pop'n music 20 fantasia

Revision as of 18:49, 21 April 2019 by GlaringRadiokid (talk | contribs)
pop'n music arcade releases
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 いろは - 13 カーニバル - 14 FEVER!
15 ADVENTURE - 16 PARTY♪ - 17 THE MOVIE - 18 せんごく列伝
19 TUNE STREET - 20 fantasia - Sunny Park - ラピストリア - éclale
うさぎと猫と少年の夢 - peace - 解明リドルズ - UniLab - Jam&Fizz
アニメロ - アニメロ2号 - MICKEY TUNES - HELLO! (North America)

pop'n music 20 fantasia

Release Information


  • Location tests: 7/7/2011 - 7/10/2011
  • Release date: December 7th, 2011 (standalone), December 14th, 2011 (upgrade cabinet)

General Information / Changes

  • First pop'n arcade game spelled in lower-case letters in English.
  • First pop'n game where music plays when selecting modifiers and ojamas before the start of a song.
  • First pop'n arcade game in which Sana doesn't appear in a new song. (She appears in Twinkle Wonderland, a crossover.)
    • Also the first pop'n music arcade game since their debuts in which Des-ROW and DJ Yoshitaka don't appear on the default songlist.
    • Also the first pop'n music arcade game since mur.mur.kurotoh's debut that he doesn't appear in a new song.
  • CHALLENGE and SUPER CHALLENGE mode are combined in NORMAL MODE, while ENJOY MODE is now named EASY MODE.
  • First appearance of NAVIGATE MODE. Introduced in July 11, 2012, NAVIGATE MODE lets you create a course based on a list of preferences (such as artist, level, genre and the mood of the song).
  • NORMAL MODE now has you set your ojamas for a song after you set the mods for a song, making it the last thing you do now before a song starts. You must press both white buttons, which will allow you to set modifiers and then ojamas; pressing both yellow buttons will not allow you to set ojamas.
    • To access the ojama selection screen after choosing mods, you have to press both white buttons after you have chosen the song. Pressing both yellow buttons lets you select only mods, as usual.
  • Much like on pop'n music portable and its sequel, NORMAL MODE and NAVIGATE MODE always have COOLS on. EASY MODE doesn't.
  • New combo font introduced in this game.
  • Audio previews in the pop'n music 20 fantasia homepage are changed to YouTube previews, instead of an embed music player.
  • Licenses once again have preview clips on the official website, unlike in TUNE STREET.
    • fantasia would be the last pop'n music website with music previews for licenses.
  • The Challenge Point system has been overhauled, replaced with an Extra Point system:
    • Normas for score and max combo are now automatically obtained.
    • Normas for BADs are no longer available, aside from the norma for a FULL COMBO.
    • All point values are multiplied by 10.
    • The Extra Stage is now much harder to obtain in one game, requiring significantly more points. However, if the Extra Stage is not obtained and all stages are cleared, a fraction of Extra Points will be carried over to the player's next game.
    • Ojamas can now be set on Extra Stage, despite Extra Points being reset to 0 after an Extra Stage.
  • "Highlight Zones" are introduced. Getting no MISSES on a Highlight Zone will result on both characters performing their FEVER animations and obtaining bonus Extra Points.
  • eAMUSEMENT support for pop'n music 20 fantasia ended on February 1st, 2013.
  • Theme: fairy tale.

