pop'n music Sunny Park

pop'n music arcade releases
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 いろは - 13 カーニバル - 14 FEVER!
15 ADVENTURE - 16 PARTY♪ - 17 THE MOVIE - 18 せんごく列伝
19 TUNE STREET - 20 fantasia - Sunny Park - ラピストリア - éclale
うさぎと猫と少年の夢 - peace - 解明リドルズ - UniLab - Jam&Fizz
アニメロ - アニメロ2号 - MICKEY TUNES - HELLO! (North America)

pop'n music Sunny Park

Release Information


  • Release dates: 12/05/2012 (new cabinets), 12/12/2012 (upgrade kits)
  • Location test dates: 6/28/2012 - 7/1/2012
  • Soundtrack release dates:
    • original soundtrack vol.1: 7/17/2013
    • original soundtrack vol.2: 3/5/2014

General Information / Changes

  • Theme: park.
  • First pop'n music arcade game since the original 1998 game to not have a number in the title.
  • The rival for a song is displayed on the right side of the music select screen when choosing a song, not unlike the first five pop'n music arcade titles.
    • Licensed, non-cover songs use the jacket of the CDs/singles they're from on the right side of the music select screen, as opposed to showing the rival character.
  • Rating system is now expanded from 1-43 to 1-50. Most songs are upped 6-7 levels to compensate. BATTLE charts were not changed.
  • Songs are now grouped into folders not unlike beatmania IIDX.
    • You can also choose your character using song folders divided by game, too.
    • First pop'n music arcade game to have individual game folders for each CS pop'n music game.
  • During the location test period of pop'n music Sunny Park, the song banners were absent. However, the banners were present again on the final release.
  • All artist and song titles now use a singular font.
    • Unique characters or symbols in song or artist titles have been removed.
  • You can switch from genre sorting to song title sorting on the songwheel by pressing the 00 button on the eAMUSEMENT keypad (you no longer have to press the left yellow twice).
    • All genres in the TV/J-POP category songs has been replaced by their respective titles.
  • Difficulty changes are now done by pressing the left or right yellow buttons.
  • 5-Buttons has been replaced by EASY, which uses a select number of buttons, as opposed to only the center five buttons. Not every song has an EASY chart.
    • Songs with EASY charts are placed on top of the songlist of their respective folders.
    • 5-Button mode was still playable in the location test and even included on the new Sunny Park songs in the location test. This suggests EASY mode was a late addition to the game.
  • The TV/ANIME category has been renamed テレビ・Jポップ (TV/J-POP).
  • The BEMANI category now shows songs that were present only on the following BEMANI games: beatmania IIDX, DanceDanceRevolution, GuitarFreaks & DrumMania (both original and XG/GITADORA), jubeat, REFLEC BEAT, and SOUND VOLTEX.
    • As a result, the former ee'MALL songs that don't fit any of the above categories are gone from the BEMANI category, and they can only be found on the NAME, LEVEL, and ARTIST categories.
    • pop'n music originals that had/were arrangements in inactive BEMANI games were also removed from the BEMANI category (such as 夜間行).
    • Licensed songs that have also appeared on other BEMANI games are now included in the BEMANI category.
    • Songs that originated on a currently inactive BEMANI game, but that were crossed over to an active BEMANI game, can now be found in that active BEMANI game's category.
  • All songs now use one singular MISS/FEVER animation, introduced in Sunny Park.
  • EASY and NORMAL MODEs are now merged into a brand new NORMAL MODE.
  • BATTLE MODE now always has COOLs on.
  • Licensed songs (except for Get Off of My Way) are not keysounded, a first in pop'n music.
  • All the characters' 3P palettes that could be obtained by inputting the code found at the back of certain pop'n music 19/20 collectible cards (as well as the new ones for Sunny Park) were moved into a brand new character category, the Special Color category.
    • Other 3P palettes, such as the URA 3P palettes from pop'n music 11, weren't moved to this category, though.
  • OPTION PREVIEW, a small window showing what the HIGH-SPEED, HIDDEN/SUDDEN or CHARA/BEAT-POP will be like for a song, is introduced. It is shown right before the beginning of a song, during the options screen before play.
    • If speed changes are present, previews will be shown for the lowest and highest BPM indicated on the BPM display.
  • A new feature called Event Booster lets you use PASELI to speed up the process of unlocking songs.
  • Only pop'n music arcade title screen with no voices whatsoever if no coins are inserted.
  • First pop'n music game since pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE in which the game's final song unlock doesn't feature its own unique movie.
  • First pop'n music game since pop'n music 14 FEVER! with no REMIXes with MZD as the rival character.
  • First pop'n music arcade game since pop'n music 5 in which Manami Fujino sings no new songs in the game.
  • First pop'n music arcade game where Sanae Shintani has no new songs she sings in.
  • First pop'n music arcade game since pop'n music 9 with no new TOMOSUKE song on the default songlist.
  • First pop'n music arcade game since pop'n music 12 いろは with no new Kiyotaka Sugimoto song.
  • First pop'n music game since pop'n music 3 where none of the game's licenses appear on a soundtrack.
  • Final pop'n music arcade game to date where all of the previous game's hidden songs are unlocked by default in the next game at launch.
  • eAMUSEMENT support ended for pop'n music Sunny Park ended on June 25th, 2014, the same day its successor - pop'n music ラピストリア - began.

