Artist: Des-ROW・組
Composition/Arrangement: Des-ROW
Lyrics/Vocals: TSUBOI for ALPHA
BPM: 143-172
Length: 1:47 (DanceDanceRevolution), 1:54 (all other games)
Genre: HIP ROCK (ヒップロック)
pop'n music Character: 六 [6]
pop'n CG design: shio
Movie: MORO (beatmania), あまも (GF/DM), ? (DanceDanceRevolution)
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 6
Other Music Game Appearances:
Artist: Des-ROW・組
Composition/Arrangement: Des-ROW
Lyrics/Vocals: TSUBOI for ALPHA
BPM: 143-172
Length: 3:27
pop'n music Genre: HIP ROCK LONG (ヒップロックLONG)
pop'n music Character: 六 [6-1P]
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 9
Other Music Game Appearances: None.
★回転頭からない言語 ハイテンションと固いテンポ
I 先導するジャイケン5から大見解戦法
☆3通りから4通り 本道理より煩悩に
まかせたぎりを梱包し がっつり温厚に
本当にこの鈍行に またがっていればdon't worry
Don Pach Don Pach Don 今日で とことん交尾する日本島に
Don Pach Don Pach Don 今日で とことん交尾する日本島に
Don Pach Don Pach Don 今日で とことん交尾する日本島に
そん時そん時そんちょうし ぶち壊していくぜ見本道理だば
★kaitentou karanai gengo HIGH TENSION to katai TEMPO
I sendou suru jaiken go kara daikenkai senpou
sanjuugo PLUS yon waru ni sura hajikenu KONPA sukitachi ni
assari donkaku ni nejikomu sabaketa ongakki wa
dokkara doko made ka wakaran hatena ga oto waketa wake da
doitsu to koitsu no shabekuri ga, tarashita asefuki na
dendan henka tsuketa batsu denpa ni noru taihen bakageta hatsuken nya
guu wo tsukurya jin kaku sura kawaru hodo ni agaru shinpakusuu wa
tappuri akogi da ga, nyoi bou wo nigiru ta to chikara
doushite umareta toki kara tsuzukete kita kono asobikata
☆san doori kara yon doori hon douri yori bonnou ni
makaseta giri wo konpoushi gattsuri onkou ni
hontou ni kono donkou ni mata gatteireba don't worry
Don Pach Don Pach Don kyou de doko don koubi suru nihontou ni
Don Pach Don Pach Don kyou de doko don koubi suru nihontou ni
Don Pach Don Pach Don kyou de doko don koubi suru nihontou ni
son toki son toki son choushi buchi kowashiteikuze mihon douri da ba
Song Connections / Remixes
大見解 is the first song in the HIP ROCK series of songs.
A long version of 大見解, titled 大見解(長っ), appears on the pop'n music Vocal Best 3 CD. This version is the basis for 大見解 (LONG) in pop'n music 9.
The DanceDanceRevolution series use a shorter version of 大見解.
A different arrangement of 大見解 by Des-ROW・組スペシアルr, titled 大見解コア, appears on Des-ROW's first album, D..
大見解 appears as part of the PM SUPER BEST すぺしゃるメドレー, a medley by Tsugumi Kataoka that can be found on the pop'n music SUPER BEST BOX compilation album.
This song has different backgrounds, banners, jackets, or other related images. For more information, please see this page.
大見解 marks the first appearance of ALPHA in BEMANI.
"Roku" (六) is Japanese for "six".
According to shio, his name was coined by pop'n music director saito (who also points the pun of "roku" with "rock").
Before pop'n music 8, in pop'n music 6 CS, and in the DanceDanceRevolution series, 大見解's artist is shown as Des-ROW feat. TSUBOI for ALPHA.
In the beatmania / beatmania III series, 大見解 is credited to Des-ROW.
Unused songlist graphics for 大見解 appear in GUITARFREAKS 8thMIX & drummania 7thMIX, 9 months before its first appearance in the GuitarFreaks & DrumMania series.
大見解 (LONG) lost its subtitle in pop'n music 11. Since that game, it is simply known as 大見解.
It also received a Double BEGINNER chart in DanceDanceRevolution ULTRAMIX3.
大見解's Double CHALLENGE chart is retroactively the first chart to be rated Level 14 in the DanceDanceRevolution series.
大見解 received a brand-new EX chart in pop'n music 16 PARTY♪. This chart uses a short version of HIP ROCK LONG (which was removed in the same pop'n music game).
大見解 received a new EX chart in pop'n music portable 2. This chart is exclusive to portable 2, and has never appeared in an arcade pop'n music title.
This chart uses the original 大見解 audio, instead of the one received in 16 PARTY♪.
大見解 received an EASY chart in pop'n music Sunny Park, replacing its old 5-Buttons chart.
大見解 received a new jacket in the REFLEC BEAT series, based on its GuitarFreaks & DrumMania video (however, it is different from its GuitarFreaks & DrumMania jacket).
After being removed from the initial release of REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア, 大見解 was revived on June 29th, 2017.
Music Comment
Song Production Information
DanceDanceRevolution EXTREME2
"DAIKENKAI" is another diverse song that borrows musical influences from a wide variety of musical styles and cultural backgrounds.
Fusing rock and rap together with Japanese lyrics, "DAIKENKAI" is unlike any other song in the DanceDanceRevolution series.
Its unique style and sound not only produces one of the most memorable and fun songs in the game, but the tricky dance steps and exciting tempo changes will have you always coming back for more.
Character Information
Staff Comments
Difficulty & Notecounts
beatmania difficulty rated from 1 to 9.
DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 10 from DDRMAX2 to SuperNOVA2, and 1 to 20 from X onwards.
GF/DM difficulty rated from 1 to 99.
GF/DM XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99.
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards.
REFLEC BEAT to groovin'!! Upper difficulty rated from 1 to 10+, 1 to 13 in VOLZZA/VOLZZA 2, and 1 to 15 in 悠久のリフレシア.
ポップンリズミン difficulty rated from 1 to 10. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from KANI KANI CRAB, BEMANIWiki 2nd, Drum Mania Database, and Pop'n Music Fever.)