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==General Information==
= pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET =
[[Image:pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET.png]]
== Release Information ==
* Location testing: 7/8/2010 - 7/13/2010, 7/16/2010 - 7/20/2010, 7/23/2010 - 7/24/2010, 7/30/2010 - 8/4/2010
* Location testing: 7/8/2010 - 7/13/2010, 7/16/2010 - 7/20/2010, 7/23/2010 - 7/24/2010, 7/30/2010 - 8/4/2010
* Release Date: December 9th (as a stand-alone new game), December 21st (upgrade kits)
* Release date: December 9th, 2010 (as a stand-alone new game), December 21st, 2010 (upgrade kits)
* Brand-new cabinets were made for this game. The new, slimmer cabinet includes a wider resolution (making it the first wide-screen pop'n music game), a new pop'n music card reader, colorful LED lights, a contactless smart card reader, tweeters, woofers, and a liquid crystal display. Also on the new wide-screen cabinets, you can see a score graph like the one in IIDX and GF/DM V6 as you play, as well as check others' scores on the songs; on the music select screen one can check rankings and other criteria for songs.
* Licenses once again do not have preview music clips on the official site, the first time since [[PnM_AC_15|pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE]].
* Hardware: BEMANI PC
* Theme: Street tunes
* New Songs: 49
==Staff Information==
* Producer: [[Tatsuya Mizuno|ota-P]]
* Directors: masaru, TAMA
* Programmers: otsu, mameshiba, gasu
* Sound Directors: [[Jun Wakita|wac]], [[PON]]
* Sound Staff: Yukky
* Design Staff: eimy, toki, mayo, chihiro, shio
== New Songs ==
''As of 2/16/2011, all default songs' EX charts are unlocked.''
===TV and Anime===
*SANPO (さんぽ) / [[Sanpo|さんぽ]] / ♪♪♪♪♪ (Mimi) - 9 / 22 / 29
*SOLANIN (ソラニン) / [[Solanin|ソラニン]] / ♪♪♪♪♪ (SAYURI) - 13 / 24 / 29
*WO AI NI (ウォーアイニー) / [[Wo Ai ni|ウォーアイニー]] / ♪♪♪♪♪ (Bis子) - 15 / 26 / 32
*HAMANASU NO HANA (ハマナスの花) / [[Hamanasu no Hana|ハマナスの花]] / ♪♪♪♪♪ (HAJIME) - 16 / 25 / 31
*ONLY MY RAILGUN / [[only my railgun]] / ♪♪♪♪♪ (SUMIRE) - 16 / 25 / 36
*DRAGON SOUL / [[DRAGON SOUL]] / ♪♪♪♪♪ (Nyami) - 17 / 26 / 34
*MISS PARALLEL WORLD (ミス・パラレルワールド) / [[Miss Parallel World|ミス・パラレルワールド]] / 相対性理論 (ν・μ) - 17 / 25 / 31
*ARCAROUND (アルクアラウンド) / [[Arcaround|アルクアラウンド]] / ♪♪♪♪♪ (HIGURASHI) - 18 / 27 / 30
*JOYFUL (じょいふる) / [[Joyful|じょいふる]] / ♪♪♪♪♪ (marin) - 18 / 27 / 33

===Konami Originals===
== General Information / Changes ==
*ANDES HEALING / [[Nazca no Oka|ナスカの丘]] / [[Tomoaki Hirono|劇団レコード]] feat. [[Sanae Shintani|Sana]] (Monica) - 13 / 26 / 34
* Theme: Street tunes/town
*80's PRETTY POP / [[So good!]] / [[Sota Fujimori]] feat. Kanae (KIKA) - 16 / 26 / 34
* Brand-new cabinets shipped with this game.
*ELECTRIC DANCE WAVE / [[Music-U]] / Qrispy Joybox feat. [[mao]] (MOMOKO★SAN) - 17 / 30 / 34
** The new, slimmer cabinet includes a wider resolution (making it the first wide-screen pop'n music game), a new pop'n music card reader, colorful LED lights, a contactless smart card reader, tweeters, woofers, and a liquid crystal display.
*HYPER DRAMATIC / [[Bara wa Eien ni Utsukushiku|薔薇は永遠に美しく]] / [[TЁЯRA]] (Agent) - 17 / 35 / 40
** You can also see a score graph as you play a la beatmania IIDX and the later GITADORA titles, as well as check others' scores on the songs.
*NEO VISUAL / [[In my story]] / [[Yasuhiro Abe|阿部靖広]] (Ashley=boa) - 17 / 31 / 36
** On the music select screen, you can also check rankings and other criteria for songs.
*Pf POP / [[Kaze to Jitensha|風と自転車]] / [[Wolfram Alber|ウォリ]]&[[Yoko Aramaki|荒牧陽子]] (Sarah&Bred) - 17 / 32 / 38
* A new trading card dispenser was added to the machine. After every round of play, you can get a trading card, which shows one of the pop'n music characters, with their profiles at the back. Some rare cards also include a code that lets you unlock 3P palettes for some characters.
*STREET TUNE / [[Tanken Note (Street style)|探検ノート (Street style)]] / [[PON]] (Jyun&Shingo) - 17 / 27 / 37
* Character selection screen is not optional anymore. Now it appears after you select a mode.
*FOLK ROCK / [[Omokagebashi|面影橋]] / [[Jun Wakita|Traveling Fan Troop]] (KENJI) - 18 / 30 / 38
** Every character has the background of the song where they debuted, even for removed songs. Characters that never received a background show a generic background.
*HI-SPEED FANTASY TUNE / [[SHION]] / [[Yoshitaka Nishimura|DJ YOSHITAKA]] (SHION) - 18 / 33 / 38
** The two exceptions are [[ENDLESS SUMMER NUDE]]'s JUDY and [[un-Balance]]'s Kate, which show a generic background.
*MECHANICAL JAZZ / [[Apple Butter]] / [[Tatsuya Furukawa|good-cool]] (Emilio) - 18 / 32 / 39
** The characters that are rival characters on [[ee'MALL]] songs show their respective recycled backgrounds.
*PROGRE TANGO / [[Red Roses]] / [[Mutsuhiko Izumi]] (El Soluna) - 18 / 35 / 41
* Licenses once again do not have preview music clips on the official site, the first time since [[AC pnm 15|pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE]].
*WINTER CUTE ROCK / [[Fuyu Koi|ふゆこい]] / [[Pink Turbo|ピンクターボ]] (TSURARA) - 18 / 27 / 31
* First pop'n music game to let you change the announcer's voice and system BGM (not counting [[AC pnm 9|pop'n music 9]]'s changing system BGM depending on what song you played last).
*AME-POP / [[Last of "I Love You"]] / spinning cokes (もっくん) - 19 / 28 / 36
* Final pop'n music game that features a cheering crowd during the modifier selection screen.
*OSHAMA SWING / [[Namaiki Princess|なまいきプリンセス]] / [[Tomosuke Funaki|dormir]] (Alicia) - 20 / 31 / 40
* From Staff message page is re-instated on the official site.
*LUNIC AIR / [[Princess Roki]] / [[Akino]] (Roki) - 21 / 34 / 40 
* Unlike previous pop'n music games, PHASE MAX does ''not'' unlock all the hidden songs for regular play, nor are there unlock codes.
*J-NEXT POP / [[~Timeless~|~Timeless~]] / [[Yasuhiro Taguchi|TAG NEXT MORE]] (JUDY) - 22 / 32 / 37
** However, all hidden songs were playable by default in the following game, [[AC pnm 20|pop'n music 20 fantasia]].
*LABO TECHNO / [[Sanou Spark|左脳スパーク]] / 742 (Dr.JJ&CanCan) - 22 / 35 / 40
*VELVET BULLET HIT / [[Velvet Bullet|ヴェルヴェットバレット]] / [[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW]]+2 (ジャミロ熊井) - 23 / 35 / 41
*胸キュン☆マレット / [[Kiseki wa Hajimari|キセキはじまり☆]] / [[Megumi Tatsumi|達見恵]] featured by [[Hiroaki Sano|佐野宏晃]] (marin) - 23 / 30 / 37 
*CYBER METAL / [[Danzai Plasma|断罪プラズマ]] / [[Shinpei Tsumita|積田 晋平]] (BIT) - 24 / 36 / 41

===Songs from Console Versions===
== Staff Information ==  
*INNOCENT 3 / [[Ryuuten to kaiten|流転と回天]] / [[Tatsuya Mizuno|WATER STAND]] (MUTSUKI) - 15 / 27 / 32 - [[PnM CS 14|pop'n music 14 FEVER! CS]]
* [[pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET OST Booklet Credits]]

===12/20/2010 Unlocks===
= Full Song List =
*STAR HEROINE / [[Hoshizora ni Chikau Romance|星空に誓うロマンス]] / [[Megumi Tatsumi|達見 恵]] (Mimi) - 14 / 24 / 28
* [[pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET Full Song List]]
*IDOL WAVE / [[Empty My Heart|エンプティ マイ ハート]] / [[Daisuke Kurosawa|ビンビンWAVES]] (ice) - 16 / 25 / 30
*BEATNIK / [[UPBEAT]] / [[Kida Shunsuke|Kiddy & Sunshine Lovers]] (Ted=Pete) - 16 / 31 / 39

===Internet Ranking Unlocks===
= Default Songs =
*CONTEMPORARY NATION 5 / [[The Sky of Sadness]] / [[Naoyuki Sato|猫叉Master]] (NERO) - 23 / 31 / 40 (during Internet Ranking #1, Week 1)
As of February 16th, 2011, all default songs' EX charts are unlocked.
*PASSIONATE SAMBA / [[SAMBA de ASPEL]] / [[Arata Iiyoshi|Anemo=Aspel by MLREC.]] (Quattro) - 18 / 30 / 35 (during Internet Ranking #1, Week 3)
*SHINKYOKU / [[Shinkyoku|神曲]] / [[Asaki|あさき]] (小坊主) - 19 / 32 / 41 (during Internet Ranking #1, Week 5)