Staff Information

Full Song List

New Songs

Default Songs

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Default Songs
マジLOVE1000% マジLOVE1000% ST☆RISH 129 KEIGO★ [17-2P] 4 15 27 36 9 16
オレンジ オレンジ PooooN 182 Jyun&Shingo [19-1P] 5 16 26 34 9 17
つけまつける つけまつける きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ 145 Mimi [TV&ANIME-CANDY CANDY] 3 16 23 29 8 15
オリオンをなぞる オリオンをなぞる UNISON SQUARE GARDEN 182 Sora [14-2P] 6 17 28 37 10 18
猛烈宇宙交響曲・第七楽章「無限の愛」 猛烈宇宙交響曲・第七楽章「無限の愛」 ももいろクローバーZ 174 Suisei Laura [16-1P] 4 17 24 39 6 11
Available from December 5th, 2012 to November 13th, 2013 only
空想メソロギヰ 空想メソロギヰ 妖精帝國 115 odile [17-1P] 7 18 27 38 14 23
JAEPO 2013 (Added on Febraury 18th, 2013)
Get Off of My Way Get Off of My Way MAN WITH A MISSION 135 DJ TSUYOSHI [15-2P] 4 20 32 40 9 16
いぇす!ゆゆゆ☆ゆるゆり♪♪ いぇす!ゆゆゆ☆ゆるゆり♪♪ 七森中☆ごらく部 182 SANAE♥chan [4-2P] 6 22 31 38 13 19
Fresh 5 Licenses (Added on May 15th, 2013)
恋は渾沌の隷也 恋は渾沌の隷也 後ろから這いより隊G 158 *うさぬこ* [SP-3P] 4 23 32 41 9 17
にんじゃりばんばん にんじゃりばんばん きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ 130 AYAME [18-1P] 3 18 29 38 11 23
Added on July 3rd, 2013
マジLOVE2000% マジLOVE2000% ST☆RISH 141 ice [SP-1P] 4 21 30 37 15 20
sister's noise sister's noise fripSide 144 SHOKO [SP-2P] 5 23 31 39 12 21
GUMI Licenses / FLOOR INFECTION (Added on September 19th, 2013)
天ノ弱 天ノ弱 164 feat. GUMI 200-205 GUMI 4 22 36 43 19 23
十面相 十面相 YM feat. GUMI 173 GUMI 3 21 32 42 14 29
セツナトリップ セツナトリップ Last Note. feat. GUMI 145 GUMI 5 24 33 44 15 28
Added on December 19th, 2013
回レ! 雪月花 回レ! 雪月花 歌組雪月花 160 KANOKO [15-2P] 4 22 32 41 5 15
KONAMI originals
Default Songs
RAINY WALTZ リメンバーリメンバー rino & m@sumi from plastic penguin 182 SHOKO [SP] - 20 30 39 14 27
IDOL RUSH 妄想ダイヤモンド sei☆shin feat. Eri 173 *うさぬこ* - 21 32 40 13 19
HIGH COLLAR POP 屋根裏ポスト three-weeks-old lovesick puppy 184 copel - 21 31 38 14 20
HAPPY BRASS POP いたずらな天使と☆Christmas Eve 達見 恵 featured by 佐野宏晃 182 ayumu [SP] 4 21 30 39 7 12
VITAMIN POP WORLD COLOR 猫叉Master feat.林ももこ 110 RIE♥chan [SP] 7 21 31 38 14 29
NODE TRANCE connect kuma feat. 安海ひつじ 148 JUDY [19-3P] - 22 32 39 16 24
MOMO VISUAL 2 魂ノ華 阿部靖弘 feat. 宏樹&龍哲 205 ONE - 22 33 41 11 18
CHINESE MIND 悠久神話録 ~遥かなる山脈に流れる大河の畔にて~ 劇団レコード 140-182 TengTeng - 23 31 42 19 26
LOUGH ROCK LOL! ApachE 190 BOUNTY [SP] - 23 37 45 15 27
KEYBOARDS POP PEACEFUL PLANET PARTY seiya-murai + A.I.Units 140 ice - 24 35 40 18 29
WITHOUT YOU TONIGHT Brand New World VENUS 157 VENUS - 24 33 43 14 22
PATISSERIE POP スイーツ・ドリーム Tatsh feat. Prico 194 Minit's [SP] - 24 35 42 22 31
SPUR FUSION Snowfield Express TIME CAPSULE Lab. 188 OLLIE - 25 39 46 14 21
JUVENILE ROCK 偽りのアルカディア 夏川陽子 197 BLACK - 25 40 45 19 32
TRICK POP Smiling Sota Fujimori feat. nagisa 160 JUDY [SP] - 25 36 42 14 25
SPIT ROCK Throat Hommarju add. YUNRO 150 JACK [SP] - 26 34 44 23 34
DRUM'N COREDUST Mynarco positive MAD-crew 181 nia [SP] 13 27 35 47 17 28
BIO TECHNO 彙電子奏叉 742 211-215 Genes - 27 38 46 13 21
CASTLEVANIA SLOT 3 De-a lungul vieţii 倉持武志 174 Ralph Belmondo 11 28 39 47 14 25
Added on April 24th, 2013
QMA2 灼熱の翼 マジックアカデミー管弦楽団×劇団レコード 166 ALOE 4 20 29 37 10 18
Added on May 15th, 2013
from ひなビタ♪
日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 140 霜月凛 6 21 30 41 8 14
from ひなビタ♪
日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 185 芽兎めう 5 26 38 46 16 27
Added on October 30th, 2013
SWEET'S POP 恋とキングコング
from ひなビタ♪
日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 158 山形まり花 6 22 34 41 17 28
Added on November 13th, 2013
from ひなビタ♪
日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 210 和泉一舞 8 25 36 45 19 29
Added on April 23rd, 2014
GRATITUDE とってもとっても、ありがとう。
from ひなビタ♪
日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 92 春日咲子 3 19 27 34 5 13

Unlockable Songs

Hidden Songs

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Hidden Songs
ciel's BIRTHDAY WEEK!! (Unlockable from December 12th, 2012)
AIR WALTZ わたぐものおなか Dormir 165 ciel - 21 34 41 10 16
Unlockable from October 30th, 2013
from ひなビタ♪
日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 205 山形まり花 / 芽兎めう 12 28 39 47 20 30
Unlockable from November 13th, 2013
from ひなビタ♪
日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 200 和泉一舞 / 霜月凛 10 26 38 46 16 27
Unlockable from April 23rd, 2014
from ひなビタ♪
日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 158 霜月凛 / 春日咲子 8 23 39 46 15 28
from ひなビタ♪
日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 170 山形まり花 / 和泉一舞 - 22 30 38 14 25
MAID METAL ホーンテッド★メイドランチ
from ひなビタ♪
日向美ビタースイーツ♪ 188 春日咲子 / 芽兎めう 9 26 41 47 18 33

Sunny Park opening commemoration! pop'n music Sunny Park × jubeat saucer (サニーパーク開園記念! pop'n music Sunny Park × jubeat saucer)

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
サニーパーク開園記念! pop'n music Sunny Park × jubeat saucer
Added on December 5th, 2012
from jubeat knit
Ryu☆ 181 Rave girl [TV&ANIME] 8 24 38 47 15 22
ZODIAC ORACLE 7 アストライアの双皿
from jubeat saucer
ZODIACSYNDICATE 173 photon [14-2P] 8 29 41 48 17 26
Added on December 12th, 2012
ELECTROSHOCK attack in the minor key Mr.T 164 YOU 11 24 38 45 18 24
SPRING TECHNO spring pony S-C-U 150 Roly-Pony 7 22 33 43 21 30

Tsugidoka! (つぎドカ!)

These songs debuted on December 19th, 2012. They also appear in REFLEC BEAT colette, DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX, and (in the case of Cosmic Hurricane and snow prism, remixed in) GuitarFreaksXG3 & DrumManiaXG3.

