pop'n music 16 PARTY♪

Revision as of 23:27, 13 February 2022 by Morning Blue (talk | contribs)
pop'n music arcade releases
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 いろは - 13 カーニバル - 14 FEVER!
15 ADVENTURE - 16 PARTY♪ - 17 THE MOVIE - 18 せんごく列伝
19 TUNE STREET - 20 fantasia - Sunny Park - ラピストリア - éclale
うさぎと猫と少年の夢 - peace - 解明リドルズ - UniLab - Jam&Fizz
アニメロ - アニメロ2号 - MICKEY TUNES - HELLO! (North America)

pop'n music 16 PARTY♪

Release Information

  • Location testing: December 7th, 2007 - December 16th, 2007
  • Release date: March 24th, 2008
  • Hardware: BEMANI PC

General Information / Changes

  • Theme: Party (to go with the 10th anniversary of the pop'n music franchise)
  • Keiichi Ueno, Yasuhiro Abe, ELEKTEL, SADA, and kors k make their pop'n music debuts.
  • This is the final BEMANI work for Reo Nagumo.
  • Genres were removed from the banners of the TV/ANIME licenses, with the exception of あなたのとりこ.
    • Songwheel genres were kept intact, though.
  • TV/ANIME licenses now have varying FEVER backgrounds for songs even in the same game, as opposed to their FEVER animations correlating to the game they debuted in. This trend continued until pop'n music Sunny Park.
  • Almost all the ee'MALL banners were redone, changing either their font, or the color of the text on them.
  • All LONG version songs (with the exception of Homesick Pt.2&3) were removed.
  • Challenge points required for Extra Stage: 42 (per stage)
  • System BGM is composed by Seiya Murai.
  • Total songs: 780

Staff Information

Full Song List

Default Songs

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
粉雪 粉雪 ♪♪♪♪♪ 82 Edda [16-1P] 7 14 21 27 14 20
Love so sweet Love so sweet ♪♪♪♪♪ 139 SYO [14-1P] 11 14 24 29 15 23
月光花 月光花 ♪♪♪♪♪ 87-102 MAKOTO [12-1P] 8 15 22 27 20 26
天体観測 天体観測 ♪♪♪♪♪ 165 Sora [14-1P] 8 17 27 31 20 25
創聖のアクエリオン 創聖のアクエリオン ♪♪♪♪♪ 66-151 IA-RAMSE [13-2P] 11 18 24 29 18 25
そばかす そばかす ♪♪♪♪♪ 170 White-Merry [13-1P] 16 19 25 33 18 -
月のワルツ 月のワルツ MAKI 170 Charlotte [14-1P] 16 19 27 32 17 26
CLIMAX JUMP Climax Jump pop'n form 鳴瀬シュウヘイ 170 Nyami [TV-KAMEN RIDER] 12 20 29 36 14 24
ケロッ!とマーチ ケロッ!とマーチ パーキッツ 140 部下A [13-1P] 8 21 27 31 16 22
KONAMI originals
CHEER-PARA 3・2・1→Smile! パーキッツ 142 サトウさん 11 13 27 36 15 29
HINDI POP マハラディーン Q-Mex 128 KARLI [16] 10 13 25 33 16 22
MINIMAL FUSION 天地創造(分子生物学的進化論) Naya~n 110 eleMEN's 13 14 27 34 14 22
SWINGING POP パラソル risette 132 risette [16] 10 16 25 33 11 15
CONTEMPORARY NATION 3 Echoes 猫叉Master 150 Yima [16] 11 17 33 40 15 25
NEW RAVE POP Run To You Sota Fujimori feat.Runa 140 JUDY [16] 12 18 26 36 16 28
MOOD TECHNO 純愛ホスト☆午前5時 上野圭一郎とEIICHI 135-145 ロミ夫 [16] 14 18 25 34 17 25
AMBITION existence parsec 110-138 小次郎 10 19 26 30 16 23
GIRLS ALTERNATIVE 阿部晴広 feat.森亜紀子 175 LENA 16 20 29 38 11 16
HYPER J-PARTY ROCK MIRACLE FLYER!! TËЯRA 175 LISA [16] 17 20 32 38 11 16
CHIP POP EFFECT mu-RayZY 138 CHIP 12 21 28 35 16 19
浪速っ子ブギ こなもん屋人情歌 天下茶屋子 186 ター子 13 21 31 39 17 27
PICO PUNK マスカレード・ア・ゴーゴー 航空電子 150-170 PIERRE&JILL [16] 15 21 34 38 19 30
SHOEGAZER chilblain Glaring Radiokids 196 Edda 11 22 37 41 20 30
POPCORN PARTY microwave popcorn Mr.T 240 pop・con 16 22 31 39 19 28
FALSE MARCHEN みずうみの記憶 Dormir 145-220 Rosalie 15 23 30 38 17 22
COLLAPSE JAZZ Ergosphere TOMOSUKE 170 SMOKE 16 24 36 41 16 19
COSMOLOGICAL UNBOUND MIND D-crew 162 Karoline&Yangels 16 24 32 40 18 32
SUISEI RAVE BI-BUN-SEKI-BUn 中央値算出チーム 190 Suisei Laura 22 24 30 38 23 36
BALLS-OUT ROCK プリンシプル Des-ROW+Y 181 HAJIME [16] 19 25 36 41 17 23