===jubeat knit APPEND Unlocks===
{{pnm Songlist Header|
* ??? / [[Quilt|キルト]] / [[Osamu Migitera|Des]]-[[Sanae Shintani|sana]]+[[Jun Wakita|w]][[PON|p]][[Tomosuke Funaki|t]][[Daisuke Kurosawa|9]] (?) - ? / ? / ? (Release date TBD)
{{pnm Songlist Category|TV/ANIME}}
{{pnm Song||[[Sanpo|さんぽ]]|♪♪♪♪♪|122|[[Mimi]] [CSp-1P]|6|9|22|29|6|8}}
{{pnm Song||[[Solanin|ソラニン]]|♪♪♪♪♪|179|SAYURI [11]|7|13|24|29|8|10}}
{{pnm Song||[[Wo ai ni|ウォーアイニー]]|[[Makino Mizuta|♪♪♪♪♪]]|132|Bis子 [14-2P]|10|15|26|32|11|18}}
{{pnm Song||[[only my railgun]]|[[MAI|♪♪♪♪♪]]|143|SUMIRE [CSp-1P]|15|16|25|36|12|24}}
{{pnm Song||[[Hamanasu no hana|ハマナスの花]]|[[Takahiro Yotsuya|♪♪♪♪♪]]|129|HAJIME [16-2P]|10|16|25|31|12|21}}
{{pnm Song||[[DRAGON SOUL]]|♪♪♪♪♪|162|[[Nyami]] [TV-DBZ]|14|17|26|34|13|18}}
{{pnm Song||[[Miss parallel world|ミス・パラレルワールド]]|相対性理論|133|ν・μ [8-1P]|11|17|25|31|12|20}}
{{pnm Song||[[Aruku around|アルクアラウンド]]|[[Daichi Watanabe|♪♪♪♪♪]]|136|Higurashi [6-1P]|11|18|27|30|13|22}}
{{pnm Song||[[Joyful|じょいふる]]|[[Megumi Tatsumi|♪♪♪♪♪]]|159|marin [19-1P]|15|18|27|33|13|21}}
{{pnm Songlist Category|KONAMI originals}}
{{pnm Song|ANDES HEALING|[[Nazca no oka|ナスカの丘]]|[[Tomoaki Hirono|劇団レコード]] feat. [[Sanae Shintani|Sana]]|63-124|Monica|12|13|26|24|10|11}}
{{pnm Song|80's PRETTY POP|[[So good!!]]|[[Sota Fujimori]] feat. Kanae|146|KIKA [19]|16|16|26|34|15|24}}
{{pnm Song|INNOCENT 3|[[Ruten to kaiten|流転と回天]]{{from|[[CS pnm 14|pop'n music 14 FEVER! CS]]}}|[[Tatsuya Mizuno|WATER STAND]]|138|[[MUTSUKI]] [CS14]|9|17|27|32|13|19}}
{{pnm Song|ELECTRIC DANCE WAVE|[[Music-U]]|[[Tatsuya Iyama|Qrispy Joybox]] feat.[[Chie Nakamaru|mao]]|125|MOMOKO★SAN [19]|12|17|30|34|12|14}}
{{pnm Song|HYPER DRAMATIC|[[Bara wa towa ni utsukushiku|薔薇は永遠に美しく]]|[[TERRA|TЁЯRA]]|160|Agent|14|17|35|40|15|24}}
{{pnm Song|NEO VISUAL|[[In my story]]|[[Yasuhiro Abe|阿部靖広]]|170|Ashley<nowiki>=</nowiki>boa|11|17|31|36|11|14}}
{{pnm Song|Pf POP|[[Kaze to jitensha|風と自転車]]|[[Wolfram Alber|ウォリ]]&[[Yoko Aramaki|荒牧陽子]]|114|Sarah&Bred|12|16|32|38|12|14}}
{{pnm Song|STREET TUNE|[[Tanken note(Street style)|探検ノート(Street style)]]|[[Daichi Watanabe|PON]]|284|Jyun&Shingo [19]|17|17|27|37|16|35}}
{{pnm Song|FOLK ROCK|[[Omokagebashi|面影橋]]|[[Jun Wakita|Traveling Fan Troop]]|125-127|KENJI|12|18|30|38|12|15}}
{{pnm Song|HI-SPEED FANTASY TUNE|[[SHION]]|[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|DJ YOSHITAKA]]|179|SHION|15|18|33|38|14|17}}
{{pnm Song|MECHANICAL JAZZ|[[Apple Butter]]|[[Tatsuya Furukawa|good-cool]]|170|Emilio|20|18|32|39|11|12}}
{{pnm Song|PROGRE TANGO|[[Red Roses]]|[[Mutsuhiko Izumi]]|136-170|El Soluna|14|20|35|41|13|15}}
{{pnm Song|WINTER CUTE ROCK|[[Fuyu koi|ふゆこい]]|[[Pink Turbo|ピンクターボ]]|131|TSURARA [19]|10|18|27|31|10|14}}
{{pnm Song|AME-POP|[[Last of "I Love You"|Last of “I Love You”]]|[[Takayuki Ishikawa|spinning cokes]]|180|もっくん|14|19|28|36|14|18}}
{{pnm Song|OSHAMA SWING|[[Namaiki princess|なまいきプリンセス]]|[[Tomosuke Funaki|dormir]]|125|Alicia|16|20|31|40|14|27}}
{{pnm Song|RUNIC AIR|[[Princess Roki]]|[[Akino Mizuno|Akino]]|126|Roki [19]|15|21|34|40|12|13}}
{{pnm Song|J-NEXT POP|[[~Timeless~|~Timeless~]]|[[Yasuhiro Taguchi|TAG NEXT MORE]]|144|JUDY [19]|15|22|32|37|14|17}}
{{pnm Song|LABO TECHNO|[[Sanou spark|左脳スパーク]]|[[742]]|192|Dr.JJ&CanCam|14|22|35|40|10|13}}
{{pnm Song|VELVET BULLET HIT|[[Velvet bullet|ヴェルヴェット バレット]]|[[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW]]+2|177|ジャミロ熊井|21|23|35|41|18|33}}
{{pnm Song|胸キュン☆マレット<br><small>(MUNE KYUN MALLET)</small>|[[Kiseki hajimari|キセキはじまり☆]]|[[Megumi Tatsumi|達見恵]] featured by [[Hiroaki Sano|佐野宏晃]]|168|marin|20|23|30|37|17|24}}
{{pnm Song|CYBER METAL|[[Danzai plasma|断罪プラズマ]]|[[Daisuke Kurosawa|積田 晋平]]|250|BIT|22|24|36|41|17|30}}
{{pnm Songlist Category|Added on December 20th, 2010|bg=#aaaaee}}
{{pnm Song|STAR HEROINE|[[Hoshizora ni chikau romance|星空に誓うロマンス]]{{from|[[CS pnm Utacchi|うたっち]]}}|[[Megumi Tatsumi|達見 恵]]|124|[[Mimi]] [TV-CREAMY]|9|14|24|28|9|11}}
{{pnm Song|IDOL WAVE|[[Empty my heart|エンプティ マイ ハート]]{{from|[[CS pnm Utacchi|うたっち]]}}|[[Daisuke Kurosawa|ビンビンWAVES]]|132|ice [TV]|15|16|25|30|13|22}}
{{pnm Song|BEATNIK|[[UPBEAT]]|[[Shunsuke Kida|Kiddy&Sunshine Lovers]]|77-214|Ted<nowiki>=</nowiki>Pete|13|16|31|39|11|20}}
{{pnm Songlist Category|GuitarFreaks & DrumMania 連動企画|bg=black|color=yellow}}
{{pnm Songlist Category|Added on May 25th, 2011|bg=black|color=yellow}}
{{pnm Song|MODERN SKA|[[Yume ni tsuite TYPE A|夢について TYPE A]]|[[Hideyuki Ono|小野秀幸]] feat. natsuki|156|[[Torte&Parfait]] [19-2P]|20|20|30|35|12|13}}
{{pnm Songlist Category|Added on June 8th, 2011|bg=black|color=yellow}}
{{pnm Song|MODERN PUNK|[[Yume ni tsuite TYPE C|夢について TYPE C]]<br><small>with ''[[AC GFDM XG2|GuitarFreaksXG2 & DrumManiaXG2 Groove to Live]]''</small>|[[Hideyuki Ono|小野秀幸]] feat. 岡本裕美|148|[[Torte&Parfait]] [19-1P]|17|24|36|41|16|24}}

==Revival Songs==
*CANDY POP / [[CANDY|CANDY♥]] / ♪♪♪♪♪ ([[Riyu Kosaka|小坂りゆ]]) - pop'n music 8
TOWN MODE is pop'n music 19's TUNE STREET main unlocked event. It started on February 23rd, 2011 and continued until support for TUNE STREET ended. e-amusement is required to play the event.
*GIRLS ROCK / [[☆shining☆]] / [[Riyu Kosaka|りゆ]]&[[Noria|のりあ]] - pop'n music 9
*ソツギョウ / [[GRADUATION|GRADUATION ~それぞれの明日~]] / [[BeForU]] - pop'n music 12 いろは

==New Charts==
In TOWN MODE, your goal is to build a town. Throughout plays of TOWN MODE, Town Points (TP) are acquired, which can be used to purchase new buildings/games, or CDs from the CD shop. Purchasing buildings and games enable certain benefits in the town, from lowering the cost of CDs to adding more pop'n music characters to the town. Songs are played by speaking to a character and selecting a song from that character's set of available songs. Certain characters contain hidden songs, and after playing one, it becomes available for purchase in the CD shop for a set amount of TP.
* MASARA / [[sutekina tabuura|すてきなタブーラ]] / [[Yasuhiko Fukuda|TABAN KING]] - Hyper (27) & EX (39) - pop'n music 2
* CELT / [[Suichuukazoku no thema|水中家族のテーマ]] / [[Parquets|パーキッツ]] - Hyper (31) & EX (37) - pop'n music 3
* CANDY POP / [[CANDY|CANDY♥]] / ♪♪♪♪♪ ([[Riyu Kosaka|小坂りゆ]]) - EX (37) - pop'n music 8
* HEART / [[Pink Rose]] / [[Kiyomi Kumano|Kiyommy]]+[[Seiya_Murai|Seiya]] - EX (35) - pop'n music CS