The Tsugidoka! song which got the most plays on all games combined as of January 8th, 2013 was transplanted to jubeat saucer on January 9th. The winner song was 紅焔.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
BEMANI連動選曲バトル「つぎカ!」 (added on December 19th, 2012)
COSMO DRIVE Cosmic Hurricane TAG 188 FUGA [SP] 5 26 38 44 18 30
SNOWYCORE snow prism Qrispy Joybox 195 HIUMI [SP] 5 27 35 45 16 25
SCARLET 紅焔 PON 175 RETSU [SP] 5 20 40 45 14 24
華恋ロック (KAREN ROCK) 恋閃繚乱 2B-Waves 142 RINKA [SP] 5 25 33 44 16 25

Fuyuyasumi! Hokahoka BEMANI Daisakusen (冬休み! ほかほかBEMANI大作戦)

These songs could be unlocked since December 26th, 2012 until April 8th, 2013. To unlock the hidden songs of this event, you must play a certain number of credits (two, four, six, eight and ten credits respectively). Afterwards the songs could be unlocked via WaiWai pop'n doubutsuen for five animals each.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
冬休み! ほかほかBEMANI大作戦
Default Songs
from beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle
TЁЯRA 165 KIKYO [12-1P] 5 26 37 44 17 24
kors k 173 smooooch 8 22 35 42 16 20
from GuitarFreaksXG2 & DrumManiaXG2 Groove to Live
Tom-H@ck feat.Nadia 250 miho [20-1P] 7 24 36 45 18 29
DRUM'N'BASS Far east nightbird
from jubeat knit
猫叉Master 180 SiRiUS [15-1P] 9 23 34 44 15 23
from DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
Mystic Moon 166 Wilhelm [14-1P] 13 28 42 47 16 20
天庭 おとこのこ編
from GuitarFreaksXG & DrumManiaXG
あさき 209 星のひと [15-1P] 12 27 38 47 25 36
HAPPY quaver♪
from REFLEC BEAT limelight
Risk Junk 182-186 FU-CHAN [14-2P] 13 29 40 47 17 23
Hi-BLEEP 恋する☆宇宙戦争っ!!
from beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle
Prim 200 CELICA 6 27 35 46 16 22

Boku mo watashi mo★pop'n artist! (ボクもワタシも★ポップンアーティスト!)

This event lasted from January 16th to April 2nd, 2013. After each play, you get one musical note (you can get up to three, depending of certain factors). These musical notes are used to fill a tablature. After filling a tablature, you unlock a random song from the event.As of April 3rd, 2013, these songs are available for everyone to play.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Boku mo watashi mo★pop'n artist! (ボクもワタシも★ポップンアーティスト!)
J-EMO 流れ星ソニック マッカチン企画 feat.sisi 172-186 CHINATSU [SP] 8 22 30 40 15 28
SWING LATTE coffee break そよもぎ 186 cup-kun [SP] 12 26 39 47 10 24
FANTASIA FUSION プロキオンの騎士団 Flying Kite 135 Procyon 11 26 36 45 12 22
GIRLS ROMANCE POP カタテ読書 はるなば feat.NU-KO 188 みっちゃん [SP] 12 27 37 44 14 29
NFR KARISOME 七誌 130 Teruo [SP] 5 23 35 42 9 23

jubeat × pop'n music × GITADORA (jubeatでもpop'n musicでもGITADORA)

These songs could be unlocked since February 14th, 2013 until April 8th, 2013. to celebrate the release of GITADORA. Afterward they could be unlocked via WaiWai pop'n doubutsuen (わいわいポップン動物園): ten animals for all charts, or eight each for just the HYPER/EX charts, or just the EX.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
jubeat × pop'n music × GITADORA (jubeatでもpop'n musicでもGITADORA) (Unlockable from February 14th to April 8th, 2013)
PROGRESSIVE Concertino In Blue
from GUITARFREAKS 7thMIX & drummania 6thMIX
佐々木博史 103-155 OTOBEAR [SP-2P] 12 32 42 48 24 33
TLION69 189 OTOBEAR 5 24 34 41 8 15
情念歌謡 紅蓮の焔
from GuitarFreaksXG & DrumManiaXG
劇団レコードfeat.浅葉リオ 155 OTOBEAR [SP-3P] 10 26 38 44 9 17

pop'n Walker (ポップンウォーカー)

The pop'n Walker event started on March 14th, 2013, and ended on July 2nd, 2013. Songs afterwards could unlocked via WaiWai pop'n doubutsuen: each song costs 20 animals to unlock, or 16 for just the HYPER/EX charts or just the EX.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Phase 1 (Added on March 14th, 2013)
INNOCENT きまぐれな風向き
from pop'n music 7 CS
Water Stand 78-96 MUTSUKI [CS7] - 16 30 38 8 11
SLOPE CARNIVAL 滑り台のマーチ Mutsuhiko Izumi 162 Poet [SP] - 23 31 41 8 10
SEESAW FANTASY She saw a miracle OJ ENSEMBLE 180 黒ぐるっぱ~ [SP] - 24 35 42 15 23
from jubeat copious
TAG 144 ちせ - 26 38 46 17 28
EUROPEAN BREAKCORE Les Vague m@sumi 100-180 Anne - 28 41 46 15 22
WARABE STEP コドモライブ onoken feat.asami 140-146 てまり - 29 43 49 15 30
Phase 2: Steel KuroNekoRu Be (Added on April 10th, 2013)
CONTEMPORARY NATION 6 砂塵カゲロウ 猫叉Master 90 Yima [CS11-1P] - 17 31 40 10 16
Steel Chronicle Dawn of departure YNKT MDKS BAND 180 ELENA 6 19 31 41 11 18
BLACK ALBUM OVERHEAT -Type P- DOUBLE IMPACT 155 PANDETH [16-2P] - 30 42 48 22 30
Phase 3: Fresh 5 (Added on May 15th, 2013)
ATHLETIC BOOGIE ATTRACTION! 96 248 BIT [19-2P] - 22 39 47 16 24
DREAM CHAMPURU Dimensiva Vulnus Akhuta 120-240 KANTA [CS13-2P] - 29 39 48 14 23
from REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-
PON 157 RETSU [SP-2P] 7 25 40 45 15 26

Shiritsu BEMANI gakuen (私立BEMANI学園)

The Shiritsu BEMANI gakuen event started on April 23rd, 2013 and ended on December 19th, 2013. The event revolves around raising the Friendship between two artists to 100% in order to unlock a certain song. You need to check the Shiritsu BEMANI gakuen eAMUSEMENT site after you've reached 100% to claim an unlock. You can raise the Friendship degree by playing beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro, DanceDanceRevolution, GITADORA, jubeat saucer, pop'n music Sunny Park, or REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-. Depending on the game that you're playing, certain songs will raise the Friendship degree of two artists faster than on the other BEMANI games. For more information, please see its own page.