Hidden Songs

Before the Atsumare! pop'n Party♪ event started, pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ had 16 hidden songs that could be unlocked if you met certain conditions. The Secret section of the official site (archived) gave you hints (three each week) to unlock these songs. Please see each song's page for more details on unlocking them.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Hidden Songs
Unlockable from April 9th, 2008, normal play on April 23rd
CYBER DIGIBEAT UNLIMITED NMR 150 Timer [16] 17 19 32 37 23 33
from beatmania APPEND GOTTAMIX2 ~Going Global~
WALL5 138 fili [16] 14 17 26 33 15 21
from pop'n music 11 CS
MAKI 85 Ophelia [CS11] 6 13 24 29 12 19
Unlockable from April 16th, 2008, normal play on April 30th
EMO Sorrows Asako Yoshihiro 185 Kagome [16] 16 23 31 38 14 17
80's POP Girl from the Portrait
from pop'n music 6 CS / pop'n stage
1000 RIVER featuring Masato Ishida 120 DICK [pns] 7 10 23 - 15 -
INFINITY kaleidoscope
from pop'n music 9 CS
ASparagus 142 Robitz [CS9] 9 19 32 39 15 28
Unlockable from April 23rd, 2008, normal play on May 7th
VISUAL 4 Desire 色彩乃夢 feat.Hyuga Rei 184 Yuli [16] 11 18 34 39 11 17
MAXIMUM Mighty Guy
chihomi 156 AYA [16] 11 21 31 37 14 21
JEWELRY ROCK jewelry girl*
from pop'n music 13 カーニバル CS
jun 173 Lotte*[CS13] 11 16 31 37 26 35
Unlockable from April 30th, 2008, normal play on May 14th
JIG REMIX Tir na n'Og (Europa GT Remix) inOak 220 MZD [16-JIG] 14 23 29 37 19 30
LINK 空澄みの鵯と あさき 230 育江 13 20 32 37 15 19
TEARS Angel Fish
from pop'n music 9 CS
ToMo K. 88-104 tetra [CS9] 5 10 21 28 11 19
Unlockable from May 7th, 2008, normal play on May 21st
WORLD TOUR 2 Magical 4 good-cool 72-150 マジカル★4 12 22 34 40 15 28
BEAT 4 DB 無限軌道ゲームミックス D-crew+1 138-143 DTO [16] 19 20 29 35 17 33
MELO CORE G @n H@ppy Choice Sana 162 MOMOKO-san [16] 12 18 33 38 16 20
TAWASY POP 愛車はタワシで洗ってる!? すわひでお 128 OTOKO-MAN [16] 16 21 28 34 17 28

Atsumare! pop'n PARTY♪ (あつまれ!ポップンパーティー♪)

Atsumare! pop'n PARTY♪ is pop'n music 16 PARTY♪'s main unlock event, which started on June 11th, 2008. Information to be added. eAMUSEMENT is required to play the event.