==Town Mode (2/23/2011-?)==
Prices for CDs may be lowered by purchasing a Disco (110 TP) or Karaoke Box (100 TP).
===Town Mode Unlocks===
* A.I. TETSUDOL / [[Linear Locomotive Love]] / [[Seiya Murai|seiya-murai]] feat. ALT (ALT) - ? / ? / 31
* ACID JAZZ / [[Reaching for the Stars]] / [[Frances Maya|serena]] (Mary) - 19 / 31 / 37 - from [[AC GF11DM10|GUITARFREAKS 11th MIX & drummania 10th MIX]]
* ANIMAL MINIMAL / [[The Zoo Zone]] / Mystic Moon (?) - ? / ? / 41
* ASIAN / [[Beyond the Ocean]] / [[Seiya Murai|WORLD SEQUENCE]] (INARI) - ? / ? / 35 - from KEYBOARDMANIA 2nd MIX
* CANDY RAVE / [[smooooch|smooooch・∀・]] / [[Kosuke Saito|kors k]] (smooooch) - 23 / 29 / 37 - from [[AC EMPRESS|beatmaniaIIDX 16 EMPRESS]]
* CASTLEVANIA SLOT 2 / [[Hitsuki no Kyousoukyoku|緋月の狂想曲]] / 倉持武志 (Ralph Belmondo) - 17 / 34 / 40
* FRONTIER / [[Tanken Note|探検ノート]] / [[PON]] feat. [[Manami Fujino|ふじのマナミ]] (Nyami) - 17 / 32 / 38
* KARAOKE REMIX / [[Ai Kotoba ~CYBER VIP ECHO MIX~|愛言葉~アイコトバ ~CYBER VIP ECHO MIX~]] / ヨシコとケン (MZD) - ? / 28 / 36
* LOVELY CAT POP / [[Chat! Chat! Chat!]] / [[Shinji Hosoe|sampling masters MEGA]] (REINA) - 22 / ? / 37 - from [[PnM CS Portable|pop'n music portable]]
* MOF ROCK / [[moffing]] / [[Naoyuki Sato|猫叉Masterβ2]] (?) - 24 / 33 / 39
* TECHNO KAYO REMIX / [[Ultra Boy NAUGHTY BOY remix|うるとら☆ボーイ NAUGHTY BOY remix]] / [[Seiya Murai|V.C.O.]] featuring [[Yuko Asai]] RMX by [[ELEKTEL]] (MZD) - 20 / ? / 37
* TEGAMI'N BASS / [[The post-girl in a hat.]] / [[Sugimoto Kiyotaka|DJ Simon]] feat. 伊藤理恵子 (MELL) - 15 / 27 / 37

==Removed Songs==
(TOWN MODE information acquired from [ BEMANIwiki 2nd] and [].)
The following songs from pop'n music 18 have been removed from this game:
{|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto"
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" width="250px"|Song Title
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Genre
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Pop'n 18 Folder
| [[Suimin busoku|すいみん不足]] || キテレツ (KITERETSU) || TV/ANIME (PnM 6)
| [[Lum no Lovesong|ラムのラブソング]] || URUSEI || TV/ANIME (PnM 7)
| [[Computer obaachan|コンピューターおばあちゃん]] || A.I.おばあちゃん (A.I.OBAACHAN) || TV/ANIME (PnM 9)
| [[Maka fushigi Adventure|摩訶不思議アドベンチャー]] || DRAGONBALL || TV/ANIME (PnM 13)
| [[Anata no toriko|あなたのとりこ]] || WATER STEP || TV/ANIME (PnM 13)
| [[Miserarete|魅せられて ~エーゲ海のテーマ~]] || エーゲ (AGEAN) || TV/ANIME (PnM 14)
| [[Konayuki|粉雪]] || 粉雪 (KONAYUKI) || TV/ANIME (PnM 16)
| [[Romantic ageru yo|ロマンティックあげるよ]] || ロマンティックあげるよ {{nowrap|(ROMANTIC AGERU YO)}} || TV/ANIME (PnM 17)
| [[Aruite Kaerou|歩いて帰ろう]] || 歩いて帰ろう (ARUITE KAEROU) || TV/ANIME (PnM 18)  

==Difficulty Changes==
== Unlock Requirements ==
The following songs have received difficulty changes since their last arcade/console appearance:

{|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto"
{|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto"
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" rowspan="2" width="250px"|Song Title
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" |Song
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" rowspan="2" width="200px"|Genre
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Requirement
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" rowspan="2" width="150px"|PnM 19 Folder
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Cost
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="4"|Standard
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="2"|Battle
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" width="55px"|5 Button
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" width="50px"|Normal
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" width="50px"|Hyper
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" width="50px"|EX
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" width="50px"|Normal
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" width="50px"|Hyper
| [[I'm on fire]] || HEAVY METAL || PnM 2 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|16&rarr;22 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[sutekina tabuura|すてきなタブーラ]] || MASARA || PnM 2 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|5&rarr;6 || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Tempura kyodai|天麩羅兄弟]] || COMIC SONG || PnM 5 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|4&rarr;8 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Ending theme of pop'n music6]] || SPECIAL ENDING 2 || PnM 7 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|16&rarr;13 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Chase! Chase! Chase!|チェイス!チェイス!チェイス!]] || FRESH || PnM 8 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|8&rarr;12 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Linear Locomotive Love]] || Talk to Alt 2.0 while the linear railcar is in town (requires the linear station). || 1100 TP
| [[Tir na n'Og]] || JIG || PnM 8 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|22&rarr;20 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Reaching for the Stars]] || Talk to Mary after purchasing GuitarFreaks XG (130 TP). ||900 TP
| [[ULTRA BUTTERFLY|ULTRA BUTTERFLY (坤剛力)]] || GRUNGE-DES || PnM 10 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|20&rarr;22 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[The Zoo Zone]] || Talk to ZOOZO once the zoo appears in town.|| 1100 TP
| [[Beyond the Ocean]] || Talk to INARI after purchasing KEYBOARDMANIA (100 TP), and placing the game on a tile of earth terrain (purchased for 60 TP). ||900 TP
| [[D-groove REQ]] || MISSA-REMI || PnM 11 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|12&rarr;16 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[smooooch|smooooch・∀・]] || Talk to smooooch after purchasing beatmaniaIIDX (130 TP). ||900 TP
| [[Tougen emaki|桃源絵巻]] || ASIAN MIXTURE || PnM 13 カーニバル || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|17&rarr;21 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Akatsuki no kyousoukyoku|緋月の狂想曲]] || Talk to Ralph Belmondo after purchasing a sanctuary (120 TP). ||777 TP
| [[Violently Car]] || RACING || PnM 13 カーニバル || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|21&rarr;23 || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Tanken note|探検ノート]] || Talk to Nyami after purchasing a normal house (80 TP).|| 50 TP
| [[Midori no kaze|緑の風]] || CURE || PnM 15 ADVENTURE || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|14&rarr;11 || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Ai kotoba~CYBER VIP ECHO MIX~|愛言葉~アイコトバ~CYBER VIP ECHO MIX~]] || Talk to Taro&Okon after purchasing a karaoke box (100 TP).||1000 TP
| [[Polis]] || MYTHORONICA || PnM 15 ADVENTURE || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|21&rarr;23 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Chat! Chat! Chat!]] || Talk to REINA after purchasing a pet shop (110 TP).|| 222 TP
| [[Wartran Main Theme|ウォートラン・メインテーマ]] || WARTRAN TROOPERS || PnM 15 ADVENTURE || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|16&rarr;17 || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[moffing]] || Talk to Moffy after purchasing a ranch (90 TP).||1100 TP
| [[Kicky Kemari Kicker]] || KEMARI || PnM 16 PARTY♪ || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|11&rarr;18 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Ultra boy NAUGHTY BOY remix|うるとら★ボーイ NAUGHTY BOY remix]] || Talk to Pino after purchasing a lab (90 TP).||1000 TP
| [[The post-girl in a hat.]] || Talk to MELL after purchasing a post office (130 TP).||1100 TP
| [[Saigo no ketsudan|最期の決断]] || BATTLE SYMPHONY || PnM 17 THE MOVIE || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|30&rarr;28 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Be Happy!|Be☆Happy!]] || Talk to Yakkoθchan after purchasing a hospital (80 TP).||1190 TP
| [[Polaris]] || GALAXIVE ROCK || PnM 17 THE MOVIE || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|34&rarr;35 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[GIRIGILI monzen jakura|GIRIGILI門前雀羅]] || Talk to NICKEY after purchasing a club (110 TP) and DanceDanceRevolution (130 TP).||900 TP
| [[Second Heaven]] || HANDZ UP || PnM 17 THE MOVIE || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|32&rarr;34 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Pizza Italiano|ピッツァ・イタリアーノ]] || Talk to Marge&Rita after purchasing a pizza house (90 TP).||1200 TP
| [[Geiselhaus]] || METALLIC OPERA || PnM 17 THE MOVIE || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|42&rarr;43 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Passacaglia(J-RAVE MIX)|Passacaglia(J-RAVE MIX)]] || Talk to WALKER after purchasing a library (100 TP).||1000 TP
| [[Sumidagawa karenka|隅田川夏恋歌]] || A.I. DATE POP || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|20&rarr;18 || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[I'm Screaming LOVE]] || Talk to MIRAI YUMENO after purchasing a TV station (120 TP).||900 TP
| [[trezire de spirit]] || CASTLEVANIA SLOT || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|30&rarr;29 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[MVA]] || Talk to PMX-9 after purchasing a circuit.||1200 TP
| [[Boku wo Sagashini|ボクをさがしに]] || CHAMBER POP || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|15&rarr;13 || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Nataradin(Raja Maharaja mix)|ナタラディーン(Raja Maharaja mix)]] || Talk to NaN after purchasing a Calais specialty store (80 TP).||1170 TP
| [[Let it go]] || ELECTRO ROCK || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|35&rarr;33 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Climax sentou|クライマックス銭湯]] || Talk to Kapooon after purchasing a spa (110 TP).||1010 TP
| [[Getsufuma-den|月風魔伝]] || GETSUFUMA-DEN || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|34&rarr;32 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Happy Life]] || Talk to YUMMY after purchasing a sewage treatment facility (100 TP).||831 TP
| [[O・KU・NI]] || GIN ROCK || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|39&rarr;38 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Gatten da!!|ガッテンだ!!]] || Talk to TETSUO after purchasing a builder (100 TP).||1300 TP
| [[Twin Trip]] || GIRLS COUNTRY || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|17&rarr;14 || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Shounen ripples|少年リップルズ]] || Talk to ookami-boy after purchasing an astronomical observatory (130 TP).||1000 TP
| [[starmine -swallowtailmix-]] || HAPPY CUTE ROCK || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|37&rarr;36 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Marigold (Jazzy Hip-Hop Remix)]] || Talk to ν・μ after purchasing a flower shop (80 TP).||1100 TP
| [[Ignited Night]] || HEAT UP || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|21&rarr;22 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[OVER THE LIMIT!|OVER THE LIMIT!]] || Talk to Fernando XIII after purchasing a cave (100 TP).||1000 TP
| [[Furinkazan|風林火山]] || JINKI PROGRESSIVE || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|35&rarr;36 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[L'eternita]] || Talk to DEBORAH after purchasing a church (110 TP).||1300 TP
| [[Kokoro no Collage|心のコラージュ]] || J-HOUSE POP 2 || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|17&rarr;16 || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Tokimoriuta|時守唄]] || Talk to tiku-taku after purchasing a watch store (90 TP).|| 1300 TP
| [[Liebe ~Boukyou~|Liebe〜望郷〜]] || MANDOLIN STEP || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|17&rarr;14 || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Greening]] || Talk to Yima after purchasing a broad-leaved forest (100 TP).|| 1000 TP
| [[Pop'n Music Zokuron|ポップミュージック続論]] || MEGANE KAYO || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|19&rarr;17 || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Remain]] || Talk to Ruinous Room after purchasing a plateau (90 TP).||1300 TP
| [[NOBUNAGA]] || MUHON TRANCE || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|35&rarr;36 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[BabeL ~Grand Story~|BabeL ~Grand Story~]] || Purchase (1000 TP) and enter the first floor of the TOWER. <br>The TOWER first becomes available for purchase once all 29 previous TOWN MODE songs have been purchased.||100 TP
| [[Heart of dreams]] || POSITIVE 2 || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|14&rarr;12 || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[BabeL ~Next Story~|BabeL ~Next Story~]] || Purchase (1000 TP) and enter the second stage of the tower.|| 200 TP
| [[Ama no Touge|天の峠]] || SYMPHONIC JINRAKU || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|29&rarr;30 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[BabeL ~roof garden~|BabeL ~roof garden~]] || Purchase (1000 TP) and enter the Garden on the tower roof. ||300 TP
| [[Jo|序]] || ふること || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|34&rarr;35 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Parabola|パラボラ]] || パラボラ || PnM 18 せんごく列伝 || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|31&rarr;32 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Sweaty Guys]] || KG || PnM CS (5 CS) || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|4&rarr;9 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Kimi ni todoke|キミに届け]] || THERAPIE || PnM CS (7 CS) || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|12&rarr;14 || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Omoide wo arigatou|想い出をありがとう]] || CLASSIC 11 || PnM CS (11 CS) || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|13&rarr;17 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Sayonara Heaven|サヨナラ*ヘヴン]] || CONTEMPORARY NATION 2 || PnM CS (11 CS) || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|12&rarr;17 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Jouou kishi|女王騎士]] || GENSO SUIKODEN V || PnM CS (13 CS) || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|16&rarr;19 || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Itoshisato Setsunasato Kokoro Tsuyosato|恋しさと せつなさと 心強さと]] || 恋しさと せつなさと 心強さと || TV/ANIME (18) || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|15&rarr;13 || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|29&rarr;28 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[IMPLANTATION]] || GOA TRANCE || ee'MALL || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|18&rarr;23 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Destiny lovers]] || J-POP || ee'MALL || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|13&rarr;17 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Craze for You]] || JAPAMETA || ee'MALL || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|20&rarr;22 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-
| [[Children's Sketchbook|子供の落書き帳]] || PROGRE || ee'MALL || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|15&rarr;18 || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|- || style="background:#ee3fff;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|- || style="background:#eeee77;"|-