Songs are ordered from the one that gives you more Friendship (and as such, you can unlock it faster in pop'n music Sunny Park), to the one that gives you the least.

To unlock Elemental Creation, you must have unlocked all the previous 9 Shiritsu BEMANI gakuen songs, then you need to raise the Friendship degree of dj TAKA and DJ YOSHITAKA to 100%.

The event ended in pop'n music Sunny Park on December 19th, 2013; songs could be unlocked via WaiWai pop'n doubutsuen for ten animals each for any missing songs.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
私立BEMANI学園 (unlockable from April 24th, 2013)
CREATOR 創世ノート PON+wac 200 MZD [SP-CREATOR] 10 23 42 48 13 23
DRUM STEP Empathetic Sota÷Des 180 MZD [SP-DRUM STEP] 3 26 37 45 11 20
LUCKY TECHNO ラキラキ Mutsuhiko Izumi & S-C-U 165 MZD [SP-LUCKY TECHNO] 6 25 36 43 24 33
SPEED DANCE GAIA 猫叉L.E.D.Master+ 180 MZD [SP-SPEED DANCE] 17 30 43 48 26 38
SWEETRONICA 晴天Bon Voyage TOMOSUKE × seiya-murai feat. ALT 230 MZD [SP-SWEETRONICA] 4 21 32 41 10 16
LIGHT-VISUAL POP 虹色の花 Akhuta y OJ 170 MZD [SP-LIGHT-VISUAL POP] 5 22 32 42 14 22
RICE METAL お米の美味しい炊き方、そしてお米を食べることによるその効果。 大日本鉄倶楽部 【あさき&96 190 MZD [SP-RICE METAL] 11 25 40 47 15 24
HARD RENAISSANCE Elemental Creation dj TAKA meets DJ YOSHITAKA 212 MZD [SP-HARD RENAISSANCE] 18 35 44 49 32 38

Mimi, Nyami & Kotaro no flying catch! (ミミニャミ・コタローのフライングキャッチ!)

This event with jubeat saucer started on June 3rd, 2013, and ended on March 3rd, 2014. For more information, please see the event page.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
TEK-TRANCE yellow head joe
with jubeat saucer
S-C-U 187 Boxies [13-1P] 9 25 35 43 18 23
from jubeat
DJ YOSHITAKA 185 MANA [20-3P] 12 28 40 47 17 24
COLOR FUSION Riot of Color
from GuitarFreaksXG3 & DrumManiaXG3 / jubeat copious APPEND
TAG 150 JAGUAR-B [CS9-1P] 7 26 38 45 15 22
EPIC PROG 量子の海のリントヴルム
from jubeat copious
黒猫ダンジョン 280 Maud 12 28 41 48 20 29
from jubeat copious
Tatsh 185 AMETORI [10-2P] 7 23 37 44 10 16
ORIENTAL CORE The Wind of Gold
from jubeat copious APPEND
kors k 170 N.NAGA [18-1P] 7 24 36 43 16 23
Hi-CORE †渚の小悪魔ラヴリィ~レイディオ†
from jubeat saucer
夏色ビキニPrim 190 ピュアクル♥リップ [20-1P] 6 23 33 46 16 21
from jubeat copious APPEND
DJ YOSHITAKA 90-300 JOMANDA 14 30 42 48 25 30
from jubeat saucer
TAG 188 FUGA [SP-1P] 8 27 38 46 14 25
from jubeat saucer
dj TAKA feat.AiMEE 164 C-noid [20-1P] 10 29 42 48 24 40
with jubeat saucer
S-C-U×PON 185 Canopus 15 32 43 49 22 34

WaiWai pop'n doubutsuen (わいわいポップン動物園)

The WaiWai pop'n doubutsuen event started on July 3rd, 2013.

To unlock songs in this event, you must round up a certain amount of animals into a designated area corresponding to the song. You earn these animals by clearing various conditions as you play. After finishing a round of songs, you then select the song you want to place your animals in via the buttons on the pop'n music controller. After the number above the song reaches 0, you unlock that song.

All songs introduced in the WaiWai pop'n doubutsuen Phases each take 54 animals to unlock. The only exceptions are IMBOLC (which takes 99) and ANGELION (which takes 21). See the other event lists for numbers for the other songs moved to the WaiWai pop'n doubutsuen event.

IMBOLC and ANGELION cannot be unlocked until you unlock all other songs in the game first. IMBOLC must be fully unlocked to unlock ANGELION.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Phase 1 (Added on July 3rd, 2013)
LOVE MUSICAL 不思議の国のキングダム彼氏 ARM(IOSYS) feat. 高井さん 140 ARISA 8 23 35 44 15 22
EXCITING ROCK 鳥無き島にて あさき 126 こうもりおとこ 9 24 37 46 20 27
PATHETIC SKA マジSKA 176 FOXY [10-2P] 6 25 35 45 19 28
DIVA POP LUV×REVO 星野奏子TAG それとPON 181 えりりん 7 26 34 43 15 23
NOMADIC NATION 2 Esperanza 猫叉劇団 135 Mata Hari [20-2P] 10 27 42 48 22 28
Phase 2 (08/12/2013)
EDM Into UR Heart Sota Fujimori feat.yoshiko 140 JUDY [SP-3P] 5 23 33 43 15 21
POP MUSIC うた mami 220 UTA 9 26 41 47 9 31
PUPCORE ポチコの幸せな日常 NU-KO 192 pochiko 10 27 38 45 15 27
CHIPPIN'RAVE Bleep Beep Bop kors k 175 whip 12 28 37 44 17 33
REGRETS FEELING スマイル・リプレイ seiya-murai feat.秋成 175 flow flow 8 28 34 42 20 28
BEAST METAL 野獣ワイルド ブタパンチ 249 Ryan 13 29 39 48 19 29
Phase 3 (12/25/2013)
ROMA SWING Tears In The Light Akino 140 Lyra [17-2P] 8 21 32 44 12 22
AMBITION ポプコネ existence(エレクトロポップン!MIX) parsec connected by CapsColte 150 小次郎 [SP] 7 23 35 43 15 24
MOF POP ポプコネ アルパカ☆Boooing sei☆shin feat.茉莉亜 connected with 猫叉Masterβ2 187 Moffine 6 24 34 45 9 21
NIGHTMARE METAL 背徳と邪悪のエピタフ 96 vs Vivian 187 EMPRESS [17-1P] 6 24 34 45 9 21
Final Phase (02/06/2014)
NINJA METAL ポプコネ 背水之陣 (Kagutsuchi Remix) すわひでお connected by Kagutsuchi 210 YOSHIO [SP] 13 29 42 48 24 35
IMBOLC 生命の焔纏いて WALPULG 184 Flamme 15 31 42 49 24 36
ANGELION 生命の環を紡いで han@*mori 105-172 Flora 15 33 43 50 22 34