Staff Information

Full Song List

New Songs

Default Songs

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
CONNECT コネクト ♪♪♪♪♪ 175 Nyami
12 14 23 31 16 25
God only knows DAISANMAKU God only knows 第三幕 ♪♪♪♪♪ 130-170 A.Michel [CS11-1P] 11 15 26 34 14 19
MEMESHIKUTE 女々しくて ゴールデンボンバー 143 ロミ夫 [16-1P] 15 16 26 33 14 19
Everyday, KATYUSHA Everyday, カチューシャ ♪♪♪♪♪ 172 RIE-chan [18-1P] 14 17 24 29 16 20
CORE PRIDE CORE PRIDE ♪♪♪♪♪ 174 MZD [11-MISSA] 15 20 26 34 16 20
KONAMI originals
PROGRESSIVE REEL Tradria 光田康典 112 Ark 10 14 25 32 16 20
BLACK FUSION JiGSaW! 岡 素世 115 Edward [20] 13 15 28 34 14 17
ぶきように恋してる 達見 恵 featured by 佐野宏晃 136 LICA 14 15 25 32 19 26
EPIC TRANCE EPIC Sota Fujimori 152 C-noid 13 16 31 36 18 23
ROUND POP ゼロ・グラビティ 北川勝利(ROUND TABLE)&acane_madder 174 Reo★kun [20] 15 16 27 32 20 25
URBAN ROCK life goes on ヨツヤタカヒロ. 110 Mr.KK [20] 16 17 25 29 18 24
ULTRA 90's ノー!ノー!Way ApachE 124 BOUNTY 13 17 29 37 17 25
crimms TALES いきもの失格 あさきくりむ童話 113 にんじん 13 17 30 36 14 19
MAGICAL HEROINE ラブ☆ゲッター ~ピュアクル♥リップ~ sei☆shin feat.MAI 100-152 ピュアクル♡リップ 14 18 27 36 24 31
FANTASYTEC 双子のフェレット 742 120-129 DiNO [20] 15 19 33 38 18 22
A.I.DARKNESS DOES NOT COMPUTE フレディ波多江エレハモニカ feat.ALT 60-190 Alt 2.0 [20] 17 20 33 41 27 33
FASCINATION HHH×MM×ST 149 moimoi 18 21 34 39 15 20
FALSION THE FIRST SPACE FIGHT from FALSION コナミ矩形波倶楽部 Remix KOHTA 200 SHOLLKEE [20] 19 21 30 39 29 35
ELECTRO SWING Broadway Diva ROMANTIC PRODUCTION feat.akino 105-145 Sherry 18 22 33 39 29 35
SCIENCE POP 恋はどう?モロ◎波動OK☆方程式!! あべにゅうぷろじぇくと feat.佐倉沙織 produced by ave;new 128 ルート@超ドー研 20 22 30 40 22 31
Anata mo★pop'n vocalist! (アナタも★ポップンボーカリスト!) (added on October 1st, 2012)
PHASING POP Intersection 秋成 130 NAOTO 10 16 28 35 10 15
HAPPY LOVEGAZER 恋愛観測 NU-KO 188 kaorin 13 17 29 38 14 25
AYAKASHI ROCK 情操ディストピア mami 228 Tenko 18 22 36 41 18 28

Unlockable Songs

Hidden Songs

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Hidden Songs
BUBBLY DISCO Bubbly Time Fantastic Bubbly9 138 LEON 14 17 27 35 19 24
SENTIMENTAL ミンティ ふじのマナミ 127-129 Poet [20] 16 17 27 33 15 20
PLATINUM FANTASIA Märchen TЁЯRA 210 ROSEMARY [20] 17 19 34 39 22 29
from pop'n music 9 CS
KMJ太郎 160 Hugh [CS9] 8 16 29 36 12 21
UPPER POP How Low MAKINO 180 miho 17 19 31 36 17 20
マジヤバ最強伝説 DJ Command feat.鋼兵 158 CHARA-O 15 18 31 37 16 21
from GuitarFreaksXG & DrumManiaXG
星野奏子 185 LENA [16-1P] 15 20 29 36 16 21
POPPING WONDER ふしぎ飛行 SATOE vs. 上野圭市 165 puririn 12 17 28 34 13 19
CHINA PROGRESSIVE 変幻自在 m@sumi 135-180 SAN 15 20 30 37 20 28
NEVER ENDING PUNK 青春の扉 TAKA & すわひでお 150-186 FRESHMAN [20] 20 22 36 41 23 32

pop'n music portable 2 Unlocks

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
pop'n music portable 2 Unlocks
LOUD BEACH NAMIノリ//www. Des-ROW with BM 120-180 HushMAN [CSp2] 17 17 33 38 20 34
KAGRUNGE 生きてこそ~特別版~ あさき 127 ぐわんぜさま [CSp2] 19 19 36 41 15 19
SPACE POP μ9 PAXA 180 PARABO [CSp2] 25 23 33 41 20 27
RINASCITA uən 少年ラジオ 200 MZD [CSp2] 19 25 36 42 20 28


Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
IR#1 (Week#1)
疾風 Power Of Nature 180 雷蔵 15 19 34 40 15 28
IR#1 (Week#3)
荒城メランコリー 劇団レコード feat.Mille Face 150 Castle 14 18 30 37 18 22
IR#1 (Week#5)
ミサコの日記 (見ちゃダメ!) Des-ROW+ミサコちゃん 95-190 ミサコちゃん 18 21 35 41 16 33

Dormir & wac 1stAlbum hatsubai kinen (Dormir & wac 1stAlbum発売記念)