== Related Links ==
== Unlockable Songs ==
*[ pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET Official Website]
{{pnm Songlist Header|
{{pnm Songlist Category|TOWN MODE|bg=bisque|color=hotpink}}
{{pnm Songlist Category|TOWN1 (unlockable from February 23rd, 2011)}}
{{pnm Song|A.I.TETSUDOL|[[Linear Locomotive Love]]|[[Kiyoshi Murai|seiya-murai]] feat. ALT|140|[[Alt|Alt 2.0]] [19]|13|15|26|31|11|13}}
{{pnm Song|ACID JAZZ|[[Reaching for the Stars]]{{from|[[AC GF11DM10|GUITARFREAKS 11thMIX & drummania 10thMIX]]}}|[[Frances Maya|serena]]|188|Mary [15]|13|19|31|37|11|18}}
{{pnm Song|ANIMAL MINIMAL|[[The Zoo Zone]]|[[Daichi Watanabe|Mystic Moon]]|160|ZOOZO|20|23|35|41|17|18}}
{{pnm Song|ASIAN|[[Beyond the Ocean]]{{from|[[AC KBM 2nd|KEYBOARDMANIA 2ndMIX]]}}|[[Kiyoshi Murai|WORLD SEQUENCE]]|123|INARI [15]|11|18|27|35|13|19}}
{{pnm Song|CANDY RAVE|[[smooooch|smooooch・∀・]]{{from|[[AC EMPRESS|beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS]]}}|[[Kosuke Saito|kors k]]|177|smooooch|13|23|29|37|12|14}}
{{pnm Song|CASTLEVANIA SLOT 2|[[Akatsuki no kyousoukyoku|緋月の狂想曲]]|[[Takeshi Kuramochi|倉持武志]]|135|Ralph Belmondo [19]|15|17|34|40|14|12}}
{{pnm Song|KARAOKE REMIX|[[Ai kotoba~CYBER VIP ECHO MIX~|愛言葉~アイコトバ~CYBER VIP ECHO MIX~]]|[[Tomoyuki Uchida|ヨシコとケンジ]]|*|MZD [19-KARAOKE]|14|17|28|36|11|14}}
{{pnm Song|FRONTIER|[[Tanken note|探検ノート]]|[[Daichi Watanabe|PON]] feat.[[Manami Fujino|ふじのマナミ]]|142|[[Nyami]] [19]|15|16|32|38|12|14}}
{{pnm Song|LOVELY CAT POP|[[Chat! Chat! Chat!]]{{from|[[CS pnm portable|pop'n music portable]]}}|[[Shinji Hosoe|sampling masters MEGA]]|170|REINA [CSp]|7|22|31|37|12|17}}
{{pnm Song|MOF ROCK|[[moffing]]|[[Naoyuki Sato|猫叉Masterβ2]]|170|Moffy|16|24|33|39|14|19}}
{{pnm Song|TECHNO KAYO REMIX|[[Ultra boy NAUGHTY BOY remix|うるとら★ボーイ NAUGHTY BOY remix]]|[[Kiyoshi Murai|V.C.O.]] featuring [[Yuko Asai]] RMX by [[ELEKTEL]]|150|MZD [19-TECHNO KAYO]|16|21|31|37|11|14}}
{{pnm Song|TEGAMI'N BASS|[[The post-girl in a hat.]]|[[Kiyotaka Sugimoto|DJ Simon]] feat. [[Rieko Ito|伊藤理恵子]]|184|MELL [19]|12|15|27|33|6|11}}
{{pnm Songlist Category|TOWN2 (unlockable from March 16th, 2011)}}
{{pnm Song|E-CLINIC|[[Be Happy!|Be☆Happy!]]|[[SATOE]] vs. [[Keiichi Ueno|上野圭市]] (Transforming into Nick Q)|168|Yakkoθchan|18|20|29|36|15|24}}
{{pnm Song|MIXTUREPON|[[GIRIGILI monzen jakura|GIRIGILI門前雀羅]]{{from|[[AC DDR SuperNOVA2|DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2]]}}|[[Osamu Migitera|Cheki-ROWS]]|148|NICKEY [11-2P]|18|22|28|35|15|18}}
{{pnm Song|PIZZA|[[Pizza Italiano|ピッツァ・イタリアーノ]]|[[Tsugumi Kataoka|ツグミーノ]]|152|Marge&Rita|13|14|28|33|9|11}}
{{pnm Song|RETRO FUTURE GROOVE|[[Passacaglia(J-RAVE MIX)|Passacaglia(J-RAVE MIX)]]|[[Hiroshi Takeyasu|Postmodern]] Remixed by [[742]]|151-152|MZD [19-RETRO FUTURE]|19|21|32|39|13|17}}
{{pnm Song|TECHNO POP|[[I'm Screaming LOVE]]{{from|[[AC EMPRESS|beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS]]}}|[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|Creative Life]]|147|MIRAI YUMENO [15]|11|17|27|35|9|12}}
{{pnm Song|SPEED CORE|[[MVA]]|[[Toshiyuki Kakuta|L.E.D.-G]]|270|PMX-9 [19]|15|20|31|42|14|16}}
{{pnm Songlist Category|pop'n NaN matsuri (ポップンナン祭り) (unlockable from March 30th, 2011)}}
{{pnm Song|TABLA'N BASS REMIX|[[Nataradin(Raja Maharaja mix)|ナタラディーン(Raja Maharaja mix)]]|[[Yuki Kume|Q-Mex]] RMX by [[Ryutaro Nakahara|Auridy]]|161|MZD [19-TABLA'N BASS]|17|22|32|38|17|24}}
{{pnm Songlist Category|TOWN3 (unlockable from April 13th, 2011)}}
{{pnm Song|100ºC BUBBLE TECHNO|[[Climax sentou|クライマックス銭湯]]|[[Akihiro Honda|Dp.Honda]]|170|Kapooon|14|17|33|38|12|15}}
{{pnm Song|ACIDY DnB|[[Happy Life]]|[[Shuichi Kobori|kobo]]|175|YUMMY|12|20|34|38|12|15}}
{{pnm Song|DOBOKU ROCK|[[Gatten da!!|ガッテンだ!!]]|[[Hideo Suwa|すわひでお]] with [[Masatoshi Sakashita|manzo]]|85-170|TETSUO|16|19|34|40|14|15}}
{{pnm Song|EMOCTRO|[[Shounen ripples|少年リップルズ]]{{from|[[AC jb ripples APPEND|jubeat ripples APPEND]]}}|[[Yu Tokiwa|常盤ゆう]]|210|ookami-boy [19]|12|22|31|39|11|12}}
{{pnm Song|FLOWER POP REMIX|[[Marigold (Jazzy Hip-Hop Remix)]]|[[Tomosuke Funaki|SHORTCUTS]] RMX by [[Toshihiro Mizuno|ROMANTIC PRODUCTION]]|190|MZD [19-FLOWER POP]|17|19|30|39|15|25}}
{{pnm Songlist Category|TOWN4 (unlockable from April 27th, 2011)}}
{{pnm Song|METALIC SAGA|[[OVER THE LIMIT!]]{{from|[[AC GFDM V6|GuitarFreaks V6 & DrumMania V6 BLAZING!!!!]]}}|[[Kenji Ito|伊藤 賢治]]|104-150|Fernando XIII [13]|15|16|30|39|12|26}}
{{pnm Song|JAZZ ARIA|[[L'eternita]]|[[Osamu Kubota|Celia]]|144-216|DEBORAH|16|21|32|41|13|24}}
{{pnm Song|ANTIQUE|[[Tokimoriuta|時守唄]]|[[Kennosuke Ono|felys]] feat.三澤 秋|120|tiku-taku|19|23|29|35|12|14}}
{{pnm Song|GREENING|[[Greening]]{{from|[[CS pnm portable|pop'n music portable]]}}|[[Naoyuki Sato|猫叉Master]]|146|Yima [CS10]|12|18|33|41|11|14}}
{{pnm Song|RUINOUS SPIRITUALS|[[Remain]]|[[Kosuke Saito|ZERO]]+[[Jun Wakita|ZIBA]]|150|Ruinous Room|15|21|35|42|10|12}}
{{pnm Songlist Category|TOWN MAX (unlockable from June 1st, 2011)}}
{{pnm Song|SPIRAL STAIRS|[[BabeL ~Grand Story~|BabeL ~Grand Story~]]|[[Tsugumi Kataoka|Ako Atak]]|163|the TOWER [19-1P]|15|17|33|42|11|13}}
{{pnm Song|SCALE OUT|[[BabeL ~Next Story~|BabeL ~Next Story~]]|[[Daichi Watanabe|Power Of Nature]]|100-173|the TOWER [19-2P]|24|30|39|43|23|28}}
{{pnm Song|TWILIGHT CHIME|[[BabeL ~roof garden~|BabeL ~roof garden~]]|[[Jun Wakita|Capital Wage Association]]|52-65|the Garden|11|13|21|28|13|19}}
== Other Unlocks ==
Prices for BGM and SE unlocks may be lowered by purchasing any of the following: Pet Shop (110 TP), School (110 TP), Preschool (110 TP), Island (120 TP), or Ranch (90 TP).
; Play Skin
* Cool (クール) - 600 TP - talk to micro.
* Sweets (スイーツ) - 500 TP - battle [[RIE-chan|RIE♥chan]].
* Rococo (ロココ) - 600 TP - available as of TOWN4 by building the pop'n Castle.
* Japanesque (和) - 500 TP - available from May 11th to 25th, 2011, by talking to UNO, 2st, WAKA-san, FORCE, and Quattro.
* Gorgeous (ゴージャス) - 800 TP - available as of TOWN MAX by building a Jewelry shop.
* Horror (ホラー) - 800 TP - available from August 10th to 24th, 2011 by talking to [[Yuli]], [[Ash]], and [[Smile (character)|Smile]].
; Background Skin
* Spring (スプリング) - 600 TP - available by default in the store (133 TP).
* Winter (ウィンター) - 600 TP - available after purchasing an item related to snow/ice.
* Sweets (スイーツ) - 600 TP - available as of TOWN2 after talking to Sweets.
* Nature (ネイチャー) - 700 TP - available as of pop'n NaN matsuri (ポップンナン祭り) by battling NaN on [[Nataradin(Raja Maharaja mix)|ナタラディーン(Raja Maharaja mix)]].
* Summer (サマー) - 600 TP - available from June 29th, 2011 by building a Tanabata Bamboo.
* Cool (クール) - 600 TP - available from August 10th to 24th, 2011 by talking to Yuli, Ash, and Smile.
* Autumn (オータム) - 600 TP - available from August 24th, 2011 by building the Tsukimi Dango shop.
* Dots (水玉) - 500 TP - available from September 7th, 2011 by examinating all 25 landmarks.
; Background Music (BGM)
* BGM~FEVER~ - 140 TP - battle FEVER ROBO.
* BGM~PAPAPAYA~ - 800 TP - available as of TOWN2 after purchasing a TV station (120 TP).
* BGM~STAR~ - 1000 TP - available from June 15th to 29th, 2011 by talking to HIKARI NIJINO, MIRAI YUMENO, and SORA HOSHINO.
; System Voice (SE)
* VOICE~ALT~ - 700 TP - Battle Alt 2.0 on [[Linear Locomotive Love]].
* VOICE~B-kun~ (VOICE~Bくん~) - 800 TP - talk to B-kun.
* VOICE~Korea~ (VOICE~韓国~) - 700 TP - available as of TOWN3 by talking to YUN and YON.
* VOICE~Nekketsu~ (VOICE~熱血~) - 800 TP - available as of TOWN3 by battling TETSUO on [[Gatten da!!|ガッテンだ!!]].
* VOICE~America~ (VOICE~アメリカ~) - 600 TP - available from May 11th to 25th, 2011, by talking to UNO, 2st, WAKA-san, FORCE, and Quattro.
* VOICE~Yodo Djor~ (VOICE~淀ジョル~) - 800 TP - available as of TOWN MAX by battling with YODO-DOZEN.
* VOICE~Sister~ (VOICE ~シスター~) - 600 TP - available from June 15th to 29th, 2011 by talking to HIKARI NIJINO, MIRAI YUMENO, and SORA HOSHINO.
* VOICE~Sexy~ (VOICE~セクシー~) - 800 TP - available from September 7th, 2011 by examining all 25 landmarks.
; Character
* [[MZD]] - available as a playable character by unlocking all REMIXes.
= Other Unlocks =
The following songs were only available in CHOU-CHALLENGE mode's INTERNET RANKING category during the following dates:
* Week 1 (January 5th to 12th, 2011): [[The Sky of Sadness]]
* Week 3 (January 19th to 26th, 2011): [[SAMBA de ASPEL]]
* Week 5 (February 2nd to 9th, 2011): [[Shinkyoku|神曲]]
All of them, alongside their respective rival characters, were unlocked by default on February 16th, 2011.
{{pnm Songlist Header|
{{pnm Songlist Category|INTERNET RANKING}}
{{pnm Song|CONTEMPORARY NATION 5|[[The Sky of Sadness]]|[[Naoyuki Sato|猫叉Master]]|138|NERO|17|23|31|40|14|26}}
{{pnm Song|PASSIONATE SAMBA|[[SAMBA de ASPEL]]|[[Arata Iiyoshi|Anemo=Aspel by MLREC.]]|145|Quattro|14|18|30|35|12|15}}
{{pnm Song|神曲<br><small>(SHINKYOKU)</small>|[[Shinkyoku|神曲]]|[[Asaki|あさき]]|140-152|小坊主|16|19|32|41|12|14}}
[[Quilt|キルト]] is available with an [[e-amusement|e-AMUSEMENT]] PASS after playing [[Macuilxochitl]] (which was unlocked automatically on March 7th, 2011) in pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET, then playing キルト in [[AC jb knit APPEND|jubeat knit APPEND]].
For more information on the event, see [[APPEND FESTIVAL|its own page]].
{{pnm Songlist Header|
{{pnm Songlist Category|[[APPEND FESTIVAL]] (Added on March 7th, 2011)|bg=#ffd10c|color=#000}}
{{pnm Song|PIANO CONTEMPORARY|[[Macuilxochitl]]{{from|[[AC jb ripples|jubeat ripples]]}}|[[Tomosuke Funaki|TOMOSUKE]] |148|SMOKE [19]|18|19|35|42|17|20}}
{{pnm Songlist Category|Unlockable from March 23rd, 2011}}
{{pnm Song|QUILT|[[Quilt|キルト]]<br><small>with ''[[AC jb knit APPEND|jubeat knit APPEND]]''</small>|[[Osamu Migitera|Des]]-[[Sanae Shintani|Sana]]+[[Jun Wakita|w]][[Daichi Watanabe|p]][[Tomosuke Funaki|t]][[Daisuke Kurosawa|9]]|178|knit|15|21|33|40|17|26}}
= New Charts =
The following songs have received new charts since their last arcade/console appearance:
{{pnm NC Header|type=old|
{{pnm NC Song|[[Sutekina tabla|すてきなタブーラ]]|[[AC pnm 2|pop'n music 2]]|-|-|'''27'''|'''39'''|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Suichuukazoku no theme|水中家族のテーマ]]|[[AC pnm 3|pop'n music 3]]|-|-|'''31'''|'''37'''|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[CANDY (Riyu Kosaka)|CANDY♥]]|[[AC pnm 8|pop'n music 8]]|-|-|-|'''37'''|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Pink Rose]]|CS ([[CS pnm 5|pop'n music 5 CS]])|-|-|-|'''35'''|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Chat! Chat! Chat!]]|pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET / CS ([[CS pnm portable|pop'n music portable]])|-|-|-|-|-|'''17'''}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Greening]]|pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET / CS ([[CS pnm portable|pop'n music portable]])|-|-|-|-|-|'''14'''}}
= Revived Songs =
The following songs from previous pop'n music releases have been revived:
{{RSp Songlist Header|
{{RS Song|[[CANDY (Riyu Kosaka)|CANDY♥]]|[[Riyu Kosaka|♪♪♪♪♪]]|[[AC pnm 8|pop'n music 8]]}}
{{RS Song|[[shining|☆shining☆]]|[[Riyu Kosaka|りゆ]]&[[Noria Shiraishi|のりあ]]|[[AC pnm 9|pop'n music 9]]}}
{{RS Song|[[GRADUATION ~sorezore no ashita~|GRADUATION ~それぞれの明日~]]|[[BeForU]]|[[AC pnm 12|pop'n music 12 いろは]]}}
{{RS Song|[[BREAK DOWN!|BRE∀K DOWN!]]|[[BeForU]]|BEMANI ([[ee'MALL]])}}
= Difficulty Changes =
The following songs have received difficulty changes since their last arcade/console appearance:
{{pnm NC Header|type=old|
{{pnm NC Song|[[I'm on Fire]]|[[AC pnm 2|pop'n music 2]]|16&rarr;22|-|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Sutekina tabla|すてきなタブーラ]]|[[AC pnm 2|pop'n music 2]]|-|5&rarr;6|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Tempura kyoudai|天麩羅兄弟]]|[[AC pnm 5|pop'n music 5]]|4&rarr;8|-|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Ending theme of pop'n music 6]]|[[AC pnm 7|pop'n music 7]]|16&rarr;13|-|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Tir na n'Og]]|[[AC pnm 8|pop'n music 8]]|-|-|22&rarr;20|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Chase! Chase! Chase!|チェイス!チェイス!チェイス!]]|[[AC pnm 8|pop'n music 8]]|8&rarr;12|-|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[ULTRA BUTTERFLY(kongouriki)|ULTRA BUTTERFLY(坤剛力)]]|[[AC pnm 10|pop'n music 10]]|20&rarr;22|-|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[D-groove REQ]]|[[AC pnm 11|pop'n music 11]]|12&rarr;16|-|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Violently Car]]|[[AC pnm 13|pop'n music 13 カーニバル]]|-|21&rarr;23|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Tougen emaki|桃源絵巻]]|[[AC pnm 13|pop'n music 13 カーニバル]]|17&rarr;21|-|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Polis]]|[[AC pnm 15|pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE]]|-|-|21&rarr;23|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Midori no kaze|緑の風]]|[[AC pnm 15|pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE]]|-|14&rarr;11|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Wartran main theme|ウォートラン・メインテーマ]]|[[AC pnm 15|pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE]]|-|16&rarr;17|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Kicky Kemari Kicker]]|[[AC pnm 16|pop'n music 16 PARTY♪]]|11&rarr;18|-|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Geiselhaus]]|[[AC pnm 17|pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE]]|-|-|-|42&rarr;43|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Polaris]]|[[AC pnm 17|pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE]]|-|-|34&rarr;35|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Second Heaven]]|[[AC pnm 17|pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE]]|-|-|32&rarr;34|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Saigo no ketsudan|最期の決断]]|[[AC pnm 17|pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE]]|-|-|30&rarr;28|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Blow Me Up]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|17&rarr;15|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Heart of dreams]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|14&rarr;12|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Ignited Night]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|21&rarr;22|-|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Let it go]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|-|-|35&rarr;33|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Liebe~boukyou~|Liebe~望郷~]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|17&rarr;14|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[NOBUNAGA]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|-|35&rarr;36|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[O-KU-NI|O・KU・NI]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|-|-|39&rarr;38|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[starmine -swallowtail mix-]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|-|-|37&rarr;36|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[trezire de spirit]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|-|30&rarr;29|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Twin Trip]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|17&rarr;14|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Ama no Touge|天の峠]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|-|29&rarr;30|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Boku wo sagashini|ボクをさがしに]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|15&rarr;13|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Fuurinkazan|風林火山]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|-|35&rarr;36|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Getsufuma-den|月風魔伝]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|-|34&rarr;32|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Kokoro no collage|心のコラージュ]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|17&rarr;16|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Jo|序]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|-|34&rarr;35|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Parabola|パラボラ]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|-|-|31&rarr;32|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Pop music zokuron|ポップミュージック続論]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|19&rarr;17|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Sumidagawa karenka|隅田川夏恋歌]]|[[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]|-|20&rarr;18|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Ruten to kaiten|流転と回天]]|pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET / CS ([[CS pnm 14|pop'n music 14 FEVER! CS]])|-|15&rarr;17|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Chat! Chat! Chat!]]|pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET / CS ([[CS pnm portable|pop'n music portable]])|11&rarr;7|-|34&rarr;31|-|15&rarr;12|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Greening]]|pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET / CS ([[CS pnm portable|pop'n music portable]])|-|-|-|-|13&rarr;11|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Sweaty Guys]]|CS ([[CS pnm 5|pop'n music 5 CS]])|4&rarr;9|-|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Kimi ni todoke|キミに届け]]|CS ([[CS pnm 7|pop'n music 7 CS]])|-|12&rarr;14|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Omoide wo arigatou|想い出をありがとう]]|CS ([[CS pnm 11|pop'n music 11 CS]])|13&rarr;17|-|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Sayonara heaven|サヨナラ*ヘヴン]]|CS ([[CS pnm 11|pop'n music 11 CS]])|12&rarr;17|-|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Jouou kishi|女王騎士]]|CS ([[CS pnm 13|pop'n music 13 カーニバル CS]])|-|16&rarr;19|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Itoshisato setsunasato kokorotsuyosato|恋しさと せつなさと 心強さと]]|TV/ANIME ([[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]])|-|15&rarr;13|-|29&rarr;28|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Craze for You]]|BEMANI ([[ee'MALL]])|20&rarr;22|-|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[IMPLANTATION]]|BEMANI ([[ee'MALL]])|18&rarr;23|-|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Destiny lovers]]|BEMANI ([[ee'MALL 2nd avenue]])|13&rarr;17|-|-|-|-|-}}
{{pnm NC Song|[[Kodomo no rakugaki chou|子供の落書き帳]]|BEMANI ([[ee'MALL 2nd avenue]])|15&rarr;18|-|-|-|-|-}}
= Removed Songs =
The following songs from previous pop'n music releases have been removed from this game:
{{RSp Songlist Header|
{{RS Song|[[Suimin busoku|すいみん不足]]|[[Parquets|パーキッツ]]|TV/ANIME ([[AC pnm 6|pop'n music 6]])}}
{{RS Song|[[Lum no love song|ラムのラブソング]]|[[Yuko Asai|kaco]]|TV/ANIME ([[AC pnm 7|pop'n music 7]])}}
{{RS Song|[[Computer obaachan|コンピューターおばあちゃん]]|[[Kiyoshi Murai|V.C.O.]] featuring Alt|TV/ANIME ([[AC pnm 9|pop'n music 9]])}}
{{RS Song|[[RHYTHM AND POLICE]]|♪♪♪♪♪|TV/ANIME ([[AC pnm 11|pop'n music 11]])}}
{{RS Song|[[Makafushigi adventure|摩訶不思議アドベンチャー]]|高橋洋樹|TV/ANIME ([[AC pnm 13|pop'n music 13 カーニバル]])}}
{{RS Song|[[Anata no toriko|あなたのとりこ]]|[[Tatsuyuki Ookawa|Mademoiselle Seine]]|TV/ANIME ([[AC pnm 13|pop'n music 13 カーニバル]])}}
{{RS Song|[[Miserarete~Aegean umi no theme|魅せられて~エーゲ海のテーマ]]|[[MAKI]]|TV/ANIME ([[AC pnm 14|pop'n music 14 FEVER!]])}}
{{RS Song|[[Konayuki|粉雪]]|♪♪♪♪♪|TV/ANIME ([[AC pnm 16|pop'n music 16 PARTY♪]])}}
{{RS Song|[[Romantic ageru yo|ロマンティックあげるよ]]|[[Kiyomi Kumano|くまのきよみ]]|TV/ANIME ([[AC pnm 17|pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE]])}}
{{RS Song|[[Aruite kaerou|歩いて帰ろう]]|[[Daichi Watanabe|ガチャPON]]|TV/ANIME ([[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]])}}
{{RS Song|[[Battle Without Honor Or Humanity|BATTLE WITHOUT HONOR OR HUMANITY]]|♪♪♪♪♪|TV/ANIME ([[CS pnm 13|pop'n music 13 カーニバル CS]])}}
= Related Links =
*[ pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET Official Website] (archived)