Similar to the other FLOOR INFECTION parts, playing SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection- will raise the infection level and unlock the following songs during the respective periods:

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Part 3 (07/10/2013 - 07/24/2013 / 10/10/2013 - 10/17/2013 / 04/25/2014 - 05/02/2014)
レトロスペクティビリー・メリーゴーランド レトロスペクティビリー・メリーゴーランド
Level 1 MAX
はるなば 180 navigator RASIS 6 25 36 44 16 24
draw!!!! draw!!!!
Level 2 MAX
Music by PHQUASE, Vocal by ぁゅ 157 navigator RASIS 7 24 35 45 15 23
超恋愛☆エクストリーム・ガール 超恋愛☆エクストリーム・ガール
Level 3 MAX
Music by Ayatsugu_Otowa, Vocal by みゅい 196 navigator RASIS 8 26 38 46 20 29
Part 5 (08/21/2013 - 09/02/2013 / 12/11/2013 - 12/18/2013)
華陽炎-Hana Kagerou- 華陽炎-Hana Kagerou-
Level 1 MAX
源屋 feat. Kuroa* 85-195 navigator RASIS 7 25 37 44 15 24
ませまてぃっく♥ま+ま=まじっく! ませまてぃっく♥ま+ま=まじっく!
Level 2 MAX
かめりあ feat. ななひら 192 navigator RASIS 10 29 39 47 18 26
C18H27NO3 C18H27NO3
Level 3 MAX
Team Grimoire 210 navigator RASIS 16 30 43 49 17 29
Part 7 (09/19/2013 - 10/03/2013 / 04/18/2014 - 04/25/2014)
届け!シューティングスター☆ 届け!シューティングスター☆
Level 1 MAX
Noriyuki 188 GUMI 6 25 33 41 20 26
Level 2 MAX
しけもく 187-280 GUMI 11 27 39 45 21 31
金縛りの逢を 金縛りの逢を
Level 3 MAX
はるなば 200 GUMI 13 28 40 48 22 34

Q-pro, Mimi, Nyami & Pastel-kun no minna de uchuu sensou!! (クプロ・ミミニャミ・パステルくんのみんなで宇宙戦争!!)

The Q-pro, Mimi, Nyami & Pastel-kun no minna de uchuu sensou!! (クプロ・ミミニャミ・パステルくんのみんなで宇宙戦争!!) collaboration event with beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro and REFLEC BEAT colette began on July 29th, 2013. It is based on the unlock system of OUR SPACE WAR (ぼくらの宇宙戦争) from beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro.

Playing more than one of the participating games in the same day will increase the progress speed for that day.

From December 19th, 2013, the progress speed has been tripled for everyone to commerate the start of the Nettou! BEMANI Stadium (熱闘!BEMANIスタジアム) event. In addition, you can check the unlock progress through the event's eAMUSEMENT page.

From September 12th, 2013, Zirkfied can be unlocked once the crossovers on all three games have been unlocked.

From January 23rd, 2014, the unlock progress will be only shown on the event's eAMUSEMENT page and not anymore in the games.

The Q-pro, Mimi, Nyami & Pastel-kun no Minna de Uchuu Sensou!! event ended on May 14th, 2014. Songs not unlocked before then cannot be unlocked in pop'n music Sunny Park.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Chapter One (第一章) (Unlockable from July 29th, 2013)
from beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro
中山真斗(Elements Garden) feat.桜川めぐ 157 SUMIRE [CS10-1P] 6 26 34 44 16 26
想歌 梅 (SOUKA UME) 梅雪夜
from REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
Qrispy Joybox feat. mao 167 Tsubaki [15-1P] 7 28 38 43 11 17
ANTHEM 天空の夜明け
from beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle
Cuvelia 150 IRYS [20-2P] 12 30 42 49 21 32
ZODIAC ORACLE 1 ストレイ・マーチ
from REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-
少年ゾディアック 180 ookami-boy [CSp] 9 29 40 47 19 28
from beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem
DJ Mass MAD Izm* 153 HAPPPY [17-2P] 10 28 39 48 20 33
LUCKY HARDCORE Daily Lunch Special
from REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
Lucky Vacuum 205 Mr.KATUCCO [TV&ANIME] 13 31 40 46 20 25
Hi-ν BLEEP キャトられ♥恋はモ~モク
from beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro
ギュ~っとしたいPrim 8 puririn [20-1P] 8 28 38 46 24 29
from REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-
DJ TOTTO 186 フォーゲル椀田 [11-2P] 15 32 42 48 25 37
Chapter One: Post Completion (第一章完遂後) (Unlockable from September 12th, 2013)
SPACE REQUIEM Zirkfied iconoclasm 210 Zirkfied 15 30 41 49 24 35

1,000,000 Wow Wow Kinen! pop'n demo Without You Tonight (100万Wow Wow記念!ポップンでもウィザウチュナイ)

The following event contains four VENUS songs, all of them new to pop'n music. This event started on November 20th, 2013.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
100万Wow Wow記念!ポップンでもウィザウチュナイ (Added on November 20th, 2013)
Default Songs
VENUS 152 VENUS [SP-1P] 7 24 36 43 15 25
from REFLEC BEAT limelight
VENUS 160 VENUS [SP-1P] 9 25 37 44 14 29
Unlockable Songs
from REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-
VENUS 157 VENUS [SP-1P] 10 27 35 43 16 27
from REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-
VENUS 165 VENUS [SP-1P] 8 23 33 43 17 26

Nettou! BEMANI Stadium (熱闘!BEMANIスタジアム)

The Nettou! BEMANI Stadium (熱闘!BEMANIスタジアム) event is a collaboration event between beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA, DanceDanceRevolution (2013), GITADORA, pop'n music Sunny Park, jubeat saucer, REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-, SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection-, DanceEvolution ARCADE, and ミライダガッキ FutureTomTom Ver.2. For more information on the event, please see its page.

To access the rhythmin Cup (リズミンカップ) for Engraved Mark, you had to link your eAMUSEMENT account to ポップンリズミン, and then play Engraved Mark on it once. Since March 5th, 2014, this tournament is available for everyone to access.