When you start the event, you'll see five empty tables. Depending on how many songs you clear, you will see five rows of up to five pop'n music characters. How many characters will appear are as follows:

  • Clear at least two songs: three (five if you get EXTRA STAGE)
  • Clear at least three songs: five (six if you get EXTRA STAGE)
  • Four songs or more gets you six.
  • BATTLE and NET TAISEN will give you five always, regardless if you pass or fail songs.
  • An extra character will appear if you get an invitation from another play or a pop'n music staff member, making for a possible maximum of seven.

Using one of the five lower buttons (left white, left green, red, right green, and right white), you can send invitations out to invite people to sit down at that table. When ten sit down, you'll see a present added to the table, hinting at the song unlock. Once a certain amount of people are sat at a table, you'll unlock a song, as well as its rival character, who will be the final guest to sit down. Once you complete one table, the next songs in that rotation will start (for example, unlocking MERICAN ROCK will make BEATROCK 3 appear next). More tables will be added as well as you go along.

  • Unlock numbers are as follows:
    • Set one: all five tables: 15
    • Set two: left white, red, and right white are 15, the other two 13
    • Set three: left white, left green, and right green 15, the other two 13
    • left white, left green, and right white 15, the other two 13
    • additional table, far left: all three 15
    • additional table, far right: all three 15
    • Additional table, top: 17
    • Additional table, cloud (HELL 16 course): 25
    • Additional table, red: 24

Once all songs are unlocked, the event ends.

Atsumare! pop'n PARTY♪ ended on August 6th, 2008. All songs and characters were unlocked for play on the same day.

Songs are listed in order from far left to far right on tables.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Stage 1 (第1ステージ) (unlockable from June 11th, 2008)
MERICAN ROCK NA NA NA ロケンロー・キング Togoシェフ vs.ミッキー・マサシ 133 the KING [16] 10 13 27 33 15 22
SMOOTH SOUL Runnin' Away 青野りえ 232 Mary [16] 16 20 26 35 21 -
COOKIE FANTASY Hearty Party OJ ENSEMBLE 120-160 Sweets 12 18 28 36 15 26
蹴鞠(KEMARI) Kicky Kemari Kicker ROUTE No.1 KIZOKU UNIT 136 KERI・MARO 11 22 30 39 7 13
J-TEKNO TRANCE REMIX Quick Master -Naked Trance Mix- SADA 145 MZD [16-TEKNO] 10 19 28 37 10 17
Stage 2 (第2ステージ) (unlockable from June 18th, 2008)
from pop'n music 11 CS
大浦祐一 153 A.Michel [CS11] 8 14 27 33 9 14
CAT JAZZ にゃんだふる55 marble version
from pop'n music 13 カーニバル CS
Dormir 245 ayumu [CS13] 8 17 28 36 17 23
ELEGOTH REMIX the keel (Nu-Style Gabba mix) teranoid 173 MZD [16-ELEGOTH] 14 20 30 37 15 27
HYPER JAPANESQUE 2 華爛漫 -Flowers-
from DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA
TËЯRA 160 EMI 13 22 32 37 18 21
SPY REMIX SPICY PIECE (Ryu☆Remix) Ryu☆ 90-180 MZD [16-SPY] 16 23 33 39 20 29
Stage 3 (第3ステージ) (unlockable from June 25th, 2008)
HIP ROCK REMIX 大見解の新見解 CALF 142-170 MZD [16-HIP ROCK] 22 23 35 40 15 23
SPANISH BALLAD Dance to Blue 伊藤賢治 82 Fatima 10 19 28 34 11 15
NIGHTMARE CAROUSEL カーニバルの主題による人形のためのいびつな狂想曲
from pop'n music 13 カーニバル CS
楽士カンタビレオ 80-150 KANTA [CS13] 10 20 33 42 19 30
from GUITARFREAKS 8thMIX & drummania 7thMIX power-up ver.
佐々木博史 180 TAMAKI 12 22 31 41 21 30
from beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY
kors k 179 SigSig 15 22 30 36 22 28
Unlockable from July 2nd, 2008
Stage 4 (第4ステージ)
PARTY TRACK タンバリンビーツ Sana 120 SANAE♥chan [16] 9 13 25 32 6 12
EPIC POETRY Blind Justice ~Torn souls, Hurt Faiths~
from beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD
Zektbach 137-165 Nox 9 23 33 39 18 28
NEGAME ROCK 繚乱ヒットチャート
from GuitarFreaks V3 & DrumMania V3
ギラギラメガネ団 192 NANASHI [16] 14 23 35 40 23 36
ASIAN RAVE HAGOROMO cheetah KAMATA 180 Rave girl [16] 14 21 33 38 15 19
Left outdoors' stage (場外ステージ・)
from beatmania IIDX 5th style
TAKA 150 TRAN [16] 9 24 37 42 27 43
VIKING バイキングマン ブタパンチ 100-133 HARA=HETTA 13 23 35 42 19 30
HOUSE 20,november
from beatmania
DJ nagureo 130 HOUSE girl 11 20 34 35 15 19
Right outdoors' stage (場外ステージ・)
LITTLE ROCK Little Rock Overture 惑星計画 175 RIE♥chan [16] 15 17 27 37 17 29
GLOSSOLALIA 万物快楽理論 あさき 110-135 ZINA 12 18 33 42 13 19
VIOLIN PROGRESSIVE ポルターガイスト 96 feat.藤本美樹 128 PANDETH 10 20 32 41 12 19
Above outdoors' stage (場外ステージ・)
TOY CONTEMPORARY シュレーディンガーの猫 Cait Sith 187 TENT-KANT 19 26 39 43 17 23
Stage above the clouds (雲上ステージ)
HELL 16 course (HELL16コース)
Universe stage (宇宙ステージ)
AFTER A PARTY Have a good dream. private states 60-107 pop'n dream 11 21 26 32 12 17