[[Category:Pop'n Music Titles]]
[[Category:pop'n music]]

Latest revision as of 02:22, 8 February 2025

pop'n music arcade releases
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 いろは - 13 カーニバル - 14 FEVER!
15 ADVENTURE - 16 PARTY♪ - 17 THE MOVIE - 18 せんごく列伝
19 TUNE STREET - 20 fantasia - Sunny Park - ラピストリア - éclale
うさぎと猫と少年の夢 - peace - 解明リドルズ - UniLab - Jam&Fizz
アニメロ - アニメロ2号 - MICKEY TUNES - HELLO! (North America)

pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET

Pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET.png

Release Information

  • Location testing: 7/8/2010 - 7/13/2010, 7/16/2010 - 7/20/2010, 7/23/2010 - 7/24/2010, 7/30/2010 - 8/4/2010
  • Release date: December 9th, 2010 (as a stand-alone new game), December 21st, 2010 (upgrade kits)

General Information / Changes

  • Theme: Street tunes/town
  • Brand-new cabinets shipped with this game.
    • The new, slimmer cabinet includes a wider resolution (making it the first wide-screen pop'n music game), a new pop'n music card reader, colorful LED lights, a contactless smart card reader, tweeters, woofers, and a liquid crystal display.
    • You can also see a score graph as you play a la beatmania IIDX and the later GITADORA titles, as well as check others' scores on the songs.
    • On the music select screen, you can also check rankings and other criteria for songs.
  • A new trading card dispenser was added to the machine. After every round of play, you can get a trading card, which shows one of the pop'n music characters, with their profiles at the back. Some rare cards also include a code that lets you unlock 3P palettes for some characters.
  • Character selection screen is not optional anymore. Now it appears after you select a mode.
    • Every character has the background of the song where they debuted, even for removed songs. Characters that never received a background show a generic background.
    • The two exceptions are ENDLESS SUMMER NUDE's JUDY and un-Balance's Kate, which show a generic background.
    • The characters that are rival characters on ee'MALL songs show their respective recycled backgrounds.
  • Licenses once again do not have preview music clips on the official site, the first time since pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE.
  • First pop'n music game to let you change the announcer's voice and system BGM (not counting pop'n music 9's changing system BGM depending on what song you played last).
  • Final pop'n music game that features a cheering crowd during the modifier selection screen.
  • From Staff message page is re-instated on the official site.
  • Unlike previous pop'n music games, PHASE MAX does not unlock all the hidden songs for regular play, nor are there unlock codes.