αρχη & ピアノ協奏曲第1番"蠍火" can be unlocked from Febraury 15th, 2012, to commemorate respectively the release of wac's 音楽 and Dormir's Petit March albums. To unlock these songs, you need to play specific songs a number of times.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Dormir & wac 1stAlbum発売記念
from GuitarFreaks V3 & DrumMania V3
Dormir 120 Alicia [19-3P] 16 20 32 41 14 29
DIRGE ピアノ協奏曲第1番"蠍火"
from beatmania IIDX 11 IIDX RED
virkato 165-188 silent room [17-1P] 19 24 38 43 21 37


Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
from jubeat copious APPEND
V.C.O. 180 mimi nyami sei-jin 16 23 35 39 17 26

pop'n & REFLEC douji location test kinen event (pop'n & REFLEC同時ロケテスト記念イベント)

Twinkle Wonderland & FLOWER can be unlocked from July 4th, 2012, to conmemorate the location test of pop'n music Sunny Park and REFLEC BEAT colette. To unlock these songs, you need to play specific songs a number of times.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
pop'n music Sunny Park & REFLEC BEAT colette Location Test Memorial Event (pop'n & REFLEC同時ロケテスト記念イベント) (Added on November 7th, 2012)
TWINKLE POP Twinkle Wonderland
from REFLEC BEAT limelight
Qrispy Joybox feat.Sana 188 SANAE♥chan
12 17 29 37 13 17
from jubeat knit APPEND / REFLEC BEAT
DJ YOSHITAKA 173 knit [19-3P] 13 22 36 41 11 22

Boku mo watashi mo★pop'n artist! (ボクもワタシも★ポップンアーティスト!)

Boku mo watashi mo★pop'n artist! is an original song contest for pop'n music 20 fantasia. After a preliminary round where players with an e-AMUSEMENT account could vote for their favorites of the submissions, Southern Cross and Like a pop'n music were announced as the winners in August 1st, 2012 and made playable in August 8th, 2012.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
STARRY †RANCE Southern Cross BlackY 155 NOVA 16 22 35 42 15 27
POP'N POP Like a pop'n music red glasses 176 nonet 11 14 27 36 13 26

Soreyuke! pop'n quest (それゆけ!ポップンクエスト)

All hidden songs must be unlocked first before you can begin Soreyuke! pop'n quest.

Chart in bold means that is new to the game.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Soreyuke! pop'n quest (それゆけ!ポップンクエスト)
PHASE 1 (4/11/2012)
from pop'n music
SUGI & REO 142 RIE♥chan [1] 4 8 13 29 10 18
DIGI ROCK ROSE~恋人よ、薔薇色に染まれ
from pop'n music 2
大浦祐一 124 Timer [2] 8 14 24 31 11 23
ANIME HEROINE 魔法の扉(スペース@マコのテーマ)
from pop'n music 5 / pop'n stage
a.s.a 184 SPACE MACO [5] 6 19 24 33 15 23
MAXIMUM Mighty Guy
from pop'n music 16 / KEYBOARDMANIA
荒牧陽子 184 AYA [16] 11 21 31 38 14 21
MAGIC PASS ひみつの言葉 まじかるうに 132-154 hina [20] 9 15 27 31 ? ?
SONATINA TRONICA 時を止める魔女 marino 138?
Tete&Toto 16 17 26 34 ? ?
J-HARD DANCE 透明なエモーション
Tatsh feat. RUNA 155 TRINITY [17-2P] 19 21 34 38 ? ?
CHIBIKKO IDOL REMIX オトメルンバ♪ L.E.D.-G STYLE MIX るるるSYSTEM remixed by L.E.D.-G 200 MZD [17-CHIBIKKO IDOL] 15 19 29 35 ? ?
PHASE 2 (4/25/2012)
ELEMENTAL JIG The Sealer ~ア・ミリアとミリアの民~ Zektbach 137-205 A MILIA 17 18 32 39 ? ?
CONVENIENCE SAGA 24時間のヒーロー カタオカツグミ 178 勇者ああああ 18 19 28 39 ? ?
TAG 148 HAPPPY [17-1P] 14 19 28 34 ? ?
from CS 14 FEVER!
MAKI 141 Hanako [CS14] 11 21 28 33 ? ?
EVER POP REMIX 2nd ADVENTURE (AGAIN) Jimmy Weckl remixed by DJ Simon 181 MZD [17-EVER POP] 16 18 27 34 ? ?
鳳凰 ~Chinese Phoenix Mix~ 菜楊 arranged by Mutsuhiko Izumi 160 MZD [17-ASIAN CONCERTO] 14 20 33 40 ? ?
PHASE 3 (5/9/2012)
DANCE HALL REGGAE BOOM BOOM PIRATES パイレーツ・オブ・サガミワン 150 Eileen 14 15 29 35 ? ?
FLUFFY POP REcorrection 猫叉Master feat.常盤ゆう 116 PAKU 15 19 25 32 16 21
from beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem
Cream puff 140 KIRARA [9-1P] 16 20 29 36 22 25
SORCERY PROG Shining Wizard
from jubeat knit
96 158 Night [13-2P] 21 24 35 40 ? ?
DARK OPERA REMIX Der Wald (kors k Remix) エレハモニカ remixed by kors k 170 MZD [17-DARK OPERA] 20 21 32 41 ? ?
TEKNO GIRL REMIX 魔法的新定義 electro mix うらら remixed by slake 135 MZD [17-TEKNO GIRL] 14 18 27 35 ? ?
PHASE 4 (5/23/2012)
DAEMON'S METAL 魔界!痛快!ヘルダンス manzo 135-167 さったん 16 18 28 40 ? ?
from DanceDanceRevolution X2
jun 95-190 KIKYO [18-1P] 17 18 35 41 25 32
DREAMGAZER Little prayer
from pop'n music portable / GF/DM V
土岐麻子 174 ookami-boy [CSp] 15 22 36 41 ? ?
PYRAMID REMIX 永遠という名の媚薬 ~Pyramid Power・Death Match ver.~ THE NEXT FILE remixed by Dp.Honda 70-225 MZD [17-PYRAMID] 16 18 34 40 ? ?
PHASE MAX I (6/6/2012)
NOMADIC NATION カラルの月 猫叉劇団 135 Mata Hari 17 21 36 42 ? ?
VALKYRIE BREAKS CELSUS FELYS feat. 夏川陽子 165 IRYS 14 22 36 42 ? ?
VELLUM Eine Haube ~聖地の果てにあるもの~ AIKO OI 170 Lord Meh 20 23 36 42 ? ?
PHASE MAX II (6/6/2012)
MURAKUMO 少年は空を辿る Power Of Nature 140 MZD [20] 21 27 38 43 ? ?
EPILOGUE そして世界は音楽に満ちた wac+seiya 65-146 Mimi Nyami [20] 12 16 30 37 ? ?