EXPERT Courses

All these courses except HELL16 are playable by default.

  • PARTY POP course (クラブパーティーコース): ★★★★★★ (N) / ★★★★★★★★ (H)
  • HAPPY PARTY course (ハッピーパーティーコース): ★★★ (N) / ★★★★★★ (H)
  • DRAMATIC PARTY COURSE (ドラマティックパーティーコース): ★★★★ (N) / ★★★★★★★ (H)
  • GLOBAL PARTY course (グローバルパーティーコース): ★★★★ (N) / ★★★★★★★ (H)
  • LIVE PARTY course (ライブパーティーコース): ★★★★★ (N) / ★★★★★★★★ (H)
  • HELL 16 course (HELL16コース): ★★★★★★★★★★ (EX)

New Charts

All these new charts are short edits of each song's respective LONG version. Also, since blue moon sea was removed, a short version of it is available instead.

The following songs have received new charts since their last arcade/console appearance:

Genre Song title Artist pop'n 16 Folder BPM Character Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
New Charts
SUPER EURO WE TWO ARE ONE Lala Moore pop'n music 4 160 Elle [4] - - 32 35 - -
FRENCH POP J une fille dans la pluie 新谷さなえ pop'n music 5 134 SANAE♥chan [5] - - 20 26 - -
HIP ROCK 大見解 Des-ROW feat. TSUBOI for ALPHA pop'n music 6 143-172 六 [6] - - - 39 - -
MISTY REMIX blue moon sea N.A.R.D. feat. Lala Moore pop'n music 9 120 Kagome [7-1P] 7 17 27 38 12 -

Difficulty Changes

The following songs have received difficulty changes since their last arcade/console appearance:

Song Title Genre pop'n 16 Folder Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Girl from the Portrait 80's POP pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ / CS6 6→7 - - - - -
Usual Days SYMPATHY pop'n music CS (CS6) - 7→8 12→16 - - -
1/6billionth HYPER J-POP 3 ee'MALL - - - 40→41 - -
BRE∀K DOWN! GIRLS ROCK ee'MALL - 14→16 - 40→39 - -
CLOUD JAZZ WALTZ ee'MALL - - - 36→35 - -
COREDESAT MIXTURAL ee'MALL - - - 34→32 - -
Craze for You JAPAMETA ee'MALL - 21→23 32→34 40→41 - -
花見で一杯 SWING KAYO ee'MALL - 19→21 - - - -
OVER THE CLOUDS HOUSE ee'MALL - - - 30→32 - -
S.F.M MELODIC CORE ee'MALL - - 33→32 - - -
Shake! 50'S ee'MALL - - 33→34 - - -
そっと。 PUNK ee'MALL - 21→22 30→32 35→36 - -
Stay with me GARAGE HOUSE ee'MALL - - 22→24 - - -
STEEL CAGE GRAIND CORE ee'MALL - - 27→25 35→31 - -
autumn G AKI ee'MALL 2nd avenue - 13→15 - - - -
純勉夏 SHONBORI ee'MALL 2nd avenue - - 33→34 - - -
子供の落書き帳 PROGRE ee'MALL 2nd avenue - 18→20 - - - -
LOVE D RIVE HAPPY HARDCORE ee'MALL 2nd avenue - - 34→32 40→36 - -
祭 JAPAN MATSURI ee'MALL 2nd avenue - - 33→31 38→37 - -
NEW CENTURY GENERATION SPARK ee'MALL 2nd avenue - - - 31→32 - -
Romance J-ROCK ee'MALL 2nd avenue - - 33→34 - - -
rottel-da-sun ROTTERDAM TECHNO ee'MALL 2nd avenue - - 33→34 - - -
Sweet Sweet ♥ Magic HAPPY HARDCORE ee'MALL 2nd avenue - - - 40→41 - -
Twin Bee ~Generation X~ EUROBEAT ee'MALL 2nd avenue - - - 35→33 - -
悪アガキ SHOWA SHOKI KAYO ee'MALL 2nd avenue - 18→19 33→34 - - -

Removed Songs

The following songs from previous pop'n music releases have been removed from this game:

Song Title Artist Folder
blue moon sea N.A.R.D. feat. Lala Moore pop'n music 9
SA-DA-ME good-cool feat. すわひでお pop'n music 9
une fille dans la pluie 新谷さなえ pop'n music 9
WE TWO ARE ONE Lala Moore pop'n music 9
カモミール・バスルーム 常盤ゆう pop'n music 9
大見解 Des-ROW pop'n music 9
水中家族のテーマ パーキッツ pop'n music 9
STAR TREK ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 6)
翔べ!ガンダム ミッキー・マサシ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 6)
笑点テーマ ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 6)
太陽にほえろのテーマ ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 6)
よあけの道 新谷さなえ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 6)
ヤッターマンの歌 山本正之と森の木児童合唱団 TV/ANIME (pop'n music 6)
ルパン三世のテーマ’78 ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 6)
誰がために 竹内 浩明 TV/ANIME (pop'n music 9)
おしえて 中山マミ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 10)
きてよパーマン 三輪勝恵 TV/ANIME (pop'n music 10)
ムーミンのテーマ 山岸愛弥己(森の木児童合唱団 TV/ANIME (pop'n music 11)
天才バカボン 片岡嗣実 TV/ANIME (pop'n music 11)
世にも奇妙な物語メインタイトル ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 12 いろは)
バブルバスガール three berry icecream TV/ANIME (pop'n music 12 いろは)
ルネッサンス情熱 肥塚良彦 TV/ANIME (pop'n music 13 カーニバル)
パレード 新谷さなえ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 13 カーニバル)
スーパーマリオブラザーズBGMメドレー ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 14 FEVER!)


  • In the July 2008 edition of Arcadia (アルカディア) magazine, a poster of pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ was included depicting every pop'n music character until that point, including CS characters that have not made arcade appearances at the time.

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