Genre Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
First Half (前半戦) (Unlockable from December 19th, 2013)
SYMPHONOVATIVE ROCK Stella Sinistra Akhuta Philharmonic Orchestra 120-180 WALKER [7-2P] 11 28 37 46 22 32
青春剛速球メタル マインド・ゲーム 96 with メカショッチョー 180 P-1&P-2 [TV/ANIME] 6 23 38 45 15 24
VARIANT RAVE PUNISHER TAG×PON 180 Timer [16-2P] 10 30 40 47 21 33
BIG BEAT HYENA Hommarju 178 JACK [10-2P] 9 26 36 46 20 33
お天気野球合戦 (Unlockable from December 15th, 2013)
crimms TALES 2 去る金合戦
あさきくりむ童話 164 にんじん [20-1P] 7 23 34 43 13 19
Hinode hai (日の出杯) (Unlockable from January 7th, 2014)
from DanceDanceRevolution X2
Ryu☆ 181 RINKA [SP-2P] 8 25 37 44 14 26
Second Half (後半戦) (Unlockable from January 23rd, 2014)
ELECTRIC MANOUSH SWING デッドボヲルdeホームラン 猫叉Masterβ2 145 ロミ夫 [16-2P] 9 21 37 45 19 31
WITHOUT YOU TONIGHT -VI- Squeeze VENUS feat. Mutsuhiko Izumi 173 VENUS [SP-2P] 11 29 41 47 16 23
the BASEBALL 野球の遊び方 そしてその歴史 ~決定版~ あさき大監督 141 FRESHMAN [20-2P] 9 21 37 45 17 25
BASEBALL HEROINE 轟け!恋のビーンボール!! ダイナミック野球兄弟 v.s. クロスファイヤーPrim 180 LISA [16-1P] 11 29 41 48 24 36
HAPPY SAD CORE Engraved Mark
from GITADORA (Mobile) / jubeat plus / REFLEC BEAT plus / ポップンリズミン
Ryu☆Des-ROW 188 LEON [20-1P] 10 28 39 46 23 32
Rainbow tournament (レインボートーナメント) (Unlockable from January 29th, 2014)
from REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-
kors k feat.吉河順央 156 RIE♥chan [SP-1P] 7 23 35 43 15 23
ライトニングカップ (Unlockable from February 5th, 2014)
PON 181 ONE [SP-2P] 8 24 40 46 20 29
Best nine finals (ベストナイン決定戦) (Unlockable from February 6th, 2014)
BLOOD METAL IX dj TAKA VS DJ TOTTO feat.藍 198 MZD [SP-BLOOD METAL] 14 32 43 49 26 37

New Charts

5-Buttons charts were replaced with EASY charts, which use a select number of buttons, which depends from song to song. However, not every song received EASY charts, the ones that did were TV/J-POP licenses and several popular KONAMI original songs.

The folowing page lists all the returning songs with new EASY charts, as well as the number of buttons used for every chart respectively:

pop'n music Sunny Park New EASY Charts List

Difficulty Changes

pop'n music Sunny Park brings a new difficulty scale, from 1 to 50, replacing the old 1-43 scale. Because of this, every song from previous releases has been re-rated.

Most of the songs received a simple re-rate on their 9-Buttons charts (old level +6 = new level), however certain songs received other re-ratings on certain charts, which are shown in the following table.

The following songs have received new ratings from their last arcade/console appearance:

Song Title Genre pop'n music Sunny Park Folder Normal Mode Battle
Easy Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Colors TRANCE BEMANI (ee'MALL) - - - 39→46 - -
STEEL CAGE GRAIND CORE (ee'MALL) - - 25→30 - - -
LINN 1999 HARENTI TECHNO (ee'MALL 2nd avenue) - 15→20 - - - -
LOVE D RIVE HAPPY HARDCORE (ee'MALL 2nd avenue) - - - 36→41 - -
I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU POPS pop'n music - - - 29→38 - -
monde des songe FANTASY pop'n music - 3→11 - - - -
Quick Master J-TEKNO pop'n music - 5→10 - - - -
ROSE~恋人よ、薔薇色に染まれ DIGI ROCK pop'n music 2 - - 24→31 31→38 - -
すてきなタブーラ MASARA pop'n music 2 - - 27→35 - - -
birds AMBIENT pop'n music 4 - - 22→29 - - -
Nanja-Nai KAYOU HOUSE pop'n music 4 - 12→19 - - - -
Over The Rainbow FRIENDLY pop'n music 4 - 8→15 - - - -
愛言葉~アイコトバ KARAOKE pop'n music 4 - 7→12 - - - -
Homesick Pt.2&3 SOFT ROCK pop'n music 5 - 16→23 - - - -
POP-STEP-UP LESSON pop'n music 5 - 15→22 - - - -
une fille dans la pluie (日本語版) FRENCH POP-J pop'n music 5 - - 20→25 - - -
魔法の扉(スペース@マコのテーマ) ANIME HEROINE pop'n music 5 - - 24→32 33→43 - -
夜間行 DES-REGGAE pop'n music 7 - - - 41→48 - -
Over The Rainbow FRIENDLY LIVE pop'n music 8 - 12→19 - - - -
ブタパンチのテーマ OI PUNK 0 pop'n music 9 - 24→31 - - - -
男々道 HIP ROCK 2 pop'n music 9 - 27→34 - 40→47 - -
ロシアのおみやげ COSSACK pop'n music 9 - - 29→37 - - -
雪の華 TAIGA DRAMA pop'n music 9 - - - 27→34 - -
"Princess Piccolo" FAIRY TALE pop'n music 10 - - 22→29 - - -
Atlantic Spotted Dolphin HEALING FUSION pop'n music 10 - - 28→35 - - -
DDR MEGAMIX DDR pop'n music 10 - - 36→43 - - -
HOLiDAY RAKUGAKIDS pop'n music 10 - - - 29→36 - -
Holy Forest SYMPHONIC METAL pop'n music 10 - 18→25 - - - -
SUMMER TIME CARIBBEAN BEATS pop'n music 10 - - 25→32 - - -
ヒデオ体操第一 POP'N TAISOU pop'n music 10 - - 28→35 - - -
絡繰男爵奇譚 DARK MARCHEN pop'n music 10 - - 20→27 - - -
海の歌 SHIMA-UTA pop'n music 10 - - 25→32 - - -
demolizione MIRAIHA pop'n music 11 - 17→24 - - - -
GRADIUS -FULL SPEED- GRADIUS pop'n music 11 - - 32→40 - - -
カゲロウ RINSEI pop'n music 11 - - 37→44 - - -
最強おばちゃん伝説 OSAKA pop'n music 11 - - 35→42 - - -
テンプラ揚三 DRM'N FRY pop'n music 11 - - 38→45 - - -
1クールの男 DYNAMITE SOUL pop'n music 12 いろは - 18→25 - - - -
MY MESSAGE SONG pop'n music 12 いろは - - - 38→45 - -
Vairocana CYBER GAGAKU pop'n music 12 いろは - - 37→44 - - -
恋する東京 TOKYO ROMAN pop'n music 12 いろは - 16→21 - - - -
お豆の哀歌 SET'S BEAN pop'n music 12 いろは - - - 36→43 - -
SYMPHONIC TECHNO pop'n music 12 いろは - - - 35→42 - -
忍びアン子は恋の呪文 NINJA HEROINE pop'n music 12 いろは - - - 37→44 - -
白いとび羽根 TANABATA pop'n music 12 いろは - 14→18 - - - -
進め!爺ちゃん! KEI-ROW PUNK pop'n music 12 いろは - - 37→44 - - -
ススメ!少年!! ROCKBILLY pop'n music 12 いろは - 18→25 - - - -
MOON AISYU-EURO pop'n music 13 カーニバル - 22→27 - - - -
Sanctum Crusade SYMPHONIC METAL op.2 pop'n music 13 カーニバル - - 36→43 - - -
Violently Car RACING pop'n music 13 カーニバル - - 33→41 - - -
ポップミュージック論 MEGANE ROCK pop'n music 13 カーニバル - 22→27 - - - -
桃源絵巻 ASIAN MIXTURE pop'n music 13 カーニバル - 22→27 - - - -
燃やせ!青春 ~ポップン学園応援歌~ OUENKA pop'n music 14 FEVER! - - 27→32 - - -
El pais del sol(GIVE ME MORE SALSA MIX) LATIN REMIX pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - 15→22 - - - -
Soul On Fire LOUD MIXTURE RAGGA pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - - - 41→46 - -
Votum stellarum -forest #25 RMX- ANTHEM TRANCE REMIX pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - - 36→41 - - -
儚きは我が決意 SEISYUN ROCK pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - 22→27 - - - -
走り続けて CONTINENTAL pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - - - 31→36 - -
緑の風 CURE pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - - 20→25 - - -
ネガイゴト SHY POP pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - 18→22 - - - -
西麻布水道曲 PERCUSSIVE 2 pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - 23→31 - 39→46 - -
天庭 KINDAI ZECCHOU ONGAKU pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - - - 42→47 - -
桃花恋情 HYPER CHINESE POP pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - 19→26 - - - -
つばめ WELLFARE pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - 18→23 - - - -
ウォートラン・メインテーマ WARTRAN TROOPERS pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - 17→24 - - - -
∞space FUTURE FUSION pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE - 20→27 - - - -
Echoes CONTEMPORARY NATION 3 pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - 17→21 - - - -
Kicky Kemari Kicker KEMARI pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - 33→40 39→46 - -
Mighty Guy MAXIMUM pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - 31→38 - - -
MIRACLE FLYER!! HYPER J-PARTY ROCK pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - 20→28 - - - -
the keel (Nu-Style Gabba mix) ELEGOTH REMIX pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - - 37→44 - -
V PROGRESSIVE pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - - 42→47 - -
ポルターガイスト VIOLIN PROGRESSIVE pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - 20→25 - - - -
シュレーディンガーの猫 TOY CONTEMPORARY pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - - - 43→50 - -
バイキングマン VIKING pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ - 23→30 - - - -
CURUS-M (ditty) METAL FLOW pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 33→38 - - -
Geiselhaus METALLIC OPERA pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 36→43 - - -
Infinity Of Our Love ELEBITS J-POP pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 27→34 - - -
Le départ à L'Alpe-d'Huez FRENCH CINÉ JAZZ pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 26→33 - - -
Stardust Wanderers SPACE OPERA pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - - 38→45 - -
Tree in Lake ~消えたチチカカの木~ CONTEMPORARY NATION 4 pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - - 38→45 - -
暗黒サイケデリック ANKOKU PSYCHEDELIC pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE / TV/J-POP - - - 38→45 - -
誰がために陽はのぼる SHOWA NOIR pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - 35→42 - - -
踊るフィーバーロボ Eu-Robot mix FEVER ROBO REMIX pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - 24→28 - - - -
音楽 SILENT pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - - 43→50 - -
ピエロのままで CLOWN PUNK pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - - 37→44 - -
ピンク ADOLESCENCE pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - 13→17 - - - -
リンゴロジック FOLKTRONICA pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - - 35→40 - -
突然ゴルゴンゾーラ KAIJUU pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE - - - 42→47 - -
AKATSUKI FUNKY KOTA pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - 25→29 - - - -
GOLD RUSH (pop'n GOLD MOUNTAIN rush) RECKLESS RAVE pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - 23→31 - - - -
Heart of dreams POSITIVE 2 pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - 12→16 - - - -
Liebe ~望郷~ MANDOLIN STEP pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - 14→19 - 35→40 - -
Twin Trip GIRLS COUNTRY pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - 14→19 - - - -
ボクをさがしに CHAMBER POP pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - 13→18 - - - -
風林火山 JINKI PROGRESSIVE pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - - 41→48 - -
一激必翔 HIP ROCK 5 pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - 37→44 - - -
蛇神 ORIENTAL MYTHOLOGY pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - - 41→48 - -
心のコラージュ J-HOUSE POP 2 pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - 16→21 - - - -
踊る埴輪 ZENPUOKOUEN BEATS pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - 17→22 - - - -
しまなみ海道男道 ARANAMI ENKA pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 - - 29→36 - - -
BabeL ~roof garden~ TWILIGHT CHIME pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - 26→34 - - -
GIRIGILI門前雀羅 MIXTURENPON pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - - 35→42 - -
Macuilxochitl PIANO CONTEMPORARY pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - 16→21 - - - -
Remain RUINOUS SPIRITUALS pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - - 42→49 - -
The post-girl in a hat. TEGAMI'N BASS pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - 27→32 - - -
断罪プラズマ CYBER METAL pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - 36→41 - - -
風と自転車 Pf POP pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - 32→37 - - -
なまいきプリンセス OSHAMA SWING pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - - 40→47 - -
探検ノート FRONTIER pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - 32→37 - - -
ヴェルヴェットバレット VELVET BULLET HIT pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - - 35→40 - - -
夢について TYPE A MODERN SKA pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET - 20→27 - - - -
Celsus VALKYRIE BREAKS pop'n music 20 fantasia - - 36→41 42→47 - -
Diamond Dust REFLECTIVE TRANCE pop'n music 20 fantasia - 19→23 28→33 - - -
Eine Haube ~聖地の果てにあるもの~ VELLUM pop'n music 20 fantasia - - - 42→49 - -
EPIC EPIC TRANCE pop'n music 20 fantasia - - - 36→44 - -
HEAT-BIT-HIT-BEAT LO-BIT SAMPLING pop'n music 20 fantasia - 23→32 - - - -
How Low UPPER POP pop'n music 20 fantasia - - - 36→41 - -
Intersection PHASING POP pop'n music 20 fantasia - 16→25 - - - -
KIMONO♥PRINCESS PRINCESS CORE pop'n music 20 fantasia - - 35→42 - - -
THE FIRST SPACE FIGHT from FALSION FALSION pop'n music 20 fantasia - - - 39→44 - -
Tradria PROGRESSIVE REEL pop'n music 20 fantasia - - - 32→40 - -
Twinkle Wonderland TWINKLE POP pop'n music 20 fantasia - - 29→34 - - -
ぶきように恋してる MUNE KYUN☆MARBLE pop'n music 20 fantasia - - - 32→37 - -
カラルの月 NOMADIC NATION pop'n music 20 fantasia - - 36→43 - - -
永遠という名の媚薬 ~Pyramid Power・Death Match ver.~ PYRAMID REMIX pop'n music 20 fantasia - - 34→41 - - -
幻想花 DIVA METAL pop'n music 20 fantasia - - 29→32 - - -
ひみつの言葉 MAGIC PASS pop'n music 20 fantasia - - - 31→41 - -
情操ディストピア AYAKASHI ROCK pop'n music 20 fantasia - - 36→40 - - -
魔法的新定義 electro mix TEKNOGIRL REMIX pop'n music 20 fantasia - - 27→34 - - -
マジヤバ最強伝説 CHURISU EURO pop'n music 20 fantasia - - 31→38 - - -
ミサコの日記 (見ちゃダメ!) NORO-EMO? pop'n music 20 fantasia - 21→29 35→42 - - -
ノー! ノー! Way ULTRA 90's pop'n music 20 fantasia - 17→24 - - - -
オトメルンバ♪ L.E.D.-G STYLE MIX CHIBIKKO IDOL REMIX pop'n music 20 fantasia - 19→24 - 35→42 - -
ピアノ協奏曲第1番"蠍火" DIRGE pop'n music 20 fantasia - - - 43→50 - -
青春の扉 NEVER ENDING PUNK pop'n music 20 fantasia - - 36→40 41→46 - -
少年は空を辿る MURAKUMO pop'n music 20 fantasia - - - 43→50 - -
時を止める魔女 SONATINA TRONICA pop'n music 20 fantasia - - - 34→41 - -
透明なエモーション J-HARD DANCE pop'n music 20 fantasia - - 34→38 - - -
ゼロ・グラビティ ROUND POP pop'n music 20 fantasia - - - 32→40 - -
Con te sabi 2119 AFRICA CS (pop'n music CS) - - 23→33 - - -
Life J-POP CS (pop'n music CS) - 13→20 - - - -
Water Melon Woman TECHNO'80 CS (pop'n music CS) - - 14→18 - - -
Theme of staff roll~special mix~ LIVE CS (pop'n music 2 CS) - 9→17 - - - -
取り返してやる! ~Again, My Lovely Day~ CUTE CS (pop'n music 2 CS) - 6→13 - - - -
赤いリンゴ GROOVE ROCK CS (pop'n music 3 CS) - 14→23 - - - -
Concertare CLASSIC 4 CS (pop'n music 4 CS) - 19→26 - - - -
Maritare! CLASSIC 6 CS (pop'n music 6 CS) - 15→20 - 40→47 - -
Distance SYMPATHY 2 CS (pop'n music 7 CS) - 13→20 - - - -
お天気とチョコレート MODE CS (pop'n music 7 CS) - 20→24 - - - -
翔べない天使 MODERN'80 CS (pop'n music 7 CS) - 12→19 - - - -
Line Times CLASSIC 8 CS (pop'n music 8 CS) - 15→22 - - - -
School Life KESHIGOMU CS (pop'n music 8 CS) - - - 39→46 - -
Angel Fish TEARS CS (pop'n music 9 CS) - - - 28→33 - -
Hell? or Heaven? CLASSIC 9 CS (pop'n music 9 CS) - 26→33 38→45 - - -
うぐいす TWEET CS (pop'n music 9 CS) - - - 36→43 - -
Doll's sight CLASSIC 10 CS (pop'n music 10 CS) - 17→22 - 41→48 - -
エブリデイ・ラブリデイ TWINKLE DANCE CS (pop'n music 10 CS) - - 20→24 - - -
想い出をありがとう CLASSIC 11 CS (pop'n music 11 CS) - - 38→45 42→49 - -
オヤシロのムスメ MOE POP CS (pop'n music 12 いろは CS) - - - 28→33 - -
鹿鳴館の怪人 SHOWA KAIKITAN CS (pop'n music 12 いろは CS) - 19→26 - - - -
突確全回転! PRETTY MIYABI CS (pop'n music 12 いろは CS) - 20→27 - 40→45 - -
月雪に舞う花のように FOREST SNOW CS (pop'n music 12 いろは CS) - 21→28 - 40→45 - -
jewelry girl* JEWELRY ROCK CS (pop'n music 13 カーニバル CS) - - 31→39 - - -
forest song NATURE CS (pop'n music 14 FEVER! CS) - 12→19 - - - -
Invisible Lover ELECTRO CS (pop'n music Best Hits!) - - - 33→40 - -
Cloudy Skies SYMPATHY 4 CS (pop'n music portable) - - - 35→40 - -
μ9 SPACE POP CS (pop'n music portable 2) - - 33→38 41→46 - -
uən RINASCITA CS (pop'n music portable 2) - - - 42→49 - -
生きてこそ~特別版~ KAGRUNGE CS (pop'n music portable 2) - - 36→43 41→48 - -
キセキ KISEKI TV/J-POP (pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE) - 13→16 - - - -
じょいふる JOYFUL TV/J-POP (pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET) - - - 33→41 - -