Staff Information

Full Song List

Default Songs

As of February 16th, 2011, all default songs' EX charts are unlocked.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
さんぽ ♪♪♪♪♪ 122 Mimi [CSp-1P] 6 9 22 29 6 8
ソラニン ♪♪♪♪♪ 179 SAYURI [11] 7 13 24 29 8 10
ウォーアイニー ♪♪♪♪♪ 132 Bis子 [14-2P] 10 15 26 32 11 18
only my railgun ♪♪♪♪♪ 143 SUMIRE [CSp-1P] 15 16 25 36 12 24
ハマナスの花 ♪♪♪♪♪ 129 HAJIME [16-2P] 10 16 25 31 12 21
DRAGON SOUL ♪♪♪♪♪ 162 Nyami [TV-DBZ] 14 17 26 34 13 18
ミス・パラレルワールド 相対性理論 133 ν・μ [8-1P] 11 17 25 31 12 20
アルクアラウンド ♪♪♪♪♪ 136 Higurashi [6-1P] 11 18 27 30 13 22
じょいふる ♪♪♪♪♪ 159 marin [19-1P] 15 18 27 33 13 21
KONAMI originals
ANDES HEALING ナスカの丘 劇団レコード feat. Sana 63-124 Monica 12 13 26 24 10 11
80's PRETTY POP So good!! Sota Fujimori feat. Kanae 146 KIKA [19] 16 16 26 34 15 24
INNOCENT 3 流転と回天
from pop'n music 14 FEVER! CS
WATER STAND 138 MUTSUKI [CS14] 9 17 27 32 13 19
ELECTRIC DANCE WAVE Music-U Qrispy Joybox feat.mao 125 MOMOKO★SAN [19] 12 17 30 34 12 14
HYPER DRAMATIC 薔薇は永遠に美しく TЁЯRA 160 Agent 14 17 35 40 15 24
NEO VISUAL In my story 阿部靖広 170 Ashley=boa 11 17 31 36 11 14
Pf POP 風と自転車 ウォリ荒牧陽子 114 Sarah&Bred 12 16 32 38 12 14
STREET TUNE 探検ノート(Street style) PON 284 Jyun&Shingo [19] 17 17 27 37 16 35
FOLK ROCK 面影橋 Traveling Fan Troop 125-127 KENJI 12 18 30 38 12 15
MECHANICAL JAZZ Apple Butter good-cool 170 Emilio 20 18 32 39 11 12
PROGRE TANGO Red Roses Mutsuhiko Izumi 136-170 El Soluna 14 20 35 41 13 15
WINTER CUTE ROCK ふゆこい ピンクターボ 131 TSURARA [19] 10 18 27 31 10 14
AME-POP Last of “I Love You” spinning cokes 180 もっくん 14 19 28 36 14 18
OSHAMA SWING なまいきプリンセス dormir 125 Alicia 16 20 31 40 14 27
RUNIC AIR Princess Roki Akino 126 Roki [19] 15 21 34 40 12 13
J-NEXT POP ~Timeless~ TAG NEXT MORE 144 JUDY [19] 15 22 32 37 14 17
LABO TECHNO 左脳スパーク 742 192 Dr.JJ&CanCam 14 22 35 40 10 13
VELVET BULLET HIT ヴェルヴェット バレット Des-ROW+2 177 ジャミロ熊井 21 23 35 41 18 33
キセキはじまり☆ 達見恵 featured by 佐野宏晃 168 marin 20 23 30 37 17 24
CYBER METAL 断罪プラズマ 積田 晋平 250 BIT 22 24 36 41 17 30
Added on December 20th, 2010
STAR HEROINE 星空に誓うロマンス
from うたっち
達見 恵 124 Mimi [TV-CREAMY] 9 14 24 28 9 11
IDOL WAVE エンプティ マイ ハート
from うたっち
ビンビンWAVES 132 ice [TV] 15 16 25 30 13 22
BEATNIK UPBEAT Kiddy&Sunshine Lovers 77-214 Ted=Pete 13 16 31 39 11 20
GuitarFreaks & DrumMania 連動企画
Added on May 25th, 2011
MODERN SKA 夢について TYPE A 小野秀幸 feat. natsuki 156 Torte&Parfait [19-2P] 20 20 30 35 12 13
Added on June 8th, 2011
with GuitarFreaksXG2 & DrumManiaXG2 Groove to Live
小野秀幸 feat. 岡本裕美 148 Torte&Parfait [19-1P] 17 24 36 41 16 24


TOWN MODE is pop'n music 19's TUNE STREET main unlocked event. It started on February 23rd, 2011 and continued until support for TUNE STREET ended. e-amusement is required to play the event.

In TOWN MODE, your goal is to build a town. Throughout plays of TOWN MODE, Town Points (TP) are acquired, which can be used to purchase new buildings/games, or CDs from the CD shop. Purchasing buildings and games enable certain benefits in the town, from lowering the cost of CDs to adding more pop'n music characters to the town. Songs are played by speaking to a character and selecting a song from that character's set of available songs. Certain characters contain hidden songs, and after playing one, it becomes available for purchase in the CD shop for a set amount of TP.

Prices for CDs may be lowered by purchasing a Disco (110 TP) or Karaoke Box (100 TP).

(TOWN MODE information acquired from BEMANIwiki 2nd and

Unlock Requirements

Song Requirement Cost
Linear Locomotive Love Talk to Alt 2.0 while the linear railcar is in town (requires the linear station). 1100 TP
Reaching for the Stars Talk to Mary after purchasing GuitarFreaks XG (130 TP). 900 TP
The Zoo Zone Talk to ZOOZO once the zoo appears in town. 1100 TP
Beyond the Ocean Talk to INARI after purchasing KEYBOARDMANIA (100 TP), and placing the game on a tile of earth terrain (purchased for 60 TP). 900 TP
smooooch・∀・ Talk to smooooch after purchasing beatmaniaIIDX (130 TP). 900 TP
緋月の狂想曲 Talk to Ralph Belmondo after purchasing a sanctuary (120 TP). 777 TP
探検ノート Talk to Nyami after purchasing a normal house (80 TP). 50 TP
愛言葉~アイコトバ~CYBER VIP ECHO MIX~ Talk to Taro&Okon after purchasing a karaoke box (100 TP). 1000 TP
Chat! Chat! Chat! Talk to REINA after purchasing a pet shop (110 TP). 222 TP
moffing Talk to Moffy after purchasing a ranch (90 TP). 1100 TP
うるとら★ボーイ NAUGHTY BOY remix Talk to Pino after purchasing a lab (90 TP). 1000 TP
The post-girl in a hat. Talk to MELL after purchasing a post office (130 TP). 1100 TP
Be☆Happy! Talk to Yakkoθchan after purchasing a hospital (80 TP). 1190 TP
GIRIGILI門前雀羅 Talk to NICKEY after purchasing a club (110 TP) and DanceDanceRevolution (130 TP). 900 TP
ピッツァ・イタリアーノ Talk to Marge&Rita after purchasing a pizza house (90 TP). 1200 TP
Passacaglia(J-RAVE MIX) Talk to WALKER after purchasing a library (100 TP). 1000 TP
I'm Screaming LOVE Talk to MIRAI YUMENO after purchasing a TV station (120 TP). 900 TP
MVA Talk to PMX-9 after purchasing a circuit. 1200 TP
ナタラディーン(Raja Maharaja mix) Talk to NaN after purchasing a Calais specialty store (80 TP). 1170 TP
クライマックス銭湯 Talk to Kapooon after purchasing a spa (110 TP). 1010 TP
Happy Life Talk to YUMMY after purchasing a sewage treatment facility (100 TP). 831 TP
ガッテンだ!! Talk to TETSUO after purchasing a builder (100 TP). 1300 TP
少年リップルズ Talk to ookami-boy after purchasing an astronomical observatory (130 TP). 1000 TP
Marigold (Jazzy Hip-Hop Remix) Talk to ν・μ after purchasing a flower shop (80 TP). 1100 TP
OVER THE LIMIT! Talk to Fernando XIII after purchasing a cave (100 TP). 1000 TP
L'eternita Talk to DEBORAH after purchasing a church (110 TP). 1300 TP
時守唄 Talk to tiku-taku after purchasing a watch store (90 TP). 1300 TP
Greening Talk to Yima after purchasing a broad-leaved forest (100 TP). 1000 TP
Remain Talk to Ruinous Room after purchasing a plateau (90 TP). 1300 TP
BabeL ~Grand Story~ Purchase (1000 TP) and enter the first floor of the TOWER.
The TOWER first becomes available for purchase once all 29 previous TOWN MODE songs have been purchased.
100 TP
BabeL ~Next Story~ Purchase (1000 TP) and enter the second stage of the tower. 200 TP
BabeL ~roof garden~ Purchase (1000 TP) and enter the Garden on the tower roof. 300 TP

Unlockable Songs

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
TOWN1 (unlockable from February 23rd, 2011)
A.I.TETSUDOL Linear Locomotive Love seiya-murai feat. ALT 140 Alt 2.0 [19] 13 15 26 31 11 13
ACID JAZZ Reaching for the Stars
from GUITARFREAKS 11thMIX & drummania 10thMIX
serena 188 Mary [15] 13 19 31 37 11 18
ANIMAL MINIMAL The Zoo Zone Mystic Moon 160 ZOOZO 20 23 35 41 17 18
ASIAN Beyond the Ocean
WORLD SEQUENCE 123 INARI [15] 11 18 27 35 13 19
CANDY RAVE smooooch・∀・
from beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS
kors k 177 smooooch 13 23 29 37 12 14
CASTLEVANIA SLOT 2 緋月の狂想曲 倉持武志 135 Ralph Belmondo [19] 15 17 34 40 14 12
KARAOKE REMIX 愛言葉~アイコトバ~CYBER VIP ECHO MIX~ ヨシコとケンジ * MZD [19-KARAOKE] 14 17 28 36 11 14
FRONTIER 探検ノート PON feat.ふじのマナミ 142 Nyami [19] 15 16 32 38 12 14
LOVELY CAT POP Chat! Chat! Chat!
from pop'n music portable
sampling masters MEGA 170 REINA [CSp] 7 22 31 37 12 17
MOF ROCK moffing 猫叉Masterβ2 170 Moffy 16 24 33 39 14 19
TECHNO KAYO REMIX うるとら★ボーイ NAUGHTY BOY remix V.C.O. featuring Yuko Asai RMX by ELEKTEL 150 MZD [19-TECHNO KAYO] 16 21 31 37 11 14
TEGAMI'N BASS The post-girl in a hat. DJ Simon feat. 伊藤理恵子 184 MELL [19] 12 15 27 33 6 11
TOWN2 (unlockable from March 16th, 2011)
E-CLINIC Be☆Happy! SATOE vs. 上野圭市 (Transforming into Nick Q) 168 Yakkoθchan 18 20 29 36 15 24
from DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2
Cheki-ROWS 148 NICKEY [11-2P] 18 22 28 35 15 18
PIZZA ピッツァ・イタリアーノ ツグミーノ 152 Marge&Rita 13 14 28 33 9 11
RETRO FUTURE GROOVE Passacaglia(J-RAVE MIX) Postmodern Remixed by 742 151-152 MZD [19-RETRO FUTURE] 19 21 32 39 13 17
from beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS
Creative Life 147 MIRAI YUMENO [15] 11 17 27 35 9 12
SPEED CORE MVA L.E.D.-G 270 PMX-9 [19] 15 20 31 42 14 16
pop'n NaN matsuri (ポップンナン祭り) (unlockable from March 30th, 2011)
TABLA'N BASS REMIX ナタラディーン(Raja Maharaja mix) Q-Mex RMX by Auridy 161 MZD [19-TABLA'N BASS] 17 22 32 38 17 24
TOWN3 (unlockable from April 13th, 2011)
100ºC BUBBLE TECHNO クライマックス銭湯 Dp.Honda 170 Kapooon 14 17 33 38 12 15
ACIDY DnB Happy Life kobo 175 YUMMY 12 20 34 38 12 15
DOBOKU ROCK ガッテンだ!! すわひでお with manzo 85-170 TETSUO 16 19 34 40 14 15
EMOCTRO 少年リップルズ
from jubeat ripples APPEND
常盤ゆう 210 ookami-boy [19] 12 22 31 39 11 12
FLOWER POP REMIX Marigold (Jazzy Hip-Hop Remix) SHORTCUTS RMX by ROMANTIC PRODUCTION 190 MZD [19-FLOWER POP] 17 19 30 39 15 25
TOWN4 (unlockable from April 27th, 2011)
from GuitarFreaks V6 & DrumMania V6 BLAZING!!!!
伊藤 賢治 104-150 Fernando XIII [13] 15 16 30 39 12 26
JAZZ ARIA L'eternita Celia 144-216 DEBORAH 16 21 32 41 13 24
ANTIQUE 時守唄 felys feat.三澤 秋 120 tiku-taku 19 23 29 35 12 14
from pop'n music portable
猫叉Master 146 Yima [CS10] 12 18 33 41 11 14
RUINOUS SPIRITUALS Remain ZERO+ZIBA 150 Ruinous Room 15 21 35 42 10 12
TOWN MAX (unlockable from June 1st, 2011)
SPIRAL STAIRS BabeL ~Grand Story~ Ako Atak 163 the TOWER [19-1P] 15 17 33 42 11 13
SCALE OUT BabeL ~Next Story~ Power Of Nature 100-173 the TOWER [19-2P] 24 30 39 43 23 28
TWILIGHT CHIME BabeL ~roof garden~ Capital Wage Association 52-65 the Garden 11 13 21 28 13 19

Other Unlocks

Prices for BGM and SE unlocks may be lowered by purchasing any of the following: Pet Shop (110 TP), School (110 TP), Preschool (110 TP), Island (120 TP), or Ranch (90 TP).

