Jubeat Songs Never Removed: Difference between revisions

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=== Licenses ===
=== Licenses ===

* [[39]] / [[sasakure.UK]]&[[DECO*27]]
* [[39]] / [[sasakure.UK]]&[[Kosuke Terayama|DECO*27]]
* [[(A)ddiction|[A]ddiction]] / EVO+
* [[(A)ddiction|[A]ddiction]] / EVO+
* [[DEATH WORMHOLE]] / [[SOUND HOLIC]] feat. [[Nana Takahashi]]
* [[DEATH WORMHOLE]] / [[SOUND HOLIC]] feat. [[Nana Takahashi]]
Line 372: Line 372:
* [[Bocca della verita|ボッカデラベリタ]] / 柊キライ
* [[Bocca della verita|ボッカデラベリタ]] / 柊キライ
* [[Demnorth kills|デンノウス・キルズ]] / [[cosMo@BousouP|cosMo@暴走P]] feat.初音ミク
* [[Demnorth kills|デンノウス・キルズ]] / [[cosMo@BousouP|cosMo@暴走P]] feat.初音ミク
* [[Ghost rule|ゴーストルール]] / [[DECO*27]]
* [[Ghost rule|ゴーストルール]] / [[Kosuke Terayama|DECO*27]]
* [[Kemumaki underground|ケムマキunderground]] / [[Tomoyuki Hamada|t+pazolite]] feat. [[Nanacchi|リズナ]]
* [[Kemumaki underground|ケムマキunderground]] / [[Tomoyuki Hamada|t+pazolite]] feat. [[Nanacchi|リズナ]]
* [[Lunatic monster|ルナティックモンスター]] / フーリンキャットマーク
* [[Lunatic monster|ルナティックモンスター]] / フーリンキャットマーク
Line 378: Line 378:
* [[Melancholic|メランコリック]] / [[Junky]]
* [[Melancholic|メランコリック]] / [[Junky]]
* [[Miku Miku ni shite ageru (shiteyanyo)|みくみくにしてあげる♪【してやんよ】]] / ika
* [[Miku Miku ni shite ageru (shiteyanyo)|みくみくにしてあげる♪【してやんよ】]] / ika
* [[Mousou kanshou daishou renmei|妄想感傷代償連盟]] / [[DECO*27]]
* [[Mousou kanshou daishou renmei|妄想感傷代償連盟]] / [[Kosuke Terayama|DECO*27]]
* [[Saikyo ambivalent|最凶アンビバレント]] / [[kaztora|森羅万象]]
* [[Saikyo ambivalent|最凶アンビバレント]] / [[kaztora|森羅万象]]
* [[Sukina koto dakede ii desu|すきなことだけでいいです]] / [[PinocchioP|ピノキオピー]]
* [[Sukina koto dakede ii desu|すきなことだけでいいです]] / [[PinocchioP|ピノキオピー]]

Revision as of 17:39, 22 December 2023

With jubeat saucer's Song Swap System, fewer and fewer songs a month were kept consistently in the series. This page lists the songs that have never been removed from the arcade series.

Note that songlists from jubeat saucer fulfill onward only list licenses, since that was the first game that didn't feature jubeat saucer's monthly rotation of song removals from the game. The only KONAMI originals removed since saucer are ちょちょいとちょいだよ夢浪漫, お茶づけ☆パラダイス, 拙者はSAMURAI FOOD, and 椀・of・Relaxation, which were all removed on from jubeat festo on April 3rd, 2020.

This list is currently up to date.


KONAMI originals

jubeat ripples

KONAMI originals

Licensed covers

jubeat ripples APPEND

KONAMI originals

jubeat knit

KONAMI originals


Licensed cover

jubeat knit APPEND

KONAMI originals

jubeat copious

KONAMI originals


jubeat copious APPEND

KONAMI originals

jubeat saucer

KONAMI originals

Event Songs

BEMANI Crossovers


Licensed cover

HinaBitter (ひなビタ♪) songs

jubeat saucer fulfill


jubeat prop


Alternate charts

jubeat Qubell


Alternate chart

jubeat clan


Alternate charts

jubeat festo


Alternate charts

jubeat Ave.

No songs from jubeat Ave. have been removed.