Removed Songs

The following songs from previous pop'n music releases have been removed from this game:

Song Title Artist Folder
Release date
日本印度化計画 筋肉少女帯 TV/ANIME (pop'n music 8)
釈迦 筋肉少女帯 TV/ANIME (pop'n music 8)
タッチ 新谷さなえ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 8)
Somebody Stole My Gal ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 9)
ガッチャマンの歌 ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 10)
炎のキン肉マン よしくんマン TV/ANIME (pop'n music 10)
アンパンマンのマーチ 中山マミ森の木児童合唱団 TV/ANIME (pop'n music 11)
「名探偵コナン」メイン・テーマ ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 12 いろは)
愛をとりもどせ!! すわひでおとメカスワオ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE)
Love so sweet ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 16 PARTY♪)
天体観測 ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 16 PARTY♪)
ポリリズム ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE)
ホタルノヒカリ ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝)
DRAGON SOUL ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET)
アルクアラウンド ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET)
さんぽ ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET)
ソラニン ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET)
ウォーアイニー ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET)
Everyday、カチューシャ ♪♪♪♪♪ TV/ANIME (pop'n music 20 fantasia)
Removed on November 13th, 2013
空想メソロギヰ 妖精帝國 TV/J-POP (pop'n music Sunny Park)

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