Play Skin
  • Cool (クール) - 600 TP - talk to micro.
  • Sweets (スイーツ) - 500 TP - battle RIE♥chan.
  • Rococo (ロココ) - 600 TP - available as of TOWN4 by building the pop'n Castle.
  • Japanesque (和) - 500 TP - available from May 11th to 25th, 2011, by talking to UNO, 2st, WAKA-san, FORCE, and Quattro.
  • Gorgeous (ゴージャス) - 800 TP - available as of TOWN MAX by building a Jewelry shop.
  • Horror (ホラー) - 800 TP - available from August 10th to 24th, 2011 by talking to Yuli, Ash, and Smile.
Background Skin
  • Spring (スプリング) - 600 TP - available by default in the store (133 TP).
  • Winter (ウィンター) - 600 TP - available after purchasing an item related to snow/ice.
  • Sweets (スイーツ) - 600 TP - available as of TOWN2 after talking to Sweets.
  • Nature (ネイチャー) - 700 TP - available as of pop'n NaN matsuri (ポップンナン祭り) by battling NaN on ナタラディーン(Raja Maharaja mix).
  • Summer (サマー) - 600 TP - available from June 29th, 2011 by building a Tanabata Bamboo.
  • Cool (クール) - 600 TP - available from August 10th to 24th, 2011 by talking to Yuli, Ash, and Smile.
  • Autumn (オータム) - 600 TP - available from August 24th, 2011 by building the Tsukimi Dango shop.
  • Dots (水玉) - 500 TP - available from September 7th, 2011 by examinating all 25 landmarks.
Background Music (BGM)
  • BGM~FEVER~ - 140 TP - battle FEVER ROBO.
  • BGM~PAPAPAYA~ - 800 TP - available as of TOWN2 after purchasing a TV station (120 TP).
  • BGM~STAR~ - 1000 TP - available from June 15th to 29th, 2011 by talking to HIKARI NIJINO, MIRAI YUMENO, and SORA HOSHINO.
System Voice (SE)
  • VOICE~ALT~ - 700 TP - Battle Alt 2.0 on Linear Locomotive Love.
  • VOICE~B-kun~ (VOICE~Bくん~) - 800 TP - talk to B-kun.
  • VOICE~Korea~ (VOICE~韓国~) - 700 TP - available as of TOWN3 by talking to YUN and YON.
  • VOICE~Nekketsu~ (VOICE~熱血~) - 800 TP - available as of TOWN3 by battling TETSUO on ガッテンだ!!.
  • VOICE~America~ (VOICE~アメリカ~) - 600 TP - available from May 11th to 25th, 2011, by talking to UNO, 2st, WAKA-san, FORCE, and Quattro.
  • VOICE~Yodo Djor~ (VOICE~淀ジョル~) - 800 TP - available as of TOWN MAX by battling with YODO-DOZEN.
  • VOICE~Sister~ (VOICE ~シスター~) - 600 TP - available from June 15th to 29th, 2011 by talking to HIKARI NIJINO, MIRAI YUMENO, and SORA HOSHINO.
  • VOICE~Sexy~ (VOICE~セクシー~) - 800 TP - available from September 7th, 2011 by examining all 25 landmarks.
  • MZD - available as a playable character by unlocking all REMIXes.

Other Unlocks


The following songs were only available in CHOU-CHALLENGE mode's INTERNET RANKING category during the following dates:

All of them, alongside their respective rival characters, were unlocked by default on February 16th, 2011.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
CONTEMPORARY NATION 5 The Sky of Sadness 猫叉Master 138 NERO 17 23 31 40 14 26
PASSIONATE SAMBA SAMBA de ASPEL Anemo=Aspel by MLREC. 145 Quattro 14 18 30 35 12 15
神曲 あさき 140-152 小坊主 16 19 32 41 12 14


キルト is available with an e-AMUSEMENT PASS after playing Macuilxochitl (which was unlocked automatically on March 7th, 2011) in pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET, then playing キルト in jubeat knit APPEND.

For more information on the event, see its own page.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
APPEND FESTIVAL (Added on March 7th, 2011)
from jubeat ripples
TOMOSUKE 148 SMOKE [19] 18 19 35 42 17 20
Unlockable from March 23rd, 2011
with jubeat knit APPEND
Des-Sanawpt9 178 knit 15 21 33 40 17 26

New Charts

The following songs have received new charts since their last arcade/console appearance:

Song Title Folder Normal Mode Battle Mode
すてきなタブーラ pop'n music 2 - - 27 39 - -
水中家族のテーマ pop'n music 3 - - 31 37 - -
CANDY♥ pop'n music 8 - - - 37 - -
Pink Rose CS (pop'n music 5 CS) - - - 35 - -
Chat! Chat! Chat! pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET / CS (pop'n music portable) - - - - - 17
Greening pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET / CS (pop'n music portable) - - - - - 14

Revived Songs

The following songs from previous pop'n music releases have been revived:

Song Title Artist Folder
CANDY♥ ♪♪♪♪♪ pop'n music 8
☆shining☆ りゆのりあ pop'n music 9
GRADUATION ~それぞれの明日~ BeForU pop'n music 12 いろは

Difficulty Changes

The following songs have received difficulty changes since their last arcade/console appearance:

Song Title Folder Normal Mode Battle Mode
I'm on Fire pop'n music 2 16→22 - - - - -
すてきなタブーラ pop'n music 2 - 5→6 - - - -
天麩羅兄弟 pop'n music 5 4→8 - - - - -
Ending theme of pop'n music 6 pop'n music 7 16→13 - - - - -
Tir na n'Og pop'n music 8 - - 22→20 - - -
チェイス!チェイス!チェイス! pop'n music 8 8→12 - - - - -
ULTRA BUTTERFLY(坤剛力) pop'n music 10 20→22 - - - - -
D-groove REQ pop'n music 11 12→16 - - - - -
Violently Car pop'n music 13 カーニバル - 21→23 - - - -
桃源絵巻 pop'n music 13 カーニバル 17→21 - - - - -
Polis pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - - 21→23 - - -
緑の風 pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - 14→11 - - - -
ウォートラン・メインテーマ pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - 16→17 - - - -
Kicky Kemari Kicker pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ 11→18 - - - - -
Geiselhaus pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - - 42→43 - -
Polaris pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 34→35 - - -
Second Heaven pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 32→34 - - -
最期の決断 pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 30→28 - - -
Blow Me Up pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - 17→15 - - - -
Heart of dreams pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - 14→12 - - - -
Ignited Night pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 21→22 - - - - -
Let it go pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - - 35→33 - -
Liebe~望郷~ pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - 17→14 - - - -
NOBUNAGA pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - 35→36 - - -
O・KU・NI pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - - 39→38 - -
starmine -swallowtail mix- pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - - 37→36 - -
trezire de spirit pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - 30→29 - - -
Twin Trip pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - 17→14 - - - -
天の峠 pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - 29→30 - - -
ボクをさがしに pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - 15→13 - - - -
風林火山 pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - 35→36 - - -
月風魔伝 pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - 34→32 - - -
心のコラージュ pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - 17→16 - - - -
pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - 34→35 - - -
パラボラ pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - - 31→32 - -
ポップミュージック続論 pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - 19→17 - - - -
隅田川夏恋歌 pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - 20→18 - - - -
流転と回天 pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET / CS (pop'n music 14 FEVER! CS) - 15→17 - - - -
Chat! Chat! Chat! pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET / CS (pop'n music portable) 11→7 - 34→31 - 15→12 -
Greening pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET / CS (pop'n music portable) - - - - 13→11 -
Sweaty Guys CS (pop'n music 5 CS) 4→9 - - - - -
キミに届け CS (pop'n music 7 CS) - 12→14 - - - -
想い出をありがとう CS (pop'n music 11 CS) 13→17 - - - - -
サヨナラ*ヘヴン CS (pop'n music 11 CS) 12→17 - - - - -
女王騎士 CS (pop'n music 13 カーニバル CS) - 16→19 - - - -
恋しさと せつなさと 心強さと TV/ANIME (pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝) - 15→13 - 29→28 - -
Craze for You BEMANI (ee'MALL) 20→22 - - - - -
IMPLANTATION BEMANI (ee'MALL) 18→23 - - - - -
Destiny lovers BEMANI (ee'MALL 2nd avenue) 13→17 - - - - -
子供の落書き帳 BEMANI (ee'MALL 2nd avenue) 15→18 - - - - -

Removed Songs

The following songs from previous pop'n music releases have been removed from this game:

Song Title Artist Folder
すいみん不足 パーキッツ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 6)
ラムのラブソング kaco TV/ANIME (pop'n music 7)
コンピューターおばあちゃん V.C.O. featuring Alt TV/ANIME (pop'n music 9)
RHYTHM AND POLICE ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 11)
摩訶不思議アドベンチャー 高橋洋樹 TV/ANIME (pop'n music 13 カーニバル)
あなたのとりこ Mademoiselle Seine TV/ANIME (pop'n music 13 カーニバル)
魅せられて~エーゲ海のテーマ MAKI TV/ANIME (pop'n music 14 FEVER!)
粉雪 ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 16 PARTY♪)
ロマンティックあげるよ くまのきよみ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE)
歩いて帰ろう ガチャPON TV/ANIME (pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝)

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