New Charts

The following songs have received new charts since their last arcade/console appearance:

Genre Song title Artist pop'n 20 Folder BPM Character Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
New Charts
POPS I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU SUGI & REO pop'n music 142 RIE♥chan [1] - - - 29 - -
DIGI ROCK ROSE~恋人よ、薔薇色に染まれ 大浦祐一 pop'n music 2 124 Timer [2] - - 24 31 - 23
ANIME HEROINE 魔法の扉(スペース@マコのテーマ) a.s.a pop'n music 5 184 SPACE☆MACO [5] - - - 33 - 23
DREAMGAZER Little prayer 土岐麻子 pop'n music CS (portable) 174 ookami-boy [CSp] - - - 41 14 33
LOUD BEACH NAMIノリ//www. Des-ROW with BM pop'n music CS (portable 2) 120-180 HushMAN [CSp2] - - - - 20 34
KAGRUNGE 生きてこそ~特別版~ あさき pop'n music CS (portable 2) 127 ぐわんぜさま [CSp2] - - - - 15 19
SPACE POP μ9 PAXA pop'n music CS (portable 2) 180 PARABO [CSp2] - - - - 20 27
RINASCITA uən 少年ラジオ pop'n music CS (portable 2) 200 MZD [CSp2] - - - - 20 28

Revived Songs

The following song from previous pop'n music releases has been revived:

Song Title Genre pop'n 20 Folder
Mighty Guy MAXIMUM pop'n music 16 PARTY♪

Removed Songs

The following songs from pop'n music 19 have been removed from this game:

Song Title Genre pop'n 19 Folder
テレビ映画「吉宗評判記 暴れん坊将軍」BGM ABARENBO SHOGUN TV/ANIME (PnM 6)
薔薇は美しく散る BARA TV/ANIME (PnM 7)
ムーンライト伝説 SAILOR MOON TV/ANIME (PnM 11/アニメロ)
おどるポンポコリン POMPOKOLIN TV/ANIME (PnM 14)
ウィーアー! ONE PIECE TV/ANIME (PnM 15)
Climax Jump pop'n form CLIMAX JUMP TV/ANIME (PnM 16)
ケロッ!とマーチ KERO! TO MARCH TV/ANIME (PnM 16)
Lovin' Life Lovin' Life TV/ANIME (PnM 17)
Butterfly Butterfly TV/ANIME (PnM 18)
ラバソー ~lover soul~ LOVER SOUL TV/ANIME (PnM 18)

Difficulty Changes

The following songs have received difficulty changes since their last arcade/console appearance:

Song Title Genre pop'n music 20 Folder Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
すてきなタブーラ MASARA pop'n music 2 - - - 39→38 - -
水中家族のテーマ CELT pop'n music 3 - - - 37→38 - -
お江戸花吹雪 TEYAN-day MIX ENKA REMIX pop'n music 5 - - - 40→41 - -
SA-DA-ME HARD ROCK pop'n music 7 - - - 40→39 - -
スペース★彡キッス GLAM ROCK pop'n music 7 - 16→14 - - - -
CANDY♥ CANDY POP pop'n music 8 - - - 37→38 - -
DDR MEGAMIX DDR pop'n music 10 - - - 41→42 - -
愛と誠 ALIPRO pop'n music 14 FEVER! - - 27→29 - - -
ヴォイス HEAVEN pop'n music 14 FEVER! - 16→17 - - - -
existence AMBITION pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - 19→16 - - - -
Kicky Kemari Kicker KEMARI pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - 22→23 - - - -
Mighty Guy MAXIMUM pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - - 37→38 - -
プリンシプル BALLS-OUT ROCK pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - - 41→40 - -
明日への誓い TWIN HERO pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - - 39→40 - -
STAR SHIP★HERO HAPPY HARDCORE pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 29→30 - - -
誰がために陽はのぼる SHOWA NOIR pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - - 40→41 - -
Stories PIANOTEC pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 31→32 - - -
紅ノ桃 MOMO VISUAL pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - - 38→39 - -
白夜幻燈 FOREST SNOW 2 pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - - 40→41 - -
水面静かに大地の烈日わたらせて FLUCH pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - - 38→39 - -
防人恋歌 MANYOUKA pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - - 38→37 - -
Macuilxochitl PIANO CONTEMPORARY pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET 18→14 19→16 - - - -
探検ノート FRONTIER pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - - 38→39 - -
緋月の狂想曲 CASTLEVANIA SLOT 2 pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - 34→35 - 14→12 12→14
探検ノート (Street style) STREET TUNE pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - 27→30 - - -
I'm Screaming LOVE TECHNO POP pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - - 35→34 - -
薔薇は永遠に美しく HYPER DRAMATIC pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - - 40→41 - -
BabeL ~roof garden~ TWILIGHT CHIME pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET 11→14 13→18 21→26 28→32 10→13 15→19
SHION HI-SPEED FANTASY TUNE pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - - 38→39 - -
SAMBA de ASPEL PASSIONATE SAMBA pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - - 35→36 - -
Last of "I Love You" AME-POP pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - - 36→37 - -
MVA SPEED CORE pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - 31→33 - - -
Red Roses PROGRE TANGO pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - 35→36 41→42 - -
L'eternita JAZZ ARIA pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - 32→33 41→40 - -
Princess Roki RUNIC AIR pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - - 40→41 - -
The Zoo Zone ANIMAL MINIMAL pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - - 41→40 - -
キセキはじまり☆ MUNE KYUN MALLET pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - 30→28 - - -
夢について TYPE C MODERN PUNK pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - 36→37 41→42 - -
BabeL ~Next Story~ SCALE OUT pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - 39→40 - - -
LAZY GIRL BEAT ROCK pop'n music 20 / CS (CS9) - 14→16 27→29 34→36 - -
遠く HONKY TONK pop'n music 20 / CS (CS14) - 20→21 - - - -
Little prayer DREAMGAZER pop'n music 20 / CS (portable) 12→15 - 35→36 - - -
μ9 SPACE POP pop'n music 20 / CS (portable 2) - 18→23 - - - -
Life J-POP pop'n music CS (CS1) 4→7 11→13 - - 13→10 -
赤いリンゴ GROOVE ROCK pop'n music CS (CS3) 4→8 12→14 - - 7→10 -
Concertare CLASSIC 4 pop'n music CS (CS4) 7→10 17→19 - - - -
鹿鳴館の怪人 SHOWA KAIKITAN pop'n music CS (CS12) - 18→19 - - - -
Invisible Lover ELECTRO pop'n music CS (BH) - - - 32→33 - -
Greening GREENING pop'n music CS (portable) - - - 41→40 - -
Cloudy Skies SYMPATHY 4 pop'n music CS (portable) - - 31→30 36→35 - -
Chat! Chat! Chat! LOVELY CAT POP pop'n music CS (portable) - - - 37→36 - -
ホタルノヒカリ HOTARU NO HIKARI TV/ANIME (pop'n music 18) 13→11 15→13 - - 14→12 -
Custom-made Girl -NOT FOR SALE!- BOSSA GOGO BEMANI (ee'MALL) - 18→21 - - - -

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