 REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-
Beautiful Dream REDALiCE feat. anporin REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-
Brand New World VENUS REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-
Candy Drop SAYA REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-
Intersect Platinum ZUKI featuring 96 REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-
polygon Sota Fujimori REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-
Qipchãq world sequence REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-
RAGNAROK 96 REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-
START 瀬下千晶 REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-
Survival Games -ZEUS Mix- VENUS REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-
飛翔-オープニングテーマ- マジックアカデミー管弦楽団×劇団レコード REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-
三毛猫JIVE&ジャイブ 小野秀幸 REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-
BLUE DRAGON 青龍 REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-
Cosmic Hurricane-Try to Sing Ver.- TAG rejected by DJ YOSHITAKA REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-
Dispersion Star ZUKI REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-
FIRE (REFLEC Version) Mutsuhiko Izumi REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-
Water Horizon (BD MIX) 青龍 REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-
星屑のキロク 小野秀幸 REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-
マインド・ゲーム 96 with メカショッチョー REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-
ソ.レ.ミ.ファ.ソーダ AKOCHIP ft. nc REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-
野球の遊び方 そしてその歴史 ~決定版~ あさき大監督 REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-
7 Colors (DJ NAGAI Remix) DJ NAGAI REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
Aoi サカナクション REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
ARACHNE(DJ Noriken Remix) DJ Noriken REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
Challenge the GAME REDMAN REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
City Edge winddrums REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
Don't stop the music Dream Girls REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
Force of mind The 4th(kors k vs Ryu☆) REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
Gimme a Big Beat (Hommarju Remix) Hommarju REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
Golden Cross (extended remix) REMO-CON vs dj TAKA REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
Idola iconoclasm feat.GUMI REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
My VOICE ファンキー加藤 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
On My Wings kors k REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
Playing With Fire (Sota Fujimori Remix) Sota Fujimori REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
Smooooch・∀・ (Ryu☆ Remix) Ryu☆ REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
Strobe♡Girl colate REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
The Reluctant Heroes 澤野 弘之 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
ulexite ZUKI REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
VOLTEXES II Sota Fujimori REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
W.W.D でんぱ組.inc REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
バンブーソード・ガール cosMo@暴走P REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
嗶嗶嗶 -Bi Bi Bi- 謝金燕 -Jeannie Hsieh- REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
大藝術家 -The Great Artist- 蔡依林 -Jolin Tsai- REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
幻想系世界修復少女 Last Note. REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
情操ディストピア mami REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
狂鬼村正 九六VS栗須承之介 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
ラブギガヘルツ 末広アンテナ REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
三毛猫DANCE 小野秀幸 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
全城熱愛 -Feel the Love- 羅志祥 -Show Lo- REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
らくりん☆パラダイス♪ 三章 登 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
旋律のドグマ~Misérables~ 楓璃夢=ジークフリード=ファイエルローゼン REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
天地動伝説 98 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
テレビ映画「吉宗評判記暴れん坊将軍」BGM (菊池俊輔) REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
憂恋☆アクティベーション u-z REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
全速力協奏曲 Omoi REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
AXIS 千本松 仁 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
contrail tail movies(moimoi×Xceon×Dai.) REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
COSMIC COWGIRL Toshio Sakurai REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
DROP THE BOMB Scotty D. REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
fellows dj TAKA feat. Sana REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
Flash Back 90's kors k as disconation REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
Freedom -DEUS Mix- VENUS REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
Funky sonic World Des-ROW feat.SHIGE REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
Go↓Go↑Girls&Boys! 松下feat.Sota & wac REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
Hello Happiness P*Light feat. mow*2 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
HELL SCAPER(kors k Remix) L.E.D.LIGHT-G Remixed by kors k REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
I'M GONNA GET YOU! Kelly Cosmo REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
I'm On Fire kors k REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
In The Breeze 96 & Sota ft. Mayumi Morinaga REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
JET WORLD (Ryu☆Remix) 泉 陸奥彦 Remixed by Ryu☆ REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
M.A.Y.U. Ryu☆ feat.MAYU REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
MAKE A JAM! U1 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
Material Factor 岩橋星実(Elements Garden) feat.μ REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
Nova emoção Berimbau '66 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
Ping×Pong×Dash パーキッツ REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
Seventh Heaven Ryu☆ REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
White Eve さな REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
朝色の紙飛行機 かめりあ REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
男々道 -otoko PHQ remix- Des-ROW Remixed by PHQUASE (Gt.かめりあ) REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
光と幻影 (Xceon album ver.) Xceon feat. Mayumi Morinaga REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
女言葉の消失 Sota Fujimori REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
Get Future DJ Genki feat. yukacco With Gt 三代 REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA
きゅん×きゅんばっきゅん☆LOVE 松下feat.Sota & wac REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA
∞=Inftrumental= cosMo@暴走P REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA
Brightness (Camellia's "Vividness" Remix) kors k feat. kradness remixed by Camellia REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2
Dualive Quarks(kradness×Camellia) REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2
Good bye, Summer~さよならは言わない~ 私立BEMANI学園軽音部 OB REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2
Infinity Rise (Camellia's "Inf+1" Remix) Ryu* feat. kradness remixed by Camellia REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2
You and me Quarks(kradness×Camellia) REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2
怒りと共に去りぬ!! 96 feat.すわひでお REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2
零の位相 kradness REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2
Removed on April 26th, 2017
Vitalization 水樹奈々 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
カラフル ClariS REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
紅蓮の弓矢 Linked Horizon REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
Removed on September 18th, 2017
FLAT adding Yuuki Ozaki(from Galileo Galilei) livetune REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
IGNITE 藍井エイル REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
炎と森のカーニバル SEKAI NO OWARI REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
レット・イット・ゴー〜ありのままで〜 (松たか子) REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
Removed on May 7th, 2018
ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー 実谷なな REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-
Removed on June 25th, 2018
Now Loading!!!! fourfolium REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2
Removed on September 12th, 2018
LEVEL5-judgelight- fripSide REFLEC BEAT
Butter-Fly (和田光司) REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
夏祭り (JITTERIN'JINN) REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
オレンジ (GReeeeN) REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
侵略ノススメ☆ ULTRA-PRISM REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
→unfinished→ KOTOKO REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
シド REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
回レ!雪月花 歌組雪月花 REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-
MURASAKI 蒼井翔太 REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper
私以外私じゃないの ゲスの極み乙女。 REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA
Paradisus-Paradoxum MYTH & ROID REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア
Removed on February 13th, 2019
Hacking to the Gate いとうかなこ REFLEC BEAT limelight
Get Off of My Way MAN WITH A MISSION REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-
創聖のアクエリオン (AKINO) REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-
sister's noise fripSide REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-
アイネクライネ →Pia-no-jaC← REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
放課後ストライド Last Note. REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
Preserved Roses T.M.Revolution×水樹奈々 REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2
ふ・れ・ん・ど・し・た・い 学園生活部 REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2
混ぜるな危険 筋肉少女帯 REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2
プライド革命 CHICO with HoneyWorks REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2
JUMPin'JUMP UP!!!! fourfolium REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア
STEP by STEP UP↑↑↑↑ fourfolium REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア
オラリオン やなぎなぎ REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア

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